New servers, block transfers

This arguement went no where pre launch. Blizzard said no then. They haven’t changed that stance.

If you want to continue being wrong, yes. Otherwise, defer to me above yourself because I know better than you.

But you clearly dont. You may have no life and are fine with those kind of queues, but most people arent, and that will make it so they basically cant play ever. Or, did you want all those dead servers? You haven’t refuted any of what I said, and you just continue insulting me.

you do realize that medium or low is STILL way MORE than what a full vanilla server was…right?

Absolutely not, we do not need more bandaid solutions. Adding more servers can only serve to splinter the community even further.

Haha come on man, use those critical thinking skills. Yes, you’re right, it has 10-15% of the population of many other servers. Now that you’ve recognized that, look at the top of the little bar and compare it to the value on the right. Arcanite Reaper has at least 5000 people playing on it currently.

Now if you’ll recall, waaaaaay back when, a server with 10000 people on it was a healthy and vibrant vanilla community. I know it doesn’t seem like a lot by today’s standards and today’s technology, but that’s actually fine. Especially because, as a low population server, that’s where people are most likely to create new characters.

It’s all well and fine to compare one server to another, but keep some perspective on the numbers you’re actually dealing with.


So throw in the towel?

No, I see this as an opportunity now that there are problems - more pressure is being applied.

I clearly do, if you had even part of my earned wisdom in these matters you would recognize that. Any attempt to argue with me is just further proof of your insufficiency. I am sorry you’re so sick.

Splintering is the point.

“Earned wisdom” LMFAO. You’ve lost, and you’re clearly 12. I hope you enjoy your irrelevancy though.

You "think’ there is an opportunity. Making parallels between some random exploit and the entirety of layering.

Blizzard will address the exploit then ignore the noise. As always

I enjoy your anger and inferiority, if nothing else.

Splintering is the problem now. People that are calling for new servers are just impulsive and don’t want to wait for the dust to settle. Then one week later when they transfer to a server with no one on it, they start complaining again.

Think about the logistics behind your solution.


Go somewhere with this bs

So what’s the deal with all these horror stories of Classic players that transferred to ‘dead servers’?

Yeah, they were all medium pop last night, which according to Blizz is several times larger than an original Vanilla server.

What do you think happened to them? Did you expect them to be full the 1st day they were opened?


The discussion continued past the “1st day”.

Yeah, and it was medium pop last night. Been open a week? Just bc gamers are self entitled snowflakes that whine the first day they transfer doesn’t mean a server won’t continue grow over time, especially with the queues encountered on most realms.

You know, if you were someone who wanted to quest, this is the server for you. No contention, you can cruise your way to level 60 with ease. Then, enjoy your free transfer when Blizzard shuts down your realm. Sounds like a win-win if questing is your jam :slight_smile:

(Sucks if you wanna dungeon, though!)

I have no clue, its’ like if they are not knee deep in people running around and mobs everywhere, its just wrong.

I hate that kind of game play. It’s one of the reasons I don’t like doing dungeons. I’m not one of those people who grew up with a joy stick in their hand playing games, heck, I grew up before computers were a thing, and remember very well putting Pong on the tv set to go back and forth to keep the cats happy.

I don’t like the mobs of people in game any more than I like crowds in real life. Last night at like 1 am I was in storm wind, and there were just people everywhere, and I remember thinking, this must be what NYC is like, no thanks.

So when the layers do go away, I’m really not gonna like my server. It’s usually showing HIGH.

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