New Shop Mount

Hate cats, mount looks ugly af

Because we have gotten 1 content patch in the past year of the expansion’s release. There is no new content on the horizon. As a result, there should be no new microtransactions during a content drought. If there was a steady stream of engaging content, I would still dislike store mounts but I would shut up about them. We aren’t getting new content so it is ridiculous to add a new store mount. It’s ridiculous in my opinion that you even have to sub to play this game right now.

As to why I dislike store mounts in general, it is because we pay a box price for the game and a monthly sub fee. Because of that, I think everything should be earned through playing.


Buy it with gold

It’s not a WoW only thing, every single game out there is stepping into this territory. WoW is a company that has to make money to continue well being in business.

I never said it was. I dislike microtransactions like this in every game.

And I’m talking about WoW because this is the WoW forums.

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Didn’t stop you from buying them before though did it?

You know that armored bloodwing, grinning reaver
 you have

You pay $40 to access the expansion and anything blizzard decides to add in patches

Your $15 subscription is to gain access to servers

The mounts they sell are cosmetic purposes and has nothing to do with content nor power boosting

Store mounts are justified you aren’t forced to buy them

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While content droughts are frustrating, the store mount is a separate thing from that. Combining the two into one issue isn’t really fair.

You do realize the sub cost has never changed in 17 years? I am for sure costs have gone up. So would you rather get your sub cost increased to like $30 a month or them put a mount in a store that is optional?

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One wow token is 200k gold. 200k = 15 so one store mount is ~400k gold. You dont have to pay the 25$ exactly.

Well that’s good because micro transactions are optional

Yeah, I have a couple older store mounts, you got me. People’s opinions change over time. You’ll notice that the ones that are not 6-month bundle mounts that I own are old; I was 14/15 when I bought my WoD store mounts.

It’s entirely fair. Why should they be adding new microtransactions when they can not add new content to the game? If they really just cared about making a nice new mount, they would give it to people who have an active sub of any kind the mount for free to thank you for sticking with the game during this time.

Yep. Shouldn’t have to thank them for that, even though other regions have not been as lucky.

Neither. I would rather they make good content to have more subs to pay for this increasing cost.

Non-argument that argues literally nothing against me. I never said it was required.

I know, thanks for explaining it though.

Yep, never claimed they did. Just disrespectful to put them out while they can’t even make new content for people to engage with.

I disagree.

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Doesn’t make you less of a hypocrite

They just gave us a store mount replica for free

Also there’s 15+ years of content for you to engage in, just because you only focus on this expansions content doesn’t mean there isn’t stuff left to do, you don’t have max achievements
 still lots of content for ya to mess with

I’m not a hypocrite lmfao.

“Yeah, I stole something while I was living on the streets a decade ago. Now I am going around preaching not to steal because I have changed as a person”

You: “lul hypocrite XD”

Sure you are.

Okay man, keep huffing your copium buddy.

Have fun playing your dying game and keep paying Blizzard extra while they run it into the ground :slight_smile:

You can’t even retort what I am saying so you resort to trying to discredit my argument by pointing out I have 8-year-old store mounts on my account.

Pretty sure most of that goes to things like Bobby’s bonus, not development and server costs.

Actually it does.

A hypocritical person does something at the same time as deploring it. Doing something, like say drunk driving, changing your mind about its validity and stopping the behaviour/action and deploring it does not make one a hypocrite. It’s called changing and growing.


“The servers have gotten so much better man!” As you run in place for 3 minutes trying to do world PvP with more than 20 people

They should have one,that’ll be good .