New short story

He’s definitely more FDR than Lenin.


We already had unions before Gazlowe. And that is good enough. You don’t have to drag an entire race into being nice when we already have Gnomes. And I doubt Blizzard would ever have those lose their edge of technology to the Goblins in this race since they never liked the little greenlings enough to flesh out their culture before. Some times being a capitalist punchline is good enough hence why Gallywix is still popular.

A) Gnomes aren’t nice. That’s just what they want you to think. It’s a strategy to make people underestimate them. Check out Kelsey Steelspark’s Gadgetzan quests.

B) Gazlowe wanting to maximize long term profits instead of short term exploitation doesn’t make the Goblins nice. It makes them smart.


You want fleshed out goblins? Play Pathfinder 2nd edition. :slight_smile:

Is it just me? Or do gnomes come off as being smug? :blush:

True. The problem was the Story kept equating short term Exploitation With “profit”. Not sure if that isn’t just a result of Inherent assumptions Of creative types inadvertently creeping in. But it does weaken the picture of Gazlowe As a capitalist

You mentioned FDR not Lenin. But it Is also FDR not Henry Ford.

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Is Pathfinder’s setting good? I loved WOTR and Kingmaker wasn’t bad, but I looked at a map and it did not look even remotely coherent as a setting.

Gnomes are smart, creative and innovative. Of course, they’re smug. It’s part of their charm. :grinning:

I did the Horde side and we recruit a huge ogre clan was fun.

He literally tries to tell Marin that capitalism isn’t the way and being respectful to each other is what he learned from Thrall. The exact opposite of what we learned since Gallywix ruled things.

Imagine thinking having living workers to make you MORE MONEY and preventing your workers from dying off needlessly due to negligence and shortcuts are seen as terrible things. What reality is this?

You treat your workers well and pay them well, they work harder and better for you. Not a hard concept.


Erevien, are you a communist?

Because I don’t think many self-proclaimed capitalists would claim “basic worker safety and sustainable business models are inherently antithetical to capitalism”. That’s a take that I’d say is far more common with communists and their adjacent ideologies. So your insistence on this makes me think you, in fact, might be the communist here.


80%+ of the business books I’ve had to read for work are basically “Treat your employees right and listen to their concerns/ideas because if you treat them like mindless drones, thats all you’re gonna get”.

Didn’t know they were trying to convert me to communism.


So you missed out on awesome Gnome quests and still don’t understand what Communism is. Excellent.

It’s a smorgasboard. Want a Burrogh’s style setting? take your pick robots and barbarian mix your thing there’s Numeria with factors that keep it contained. Pulp fantasy fiction Venus and Mars, Castrovel and Akiton Want a bit of cowboy and less magic, you have the Mana wastes and Alkenstar. Oriental style adventures… Tian Xia for your samurai and ninja kicks.

Their Elminster was a funky dude who mixed druidic and wizardry magic and set up the world’s most prestigous academy of magic in the Africa expy known as Garundi.

And then there’s Galt, a place of Revolution where the Terror never stops, and where political fictims are executed with guillotines whose Final Blades capture the souls of those they take. Rahadoun where atheism (not a disbelief of, but rejection) of all dieties is enforced by the Rule of Man.

Their iconic Paladin… a former theif who still wears the helmet she stole from a Paladin, causing her later death from a head injury.

You’ve got rules for gothic horror, lovecraft horror, and mechanics and places for intrigue.

The settings and mechanics are a big pick and choose lunchbox.

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Dystopian society capitalism is what I signed up for with Goblins. Gallywix is hillarious and Gazlowe sucks.

You rolled a blood elf… you didn’t sign up for anything.


I have goblin characters mind you and nothing about them needs to be changed. Gazlowe stands alone with his revolution.

The ogres would have been most likely to name it being the dominant faction pre-space goats.

I feel vindicated Blizzard agree with my take on why Gazlowe is a better way of Goblin. Treating people right leads to greater profits long term, who knew?


Gallywix is much better then Gazlowe. Who is a filthy communist.

in old lore gobbos bred like rabbits iirc. maybe why they didnt care about life expectancy