New Shop Mount

Ah that doesn’t happen to me ever honestly. Unless you have like 400 people in one spot spamming abilities. To think they aren’t using up to date servers is silly. There are so many reasons lag happens to people. I rarely get lag at all honestly.

Got one here for ya!

I would also like to point out that this mount can be earned in game. 400k gold gets you this mount, which is cheaper than some vendor mounts. So there you have it. You don’t even have to pay real money and you can earn it in game. /shrug

I’m not sure what your point is, but to answer your question, yes I have $25. I’m asking Blizzard to include a version of the mount that doesn’t cost real money. It has nothing to do with my financial status.

Really,I didn’t know or even know how that works. I guess i’ll look into that.

Ehh, it’s definitely not just a me thing. It’s server-wide lag when ever the world boss in the Maw would spawn. Obviously they are using high-end servers, but insinuating they should increase the sub cost for them is silly.

Didn’t say it was just a you thing, just saying as someone with a semi update to computer it doesn’t happen very often. It used to in the past before I updated. I can say that. TM vs SS was unplayable for me. Now I have zero issues.

TBF this is the art team, not the dev team. And with all the additional character art coming in 9.1.5 I can’t get too upset about a store mount.

Art really isn’t this game’s problem. They put out pretty decent amounts of new art throughout the year. Especially with mounts and such.

There’s plenty to blame the dev team for, but this isn’t really holding them back.

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Everybody should go to the shop right now and buy this mount.

Add it as the 9.2 raid AOTC achievement mount so people can pay $60 for it via boost instead of $25. :crossed_fingers::pleading_face:

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So basically it depends on what a WoW tokens costs in gold. Right now I think they are around 200k each. Each wow token can be used for a month’s worth of game time OR $15 in Bnet balance. You can use the bnet balance to purchase the mount. So basically atm you need two token to get the $25 needed to purchase the mount. With taxes you with have a few dollars left over afterwards. Tokens can go up and down. You can actually do the same thing for character transfers, race changes everything pretty much.

Convert gold to bnet balance. Tada, you got a mount for gold.

Also this, people can’t seem to separate the two.

Yet,I heard you can only have one token on a character per account now how do I get two?

No. That is still the Phoenix

This mount is so good. I would have paid double for it.

That’s not true, afaik. If it were, however, you could use one before buying the other.

So why not just buy it ?

Love cats, don’t get me wrong, but this is way too far in the DAHHHH direction for me. I’ll pass. Love all my other cat pets and mounts thought.

You can have more then one. Even if you can’t you buy one, use it and then buy another.