New short story

Do you think Henry Ford was a communist? Because that’s more or less the direction they’re taking Gazlowe.


They don’t though? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Hard to comprehend though, I know.

That being said, Gazlowe acting more like a revered & established businessman as opposed to a greedy slumlord ready to backstab & screw over whoever they can for a quick-grab — It ultimately still feels pretty goblin-like to me. :person_shrugging:

At the end of the day, Gazlowe still gets paid. :moneybag:
The only difference is – he gets positive fame too, for those who work for him :muscle:


AND he’s looking for that repeat business and recommendations



It’s hardly out of character.

  • Especially given Gazlowe (despite favouring the Horde) has always played both sides to some degree, allowing Ratchet as a port for both factions.

Even if he’s acting as leader of the Goblins in the Horde – Having the Alliance come by Ratchet & come to using his services, that in turn pays for his people & the Horde? There’s an irony in that.
“Thankyou Alliance goons, for funding the Horde!” :joy:


that’s already gnomes

No, but Ford had… other problems.


I did not see that coming.

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Can’t wait to see gazlandia the failed corporate paradise

can someone summarize all short stories for me reading is boring

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Joking to the side I’m actually really invested in all these new stories… I do have preference but I also enjoy any storytelling and try to run with it like any tables RPG, were a GM runs the show.

Honestly I’m saving my real thinking when we get the whole thing… I’m so hype!

I can definitely see goblins becoming sovereign citizens and trying Seasteading. Hopefully questing of dragging them kicking and screaming out of their cars while arresting them for breaking laws they don’t believe they have to follow would be added along with it all.

That sounds way more like something an alliance race would be.


You know if they have Gazlowe sets up a company that is better because it includes everyone as an entrepreneur and not just labor, and proceeds to put everyone else out of business, sure. If he, as Bilgewater leader, just imposes a set of labor laws, then it really is just taking modern human standards and opposing them on another race.

I do think you can make a case that Blizzard has been, intentionally or not, watering down things that makes races unique. And not just Horde races. Opposition to the arcane used to be a principal that made the night Elves who they are, now mostly doesn’t exist.

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Pretty sure goblins would be the first race to even consider workers rights. Most races don’t even address where their workers come from. Or we have the orcs and humans who use borderline slave labor.

So it actually would be a unique goblin thing.


<.< I see what you did there.

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ALL of them?..
Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Lottery’- a small town continues to practice ritual sacrifices
O Henry’s ‘After Twenty Years’- a career criminal discovers the old friend he’s reuniting with is now a cop
Tom Godwin’s ‘The Cold Equations’- an astronaut must space a stowaway or his whole flight will fail
HP Lovecraft’s ‘Pickman’s Model’- a painter of frightening creatures is using actual real life monsters as his artistic inspiration.
Daphne Du Maurier’s ‘The Birds’- all the birds in the world start attacking humans for no known reason
Richard Conell’s ‘The Most Dangerous Game’- a mad hunter who lives on an island now hunts his fellow humans for fun
Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’- a caretaker kills the old man he serves, but becomes increasingly paranoid that the cops know he’s guilty
Ray Bradbury’s ‘A Sound of Thunder’- a careless time traveler accidently changes the future for the worse.

…I have to stop; there’s just too many short stories to tell you ALL of them…


But not from a moden government social engineering perspective.

I can see them quitting and and going off to invent something. I would have had a story where Gazlowe is attracting the best and brightest and the others are having trouble keeping workers.

Libertarians, not Social Democrats.

who said anything about Gazlowe being a social democrat?

He’ll treat you right if you work for him… but you’ll have to work, for him.

Goblins are the most “modern” race in the game. Their starting zone is a fantasy New York City. They’re the only race we’ve seen riding modern automobiles. Goblins are one of the reasons I laugh whenever someone calls WoW “medieval fantasy.”

Those are equally modern.


Goblins function as a company. Gazlowe is more like a CEO than he is a president or king or whatever.

Well good luck with dealing with our Alliance heroes for TWW. I am sure you Horde wont mind having to work with/for our heroes and will not complaint at all now that the shoe is on the other foot.