New short story

What’s ludicrous is only focusing on the domestic situation of a country while not worrying a single iota about how they got their wealth. Newsflash, American companies exploit slave labor in other countries, and like I said, look at the country’s founding.

It’s also funny how many countries which are ruined directly because of U.S. intervention, like many countries in Latin America, are now being held up as an example of why the U.S. isn’t so bad.

Sorry, if we’re supposed to worship the Founding Fathers, pointing out that the USSR and Communist China did many good things in addition to the bad, is not off the table. Few today would call the U.S. the good guys during Vietnam.

The second of those rulers wasn’t a communist, the third is often not even claimed as one due to his ideology.


I dunno how this got to be politics chat but I legit never got the appeal of defending Stalin/Mao. Stalin was as hardcore an authoritarian as they come, and beat any hope of the USSR doing anything remotely approaching “real communism” to death, and Mao was a serial screwup that would have had no shot if the KMT wasn’t ridiculously corrupt or worn out by fighting Imperial Japan for years.

Ironically the CCP would invade Vietnam shortly after the US left, and this was the one conflict the US had to have its arm squeezed to get into. As far as I’m aware Vietnam cares less about that war than the US does since the US was just one of many squaring off with them in that era, they know the only reason the US came in was that the French were making threats about what they would do if the US didn’t. (Cambodia though. Yikes.)

No argument from me there, I’m not a big fan of many of the regimes that popped up after the US friendly ones got ran out of town, but the US backed ones like Pinochet* and Batista were horrific.

No, it’s not. Gazlowe is basically acting like Henry Ford, who is like peak American capitalism.

People are so weird these days. Anything at all that benefits workers, even if the primary reason for it is profit driven, is suddenly communism.

Well you know I’m not doing that here. I’m saying is that the USSR wasn’t the most evil country on Earth, and you’d have to hold a lot of double standards to claim it was. You dare say the other side didn’t anything right, and they’ll call you a monster, but praise the Founding Fathers or even Winston Churchill, and you’re just a normal American.

And Stalin alone didn’t make the USSR. Many of the things I praise the country for, happened after he died.

Well, we can’t ignore Gorbachev’s dissolution of the USSR, contrary to the wishes of the people, did plunge Russia and Central Asia into an oligarchal hell they never recovered from.

Well much of his unnecessary bloodshed was done later in his life tbf.

Yes because Vietnam invaded the genocidal state of Cambodia, which both the CCP, and the US supported. This was in Deng’s reign.

Well, depends on who you ask. From what I know, many people in Vietnam itself highly resent the U.S. involvement.

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Anyway back on to the story, having safety regulations isn’t communism
got them confused


I’m afraid it’s too late for that. Horde already is evil thanks to BfA. Blizzard is incapable of writing neuanced stories it seems, I have no problem doing questionable stuff so long it has proper reasoning behind it that would justify it and it wasn’t balant baby/puppy killing. I’d had nothing sgainst War of Thorns so long the original objective would be kept - so capture of the city - because the whole idea was to stop Alliance agresssion before it would escalate even further and would give the Horde upper hand in negotiations.

There was something to gain in this scenario. But with the burning of the tree there was nothing Horde actually gained after going through all this trouble to reach there. It was a massive waste AND it painted the entire faction as super evil. And for what?

So Sylvanas could get a huge kill count and give souls to Jailer only to turn on him for no reason, guy didn’t mistreat her and she was totally on board with him for years, and when she is about to complete the objective she is like “I won’t serve!”
It’s even bigger LOL than “Draenor is free!” Coming from Grommash.


Sorry but No. This just moves the goblins to become green gnomes while still being worse at technology. They are good at two things. Industry and being funny. Capitalize in this instead of trying to change their full image.

Not if it means doing the exact opposite of what the race usually is known for.

Nonhumans can be so much more interesting than being funny shaped humans. For example see…

replace (dot) with “.”
Otheriwise, why even have them…

The first part of the story is literally a depiction of a failing Goblin society burdened by capitalist exploitation. You can’t see anything anti-capitalist in that?

When it comes to Gazlowe himself, I’ve never said he was “anti-capitalist”. He correctly says that Gallywix was a con man and criminal, but then he equates that with “profit”. He also equates “profit” with putting the short-term over the long term.

In fact, much of what the story shows isn’t the fault of “profit” but of exploitation of people who are prevented from negotiating fairly their own needs and interest. That’s just plain old repression and coercion. (no better than calling what happened in Cambodia “socialism”).

Gazlowe wants to fix it I am blaming the profit motive. Not moving to a genuine fair market, where everyone can negotiate their own needs and interests. With real competition (everything in the story is basically a monopoly). I don’t think he is “anti-capitalist” but he also doesn’t think that much of it.

Though, to be fair, it is perfectly possible that what the writers know about “capitalism”, “profit”, and markets isn’t very deep and what they intended to portray is different than what came out.

I’ve mentioned earlier what I think might have been better. I’m sure I’ll get shallow “that’s dumb” takes. And one liners. But, if people aren’t going to even try and think about what I said. Its a waste of time.

I just don’t see it as an anti-capitalist story, it seems more like a clash within that system. Gazlowe being more of the style of you have to spend money to make money. And the trade princes being more of the short term profit vultures.

I’m hoping Gazlowe is gonna be ruthless in his dealing with the Trade Princes, as they’ll be trying to take him out. Plenty of space for things like brutal competition for customers, attempts to recruit the workforce out from under the other side. Labor conflicts have a lot of historic conflicts to draw from.

Plus none of this has to de-goblin goblins. With the accents they go with, it seems way past time to see the union side of the equation take off, and there’s plenty of history there that’s not all “californian” touchy feely (Did you know they buried Gizmo Hoffsaw under Orgrimmar?) And an explosive powered machine can still blow up good even if it’s oiled properly, it’ll just get more done before it does.


Ah ha! I know who you are…

Joan Collins made the same comment about the character she played in Star Trek.

“I played a woman named Edith Keeler in Star Trek. She was some kind of Communist.”

Now… fess up. Who REALLY shot J.R.?

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As the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition from Star Trek Deep Space Nine says:

Rule 57: “Good customers are as rare as Latinum. Treasure them.”

Of course Quark doesn’t quite apply that rule to taking care of his staff… He only takes care of his Customers despite the no refunds.

Other Good Rules are:

Rule 45: “Expand or Die.”

Rule 9: “Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.”

Rule 194: “It’s always good business to know about new customers before they walk in your door.”

Rule 168: “Whisper your way to success.”

Rule 98: “Every man has his price.”

Rule 74: “Knowledge equals profit.”

Rule 3: “Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.”

yeah, well he’s known for his far right views.

If you haven’t noticed is yet our economy is shrinking. I would sell a kidney to live in the USA.

The grass is always greener on the other side, but I’ll tell you what, at least we have significantly fewer chances of running into someone wielding a gun. :smile:

I don’t even like Erevien and I can recognize this is a pretty delusional and insane argument.


smh we need to find out whose radicalizing all the low level posters

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Varadoc is from mmo champion he simply tries to bait me into overreacting and getting banned.

It would be uncharacteristic of Thrall to interfere with the leadership process of another Horde race. He’s pretty much a “You do you” kind of guy. And when not at war, pretty laidback as Warchief.