New short story

Whatever you say Joan.

Looks at my MBA Look man i’m not sure you know what communism is but making strategic investments in Quality and Human capital isn’t a mark of communism it’s smart business practice. You saw this in real life with the rush to offshore in the mid to late 2000s to the end of the 2010s and why reshoring is the name of the game now. When you make garbage that’s unreliable you lose contracts because the cost to fix becomes higher than just doing it right in terms of time and money, when you don’t maintain your equipment you get downtime, downtime eats into product and increases lead time, long lead times = angry customers and a higher likelihood of vertical integration or finding someone who will get them their product faster even at higher cost. Overwork in human capital means higher burnout lower quality of work and higher turnover. if your constantly replacing people you need to always be recruiting which costs money, always be training that costs money, and never see the fruits of it because you’re just throwing away money in the churn.

This even played out in the story as Gazlowe with the Steamwheedle got the Org Rebuild contract when they had an inhouse goblin cartel in the Bilgewater. I love that the goblins are 1900’s US cranked up to 11 but it always bothered me that its always been portrayed as inferior and shoddier to Alliance Tech from the Dwarves’ and the gnomes. Like Airpower was supposed to be the Horde’s thing and just HOW many gunships have we lost. I’m tired of the Horde looking incompetent and embrace the change to higher tech more reliable gear.


please tell my employer this kthx, our offshore contractors suuuuuuuuck at everything but the blame game


And that will continue even If Gazlowe changes stuff because Blizzard is alliance biased and will always portay gnomes as best for technology.

Some of that originally came from the notion the intelligence boosting effects of Kaja’mite were fading generation to generation and goblin engineering was getting shoddier as they got… well… stupider. That has mostly been dropped awhile now, so it has to come down to a culture of quantity over quality in pretty much everything.

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Despite being a villain, Blackfuse really does show how much a goblin can get done if given backing, resources and incentives to not screw up or cut corners. Multiple top tier war machine designs and plans for industry and logistics on par with anyone’s in the setting despite only being hired for a short time before dying at org.

Without his blueprints the iron horde would have been even more of a complete joke.


I liked Blackfuse. Gazlowe could never.

Like in how American social services are financed by taxation? Your police, fire, school and sewage systems?

No, not like that. That is a mere acceptance that some things have to be done jointly. The attitude the everything, by default, should be communal. All farming, manufacturings, etc. is very different.
And the use of the government to manage that sharing is not, in fact a necessary thing to be communal.

There is a fundamental difference in attitude and approach in “communal” vs “government services”.

Communism is the idea of collectivism and working together for an ideal instead of money or profit at large which is exactly what Gazlowe is trying to change.

For someone trying to get rid of it, he sure talked a lot about making sure he was making profit.


I am up for joining more Goblins to the rest of the Horde but I will never help Gazlowe to be against Gallywix. I know my loyalty.

There’s OTHER reasons they made the changes, too. For example, the change about the environment? Do not pretend for a minute that a good number of people haven’t raised red flags about the long-standing story about the goblins having polluted Orgrimmar’s water supply and the old-timey racist trope hiding behind such things.

This is an issue fans of goblins have been hearing about for a long time, and we usually have our own reasons for assuming why it is. I used to think the goblins biology filtered out toxins so they didn’t mind drinking chemically-tainted water. For all I know that’s still possible, but the writers needed some way to make it shift to “but that isn’t happening anymore”, and the answer is either that Gazlowe is more pragmatic and less short-term fatalistic about the future than goblins have been in the past, or the druids begin going full Grimtotem and collecting their skulls to force it. I’d rather the former.

While I loathe real-world concepts discussion in the story forum, I’ll also note that not every collectivist system is Marxist. The Horde is a minor incomplete version of Georgism if anything, in that there doesn’t seem to be “incomes” to collect taxes from but privately-held land, as all land is by default owned equally by the public and private landholders (think Gallywix golf course) owe compensation for the loss of that land.

Most notably this avoids any taxes on incomes or labor by taxing property usage instead, which seems like the only way the goblins and the Horde would integrate well. They want to profit from their ideas without having to share those profits, but if they can reduce their tithe to the Horde by finding ways to get rich that don’t use/exploit vast amounts of land they’ll get rich faster and the Horde will have fewer sludge mills around Durotar for it.

See, this is why you wouldn’t succeed as a goblin. If Gallywix was that loyal to Maldy he’d never have made it to Trade Prince.

This is why I tell people who think goblins are getting dumber and can’t keep their inventions going: Goblin stuff doesn’t fail because they’re stupid, it’s because they’re cheap. When everybody else was making simple tree shredders Blackfuse’s people figured out how to build a Reaver-sized mech like the Legion would.

I still don’t like Blackfuse coming out of nowhere and having no foreshadowing (I still think he should have been Razdunk), but he does prove the point to people who think goblins are in decline.


I’m not sure Americans would reject a lot of benefits if they thought that “the wrong person” might get them. That’s why FDR initially wrote Social Security to exclude blacks.

Gallywix is the best Goblin and deserves all the praise.