New short story

Incoming “But noooooo! WC3 showed us that the orcs can be heroes!!!”

These same people will then proceed to say that Thrall was just a minority and that the majority of the orcs should hate him and prefer Garrosh/Sylvanas.

What a confused playerbase, the Horde playerbase is. :rofl:

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So, uh, can someone give me an actual rundown of what happens in this story without ramblings about economic theories and Horde/Alliance partisanship?

Noggenforger is running a(failing) mining operation. Gazlowe helps him fix it up and tells him that the old goblin ways of ruthless capitalism should no longer be the goblin ways and power of good management it so that Noggenfogger finally relents and changes(to a degree) his way. The end.

Gazlowe wants to move the goblins towards a more efficient kind of corpocracy, Noggenfogger initially blows it off but is receptive after Gazlowe fixes one of his machines. Some hay is made about how most rich goblins like the robber baron lifestyle and Gazlowe’s ideas are going to make him a lot of enemies.


Seems it might be a day more people are reading the forums who are afraid of real life liberals/democrats?

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What the heck. Since when are people who play this game a hive mind depending on which faction they play?


How very sophisticated, do they wear white and black hats so we have to think any less?


I will, as Alliance.


Uhm, No buddy, you’re taking quests from them as Hordie too. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I know, but I won’t have fun then.


Do you think Alliance players were having fun in Cataclysm when they had to be Thrall’s bodyguards?

Do you think Alliance players were having fun in Shadowlands when they had to take quests from Sylvanas?

Do you presume that Alliance players will be having fun in TWW when they’ll have to take quests from Thrall again?

poor baby

Because there was nothing like Malfurion handling Ragnaros in Cata or spending half the night fae campaign in SL finding a cure for tyrande’s vengeance.

I know it’s tough being so out of the story that you don’t even have one major patch where your faction’s relevance is limited to a minor character protecting muffins.


Horde players: Make 100000 tweets and forum threads about how Blizzard is IgNoRiNg them and try to desperately gather some brownie points from the online crowd

Also Horde players: “Lol don’t care, nothing bad happened to the Alliance, lalala, your complaints aren’t valid, lalala”

Tell me more about how you had to take a few quests from horde npcs, and why that’s so triggering to you?


Alliance Players: Constantly gripe and moan about stuff that happened years ago, spouting inane headcanon and incoherent babble such as ‘Trolls, Orcs, etc are all cavemen’ and that ‘they live in mud huts’ or going out of their way to ignore anything bad the Alliance has ever done, whilst pretending that anything painting the Alliance as even peculiar is a slight against God Himself and that the Horde and it’s races are inherently evil.



The Goblin way could about individualism and a desire to accomplish. Goblins cut corners in a desire to get to the end faster. Instead, here, it is just corporate exploitation of passive workers who need saving by the government. But I’m not sure Blizz could have written anything else.

It’s a side story about the Horde fixing itself while the alliance saves the world in the main plot. But you know it’s still better than what we are used to.

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I find myself caring less and less about the Alliance story when Alliance fanatics are too busy crying over having to take quests from a orc several years ago and too busy crying over Teldrassil and Theramore and simply making insane headcanon in general, I’m not even convinced they’re playing the same exact damn game.


Do you presume that Alliance players will be having fun in TWW when they’ll have to take quests from Thrall again?

If Thrall ruins their experience in spite of Anduin, Magni, Jaina, etc then they are beyond hope.


See, the problem is we’re talking about people who get upset with fiction with more complex themes than what one would find in a dr seuss book.


Y’all are funny.

Alliance players this, horde players that.

This lore forum is such a small fraction of the current wow playerbase, and even here we find very distinct opinions from people who cares and are interested in lore.

Like, what a waste of time in worrying what group A of players or group B wants, there are horde players that want to be edgy villains, there are horde players that want to be heroes, there are alliance players that want to be noble and just and there are alliance players that just want to go off the rails and purge the unclean or some doodoo like that, and all sorts of other stuff in the middle.

Keep going at it, but i feel that this is less productive than talking actual lore.