New short story

Okay. /10 char.

You see everyone is about peace and friendship now and struggles and conflict no longer exists. Gazlowe needs to be a nice guy so the alliance canā€™t get angry at the Horde anymore.


If Blizzard had any cajones Iā€™d love for them to confirm Erevienā€™s take on the commie angle and then follow that through to the inevitable commie conclusion. Bread lines, gulags, corruption, secret police, mass graves, starvation, etc.

Love him or hate him, Gallywix is the quintessential goblin; the most goblin goblin ever. You put someone in charge who wants to rapidly and fundamentally change that because they think thereā€™s a better way, it doesnā€™t work, which can actually lead to more interesting narrative growth.


You already have Umbric ā€œHero of the proletariatā€ for that


Yes. Gallywix is great. Never saw a more entertaining character to follow around. I feel like they make the Goblins normal now so alliance players wonā€™t feel weirded out when walking around Undermine.

Goblins are cool though. I love the antics they get into :stuck_out_tongue:


I do not know why I canā€™t post here anymore, but I used to post on here as Cureall the goblin priest. I took a break for a few months, but I do want to add: I think the story is fine.

While I suppose I canā€™t claim to be THE biggest goblin fanatic in the entire world, theyā€™re the majority of my WoW characters. I joined in Cata partly because I wanted to play as one. Theyā€™ve been my favorite WC race since the second game, and I ā€˜careā€™ about them the most of the major races. For lack of a better term, theyā€™re my bias.

I sure as hell care about them more than the OP does.

In order for goblin characters to be playable heroes, it has to be established to some extent that goblins GIVE A FLIP about the world in general. The opening experience displayed that because the playable goblin in Kezan was second only to the Trade Prince, yet all of their employees loved you and people considered you good company. You were rising through a cartel with being a complete misanthrope. Likewise, the goblinā€™s Death Knight opening establishes that there are goblins who care about the fate of the greater world, or at least their close associates.

WoW lets goblins actually save the world, and to allow for that they canā€™t be one-note sambas playing a single trope. They have to actually have varied people.

Gallywix isnā€™t a bad character in a vacuum, but his entire shtick is Getting Away With It. The day he has to face some sort of consequences for his actions, heā€™s lost his defining quirk as a character. He consequently makes a good villain and a terrible playable leader, since he simply canā€™t have any comeuppance or losing hand without blowing apart his character.

I have expectations heā€™ll return as leader of Venture Co, a story conceit that has never fully fit into the Cartel/Trade Prince stuff but has been an exceptionally greed-oriented faction even beyond the ā€œregularā€ goblins. Heā€™ll work fine in that.


No you donā€™t. You want Blizzard to turn them into yet another normal good guy race which is a bad thing.

I want them to have something more going on than ruining each other and setting each other up to die. You can have goblins that do that, but should they be Horde? One of the reason my gob DKā€™s RP background was that he was a former Booty Bay Bruiser until he died and was raised is because I felt that BB goblins, even though many of them were pirates operating a store, got along with each other to an extent.

Blizzard has tried to pass off the mafia-like bits of Bilgewater Goblins as being a Kezan specific thing because the goblins weā€™ve known forever donā€™t work like that. Theyā€™re still mad scientists, after all, and always have been. Heck, I know you like WC2-era Doomhammer Horde (to some extent so do I!) and Nogginfogger is probably in lore THE goblin alchemist with a building in WC2 to train zeppelins and sappers. Heā€™s been part of the Horde a long time ago, and Gazlowe points out that heā€™s not good at cutting corners and pulling fast ones on his fellow goblins. They have goblins who specialize in ā€œbeing in chargeā€ for that business. Being a great inventor doesnā€™t usually make you a Trade Prince, apparently.

It never made sense for goblins of the Horde to be crooked car salesmen. It made sense for the neutral goblins. (But also IMO it never made much sense to make the goblins non-Horde and was done so that the new Horde would be primitive and struggle.)


I think there should still be some of that, even among Horde goblins. Because itā€™s flavorful and funny. But Iā€™m okay with goblins having other sides to them as well.

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Why not? They are more then just sidekicks of the Orcs like they did in Warhammer. That should be good enough with all those unique cultural aspect of dystopian government capitalism and the crazy inventor stick.

American definition of Communism. any economic system whose main tenets differ from. the following.

  1. Eat the Poor
  2. Screw the working class.
  3. Eliminate the middle class
  4. Remove all leashes from the owning class.

By Joan Collinsā€™s measure the character Edith Keeler that she played on Star Trek was ā€œsome kind of Communist.ā€


Communism defines giving more rights and power to the working class. That is exactly what Gazlowe is doing.

Funny how it never seems to work that way with actual communist countries.

Communismā€¦ā€¦great on paper, just people are power hungry


The problem with communism (really, any wildly different system of government put in on a violent revolution) is that managing a country is a wildly different skillset than taking control of one, and it turns out very few revolutionaries are willing to step back and cede power once the fightingā€™s done.

Plus, at the end of the day youā€™re gonna get very few true believers making their way to the top, Authoritarians playing power games are gonna win nearly every time.

None of this really applies to Gazlowe though. Heā€™s basically the equivalent of a new CEO changing the company direction even if it ticks off a few shareholders.

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Think of the history of those countries. They were autocracies and dictatorships before and after they went Communist. The history of the transition of Russia in particular was more drawn out and complicated than just shoot the Czar on Monday and be full Soviet on Tuesday.

As far as this country goes the idea that we are a democracy is a a polite fictionā€¦ anyone whoā€™s read the Princeton Report will realize that we are and have been effectively an ogliarchy.


If it ainā€™t the Gilded Age, itā€™s Communism! :grinning:

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For the most part, what Russia and China practise, is crony capitalism under a different label. Cuba is actually a bit closer to being what Marx intendedā€¦ so for that matter is the United States.


All forms Of communism are supposed to be based on ā€œcommunalismā€. Shared resources. In communist countries, the government is managing the shared resources of the society as a whole. Or perhaps managing the transition to such a system.

Gasow never speaks of such Communalism. On the other hand, his attitude towards the profit motive seriously weakens, The view of him as a capitalist. In my opinion. he comes off as advocating Managed capitalism. Similar to the modern US Economy.

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