New short story

even the usa is not a fully free market…It is impossible to realize, which is why economists work with the theoretical structure of the free market for their model.

And this is a fantasy game where the impossible should actualyl work. What the Goblins have is the closest thing we can turn a global market. And now Blizzard ruins it because every race leader has to be just like Anduin.

Stares at the worgen

Thinks back to me and other wanting them to be absolutely visicious towards their enemies, much like the forsaken

Right. Guess some people don’t know the alliance fanbase that well.


Have you seen gnomergan? Leper gnomes?

They do seem quite fine with the Alliance Man’s burden style imperialism though.


Brother, we’re a corporate oligarch; not a free market.
Your software development/white collar is outsourced, your blue collar is imported (and then further suppressed under the threat of deportation in order to keep the natives controlled), your wages are stagnated intentionally on a legal and industrial level, your health industry is outsourced to other nations in trade for military defense, while you fund the costs through a depreciated debt-based sliding scale that determines how good you are to keep in a state of perpetual debt based on how frequently you pay that debt back.
Your housing market is perpetually inflated to the point of outpricing natives, and can only be sustained through investment portfolio profiteering to short smaller businesses on marginal dividends and profit off their externally-inflicted bankruptcy.

I have witnessed capitalism in my country and I have posted examples of it above. The current america you dream about is anything but, and its rapidly sliding downgrade can be properly attributed to vulture economics and corporatism.

You know. The exact opposite of capitalism.

So you’re whining because Blizz hasn’t made goblins some bizzaro world Ayn Randian fantasy? Ummm…okay. Personally I am surprised that you’re still on this one, I figured that you would have moved on to complaining about too many Alliance characters in the beta trailer that Blizz released.

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ironically most communist regimes in practice didn’t give a half crap about that kind of thing.

There was a short amount of time where there were Russian worker communes, but that got axed right quick in lieu of reporting to some remote party official in Moscow.

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Seriously, that is the funniest part of this complaint


Goblins are my third favorite race after blood elves and trolls.

Now trolls are communists…

That’s the irony of calling what gazlow is doing communism. Communist regimes are notorious for poor working conditions and seeing people as expendable and generally executing anyone who doesn’t toe the party line


If his criticism was that he would have liked to keep the ultra-capitalism presented by Cata - BFA because it just appealed to him more on a personal level I can understand it, I also thought Monte was far too nice here and I don’t think it gave me the feeling of “Goblins” as we know our Gobos. That at least makes the position understandable, but it has nothing to do with commonism.

I liked the Goblins the way Gallywix handled them. That is the type of goblin I can get behind. All I am asking for. And not everyone having the exact same personality.

Which was a betrayal by one psychotic gnomez where as the goblins are show to be an institutional problem of capitalism.

looks at the Quillboar of course only the Alliance ever did colonialism. Not at all like the Horde.

Not every race can be a monarchy.

Then say that and don’t waste stupid buzzwords like “communism” and defend that position with more bs. Really, use your head!

Too manyn people this days use buzzerwords in order to help their argument and miss the point by a mile by doing so.

The quillboar who the big point of the quests involving them in low level horde stuff is that they’re expanding?

If you want to talk safety, both races are reckless, Goblins tending to explosions as they’re more combustion based. But gnomes are just as likely to teleport you randomly, change your body randomly and so on.


You know what’s ironic is that the Horde has tried much more imperialistic expansionism than the Alliance as an organization. Do you really want to throw a stone in a glass house?

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To be fair the Centaur got out-imperialismed first.

You Euro Vision people …

But what about the corporate welfare tho?

Our Great United States are not free market - we pump corporate welfare

What sort of glasses are people wearing that they think the US Corporate Welfare System is free market?