New short story

I mean he kinda did. Gallywix was hated by all. Thrall is the one who said he could be leader.

And then he was leader for 9 years. That is rather impressive still.

no that is pure inertia of the devs not caring enough about goblins to do anything with them. This is the first real development they have gotten since they were introduced.


The characterization they had was enough for me. They don’t need to be nice or caring.

He was leader before Thrall gave him his consent. He was leader since the evacuation of Kezan.

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He was always the leader yes and the PC the rival. Gazlowe replacing him was a total buttpull.

Thrall is the one who told Gallywix he could remain leader.

Thrall yells: For now, you will remain the Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel.

The Bilgewater Cartel had no say. In fact, during the part of the starting zone on Kezan, YOU, the PC, were gunning for the title of Trade Prince, which made Gallywix jealous.

What right did Thrall have to keep Gallywix as the leader? Thanks to him, Sylvanas, discovered Azerite.

Thrall was in a rush to get back to trying to save the planet while the elements were screaming in his ear 24/7, he probably just didn’t have time to make a solid informed decision, and the Goblin PC/Sassy would have been found dead in a ditch with a knife in the back if either were promoted.

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Uh, what? He knew damn well all the Trade Prince’s actions that lead up to that point, considering both you and Thrall were at war with the Trade Prince at that point. He literally helps you defeat the Trade Prince. Even if Thrall “wasn’t informed,” the least he could do was… not let the evil slaver guy keep all his power.

Assuming Gallywix was never subjected to any kind of Goblin justice, and got to keep all his wealth after being dethroned.the idea that he’d ever be able to successfully stage a coup, while they’re in the Horde is just put of this world to me.

Gazlowe is fabulously wealthy (compared to two broke gobbos with nothing but the shirts on their backs and whatever they took from the islands they were just on), is great friends with the head of the 2nd most powerful goblin cartel, and still thinks he’s gonna get assassination attempts from the old boys club in Kezan over changing how the Bilgewater do business.

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Yeah but anyone who would think of assassinating Gazlowe would more than likely not not have the same baggage as Gallywix. All signs point towards Gallywix being utterly hated by his own cartel at the start. There really is nothing to suggest he’d be able to remain leader without Thrall’s blessing. The Goblin PC was incredibly popular at the start of the Kezan, AND even the end.

Besides, it’s not like the Horde has a history of just allowing unauthorized internal coups to go off without a hitch, and blindly accepting the new leader.

I’m not talking within the Cartel. Gazlowe seems to be well liked internally.

I’m talking the remaining Kezan Trade princes/Cartels. Would they have accepted a broke goblin taking up a cartel just because an orc said so? The goblin PC was an up and comer in the starting zone, but he got finessed by Gallywix and likely had no real shot at taking over even if the Cataclysm didn’t happen.

Gazlowe has the full faith and trust of most of the Horde and still thinks the path he’s on is dangerous as hell.

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Gazlowe is not rich. He doesn’t care about profit that is why he pays his workers so much. Gallywix remains the richest Gobbo on Azeroth today thanks to the Azerite monopoly.

I’m not even saying Sassy or the PC could’ve become Trade Prince after Gallywix. I’m just saying the least Thrall could do was not tell Gallywix to keep his position after pummeling him. If Thrall didn’t tell him he could stay as leader, what would the other Goblins have done? “Would they have said. Well, you’re the richest guy around. The other cartels would slaughter anyone else. We’ll keep following your lead.” Even goblin society has laws.

And even if the PC was broke at the time, by that point, you and the Kajaro Trading Company had already proven your money-making abilities. Would the rest of the cartel ignore that, and demand to see your upfront cash?

Even if that’s a problem, (Yeah, I’m sure you figured by now, I like covering all my bases), Thrall could order restitution. The real world-Mafia does that over disputes.

That’s a bold claim. In the starting zone, nobody ever thought the other Cartels wouldn’t accept you. That was way before you lost your “bazillion macaroons” to Gallywix, and that was only because he strong-armed the entire cartel to pay him to escape the island before it erupted.

Finally read it and I’m not reading all the posts in this thread so I’ll just say I got increasingly bummed out the more of the story I read.

Why must all of our leaders so aggravatingly boring?


What’s that rule of acquisition? Cash in hand takes priority over promissary notes.

Idk. Prove it

The Goblin PC proved their ability to make cash.

The Goblin PC also proved their ability to be suckered and strongarmed out of cash.

If you built up your hypothetical fortune back up, maybe the second part wouldn’t matter, but the whole point of Gazlowe’s story here is that the Gobbos in charge don’t look at the big picture, they’d just see a broke loser.


If this is how the Goblins as a whole thought, wouldn’t they look down on the entire cartel then?

Gallywix was still fantastically rich, thats what matters.

They don’t care about the lil guys. Noggenfogger is one of the better goblins on that front and had to have the concept of “Pay peanuts, get monkeys” explained to him in the short story.