New short story

Being noble is not literally just a Human trait, that’s just literally wrong. Literally any race can be noble.

I don’t know why you put “human” in quotes. Are you referring to irl humans?

And if you’re referring to the in-game humans, well, I’m not sure about their labor system after the Human Heritage quest chain. But you originally claimed it was wrong to have Goblins follow “modern social engineering,” so if you’re saying humans follow a modern ideology too, what is the real point of that?

Gazlowe being something other than an Eat the Poor and Screw The Workers goblin actually DOES make him atypical, enough to confuse his own staff at least.

Paizo’s token symbol has always been goblins which were essentially evil high strung maniacs that would be featured in Free RPG Day modules for Pathfinder First Edition (still available as free downloads on the site) but eventually like first season Ferengi the joke wore thin and we started to see breaks from the trope such as discovering the corpse of a goblin cleric of Sarenrae (one of the major good gods of the pantheon) who’d given their life to save others.

I don’t have a problem with a goblin who breaks the norm, even if it’s the current racial leader.


For most of human history INCLUDING today, human treatment of labor was the kind that would have given even the worst warcraft goblin pause. The electronics you’re using today was probably put together at a Chinese factory where conditions are so bad that anti-suicide measures are in place.

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The humans in game are based real humans. When they add things, they tend to be based on IRL humans. The short story had clear signs of this . It works “OK” for human races, less so for non-human ones.

Yes, a lot of human history is slavery and similar forms of labor. The story was based more on modern western views. In the end it would have been better to not just apply any human assumptions to the story, let alone just assuming the ones the writers are most familiar with.

Nor do you have to use human traits to have decency and logic

Depends on the society. There were attempts socialist-like states before Marx was even born.

So is every other race in the game. They are simply based on different cultures or different aspects of humanity than Stormwind humans are. Goblins are based on Italian-American and antisemitic tropes.

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So figuring how to do goblin engineering without casualties is good and not at all turning them into green humans, glad you agree.

I’m talking about straight up for profit capitalism. What China practises is classic crony capitalism no matter what the rhetoric may say. Communism in the Soviet Union was nothing more than one privileged ogliarchy taking over from the ogliarchy that flourished under the Czars.

Our dataset on Non-Human intelligence and societies is kind of lacking.

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What the hell continues to be happening in this thread


Historically speaking, the only real example of a true socialist society would be the Inca. They did not even have a concept of money, and their Ayllu work shift system still exists to the day in a diminished form.

It worked great until guys with guns and no moral qualms about using them showed up and took all the Inca’s stuff.

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That’s not a failure of their economic system, it’ the inevitable result of what happens when a more technologically advanced society contacts a less develdoped one.


You talked about human treatment of labor.


They had free healthcare and no landlords. There’s now way for any person to claim that the Czar’s overthrow did not lead to people’s quality of life massively improving. There’s far more to the USSR than just Stalin’s killings. It’s not surprising for many westerners to think the other super power was the devil, though, despite the fact that theirs killed far more.

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Killing off 7 million of your own people… 4.2 percent of your nation’s popultation tends to put a heavy spin on how your society is vviewed.

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As opposed to killing 55 million to even create your nation, and casually killing millions through war or sanctions because Congress or the president says so?

Edit: I was wrong about one thing. The 55 million number is for both North and South America, not just for the U.S. The U.S. killed over 4 million.

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Weren’t the Incans complicit alongside the Aztecs for slavery as well as human sacrifice?

They were pretty much their own thing. the Aztecs were more Central America, the Incans South America.

The inca did not use slavery, they had a system of mandatory labor tax for all citizens of the empire that was efficient enough to not make the idea desirable. As for human sacrifice… that was nothing particularly exceptional for cultures the world over as a measure of last resort.

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Sure. I just think doing it by treating them as ertzat humans is a mediocre way of doing it,

Well, they can be based on how beings might have been if things were different. One can at least try and explore different ideas and ways of doing things,