New short story

You mean the person who comes off more like “hyper aggressive Alliance partisan trolling as what they think a horde fan sounds like” doesn’t represent the horde?

oh no, 15 people, with at least 1/3 of them blue backgrounded liked a post about an idea where a good chunk of the crying about it seems to be culture war inspired because workplacce safety is a communist plot to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids?

Thread seems split, some people don’t like it some do. Silly to try and pigeon hole the factions from that.


Posted in the wrong thread.

Did I say every Horde fans wants this? No. But there are enough, at the very least enough want the goblins to remain short sighted, profit driven capitalist.

Hell, the same person is even going on about how the Horde should remain this evil force because the Horde seems to have less cities destroyed.

You cant deny being evil has been part of the Horde’s story and thata good chunk of its players chose it to be “evil”. Hell, forsaken fans still seem to enjoy their canibalism racial for a reason.

Contrary to some opinions, I don’t think that the short story makes Gazlowe into a communist. The goblins are not all going kumbaya. At most, they are starting to divert off a self-destructive path, on to a path that provides sustainable long term profits and locks in the loyalty of their biggest customers (i.e. the other Horde member races).

Providing health benefits and decent working conditions is not a sign of burgeoning communism either. It is a smart capitalist taking care of his goblin capital to ensure that he doesn’t deplete it and at the same time undermining the possibility of actual socialism/communism taking root amongst working class goblins.

Ask yourself who masterminded the Sickness Insurance Law of 1883, the Accident Insurance Law of 1884 and the Old Age and Disability Law of 1889 in Germany? Noted “communist” Otto Von Bismarck…

They abuse the Horde again to implement california polititcal activism instead of having their own personal stories of struggle like Alleria and Anduin got them. It is not only ruining the image of the goblin race it also henches in with alliance bias.

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To be fair you made a kind of pointless statement, in a large player base you can find a good subsection of any group that can fit some category. Doesn’t really prove anything.


It proves that alot of Horde fans still like being evil. That in order for the Horde to be an organization that is less evil it will gasp have to be more like the Alliance.

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We have two factions. And they should show actual differences in their mindset that are not the aesthetics. Really. If you want that then turn all characters into grey blobs with the same names. Alliance players love boring stories with zero spice.

no one should tell him that TÜV is a german invention, founded in hannover. and mannheim …and was partly builded because of the terrible conditions in the industry…but psst! its a secret :wink:

Exactly the point I was trying to make. The goblins are not devolving, they are evolving into greater forms of capitalism.


And I can find a good subsection of the Alliance that wants the same. Although that gets bigger with the addition “But still be treated as heroes”

It doesn’t mean anything really.

Well that’s not true at all.


That is communism no matter how hard you try to sugarcoat it.

noted fans of the concept of “Paying your employees”, the stormwind nobility.


I am sure the work under Gallywix was still better then under the thumbs as defias and the non nothing from the house of nobles.

Reinforcing your business structure to prevent self-destruction from within to further increase capital gain is not communism. Its a form of capitalism that has been practically lost the last thirty years and what built the country.

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As far as I know, you receive German social care yourself, means that germany is now communistic because its not 100% capitalism?

Wait, liking SAFE working conditions, having health insurance and a boss who actually cares about their workers and their families is considered to be a bad thing and communist lite? When it’s just a goblin ensuring his people don’t exterminate themselves by being reckless?

If that’s communism to you….well I’m sure most people here would sign on the dotted line for that


Yes all of europe is full of communism infact. Not a single country in the EU can claim to be a free market. the only actual capitalism has the USA you know the country goblin society is based on.

Like the gnomes(as excentric as they get) generally do care about their workers and as far as I can tell have always paid them fairly and they treat safety as a greater concern then the Horde.

I honestly don’t. I doubt Alliance fans are particularly interested in going full blown capitalist ham like the goblins or want a race of cannibals in the Alliance.

For someone who whines constantly about Horde characters/races being villain batted, you sure are upset about a Horde race no longer being lead by a 1 dimensional villain.

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I started my new job two years ago. And I hate all those people calling in sick days when they aren’t even ill. that is real bad business.

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