New short story

Gazlowe is an idiot who works better as human then as goblin. Just like Thrall and Calia. A bunch of sucky characters nobody asked for.

When I finished the Goblin starting zone back in Cata, I was kind of pissed at Thrall that he let Gallywix continue to lead.

While Gallywix is a great character, he isnā€™t leadership material. Maybe a side character to work with now and then.

He should have been replaced in Cata.


Youā€™re free to leave donā€™t let the door hit you on the way out, things will continue down this path and youā€™re powerless to stop it. But yeah, continue paying for 2 subscriptions to the game you hate. Seems smart.

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Sort of feels like they want to reposition the Goblins as an actual counterpart to the Gnomes. It was always goblins cared about quantity over quality, and gnomes quality over quantityā€¦ what Gazlowe is preaching basically flies in the face of that.

Iā€™d say the story boils down to the fact Gazlowe has realized long term profits come at the expense of short term losses, and that respect is not a thing you can buy.


Goblins donā€™t need respect just working technology and they already deliver on that. Gazlowe stands in the way and he needs to be killed so his ideals canā€™t ruin the last cool Horde race.

That always seemed so out of character for him, I always just chalked it up to him being a bit rattled by the kidnapping and still mostly focusing mentally on the cataclysm so he took the easy low effort option so he could go back to his trip to the maelstrom.

Its not like the goblin PC actually could have been the trade prince.

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Blizzard seems keen on ruining the Horde further with their bad storytelling and humanized characters of races that are the exact opposite of their original fantasy.

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Erevien you got to admit it Horde WILL be the New Red Alliance!

However joking aside I do wonder if either Blizz will make a hominization of the story focusing on the different races and Nations in Azeroth leaving the hardcore metal faction conflict purely to PvP scenarios for different game modes and stagesā€¦


Will they slowly turn the Alliance into the Blue Hordeā€¦ or Alliance in WC3 where they had corrupted humans like Lord Garithos or like in Vanilla that Onyxia almost took over Stormwind with help of the noble housesā€¦ We never got to know who does mischievous noble houses were huh?


ALL of the Above or None of itā€¦ Knowing Blizz, how they love to turn things on their heads from what players expectā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Iā€™m just surprised that we havenā€™t seen union boss goblins before this. Seems just as natural to have as the robber barons as they kinda go together storywise


Blizzard seems to mock me directly by ruining everything I used to like about the Horde before. They hate me it seems and try their best to make all the Horde races act like normal humans with no monster features.

Humans donā€™t even have capitalism though. Humans are still feudal with peasants doing all the work.

Imo, the modern horde should basically be

Orcs/Trolls/Tauren - Old heads contending with changes as they find a balance between traditionalism and the changes tech and other races culture introduces.

Belves/NB - Magic bros dealing with recent upheaval of society and growing out of traditional elven isolationism and arrogance.

Forsaken - Where to hide Caliaā€™s body Conflict between the forsaken that basically want to reclaim the mantle of Loraedon and basically just be dead humans, vs the darker side of the forsaken that have made undeath their personality. With the dark side not being necessarily wrong

Goblins - Parody of modern capitalism rather than being cartoon villains/idiots

Pandas et al - Theyā€™re here too.


Iā€™m proud to see Gazlowe standing for what is right. I can only hope to see him reform the Goblin as a race and set them on the path of good.

It is telling if it is an alliance partisan who supports the Goblins in losing their edge for the technology race. Donā€™t listen the Gazlowe and embrace the Gallywix back.

This isnā€™t about factions anyway. As reiterated in the short story, but has always been apparent, the Goblin are a neutral race. Only a very small fraction of them, only one cartel, is partnered with the Horde.

Goblin technology becoming more consistent and reliable and less of a joke is a bad thing apparently.

Itā€™s also a prerequisite if weā€™re ever going to get a Tinker or other tech based class in the game.


The Bilegwater is the largest cartel. And the Steamwheedles allied with the Horde in the second war. They were never neutral. Horde race through and through.

And Quelā€™Thalas allied with the Alliance in the Second War. :sunglasses:

Communist worker rights ideas are a bad thing in a work full of fantasy that should NOT adapt real life things just for the sake of pandering.

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Hmmm, well to be fair a LOT of writers nowadays struggle to write fictional races with fictional culturesā€¦ so they lash unto the part of the race that is human or they tried to humanizeā€¦ anime do it all the time were you feel more for the misunderstood bad guys than for the suppose good guys.

Maybe that could be itā€¦ worst case scenario the writer likes to self-insert lol.
I do admit that being able to imagine a fictional race and culture can be VERY challenging if your not verse or like to read into the real world Mythos, tales, legends or other modern or old cultures and their literature or how they see from their side and perspective of the World. (Try reading the a historical moment of the World from the losing/villian side and you get to see whole other story completely!)

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