New short story

Small indie company folks. Can’t hire writers who can try to emphasize a race that is totally not human.

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Small indie companies don’t have the money, prestige or size to make too many mistakes. So they tend to humbly look for help from players and other sources to make their story work. (IMO of what I seen)

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Guess we should get rid of Tauren and Trolls then, right?

I mean the blatant inspiration from native american aesthetics on Tauren. Trolls practice voodoo, a real practice. Trolls worship loa, spirits based on real beliefs.

We need to remove them from the game, right?

Talanji is working fine for the trolls and Rokhan too since they aren’t trying to change their races to make them apealling for humans. But with Gazlowe with have our very own Karl Marx.

That isn’t answering the question. They have things based on the real world. Their religion is a set entirely derived from real world practices that share the real name.

Should we take voodoo out of canon, in your opinion? Should Loa not be a thing, in your opinion?

No what matters are the way the race is portrayed. Goblins work fine as the funny technological junkies who produce by industrial masses. That is what I want to preserve.

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So we need to remove voodoo and Loa, right? They can’t be in the game, in your opinion. It’s bad, in your opinion.

Changing the goal post aren’t we? You know very well that was not my point.

this is a goblin

and this isn’t

No you just said something you don’t actually believe. You made up a rule for Blizzard to follow that you don’t even want them to follow. You don’t even know what your complaints are. Your critique is worthless.

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We have completely different perspectives of communism.

To me its honestly looking like Gazlowe is turning things into a proper business and is showing investment in employees is a greater bottom line than short-cutting.

I won’t lie, I was with you in expecting the usual nu-blizzard writing style of shoving their political talking points and mentioning the struggle, but Andrew wrote this solidly and genuinely.

We get a perspective of Gazlowe post-BFA meeting Noggenfogger, a trade prince of near eldritch age at this point (Vanilla) and showing the right way to earn a profit and expand business. This was a textbook case of positively shown capitalism and its something thats genuinely been kind of starved in media for years.

I liked it. It was short, it was sweet, it showed plenty of goblin culture and the difficulties in bringing it up to Thrall’s Horde Standard.


Still lollin that the “Goblin purists” are mad about a change that is likely to get the goblins the most focus they’ve seen since… their starting zone in cata?

Modern capitalist gobbos vs Dickensian workhouse gobbos, lets go.


Decency isn’t a racial trait, not in fiction, not in reality.


The goblins are just starting to leave their gilded age mentality, is all. Real life history proves worker’s rights do not destroy business profitability in the long term. Happy workers are more productive—Studies have said up to 20% more, in fact.


There is no Thrall standard. Just becuase Thrall believes he is a green human doesn’t mean the rest of the faction should do the same. Stop apologizing a bad story.

I don’t really know how to tell you this, every playable race is some variation of Human. Blizzard uses a lot of real world cultures as analogues for the races, so yes, they all have a lot of real world human qualities. It has always been this way.

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They are fantasy races. The barest minimum of the story should be showing those races exactly how we experienced them the past 20 years and not some California idealism.

If I’m going to be frank, this story reminded me of my father. He ran a business that was focused on quality, valued his workers, and didn’t cut corners on maintaining his engines and equipment. He wasn’t focused on massive profit and undercutting his competition, and he ended up conquering a pretty good chunk of agricultural business in this mindset.

The man also hated commies with a passion I haven’t seen since anyone born of the 50’s.

We just don’t view this in the same light. I view this as goblins embracing what it means to be truly capitalist.


I don’t think you know much of anything about California or the world at large, if I’m honest.

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To quote your favorite warchief: “Times change

Goblins are not the only game in town for what they can offer anymore, and if they do not adapt to a world more at peace they are going to get left behind.


Sylvanas was my favorite warchief but nice try.