Earthfury needs help

You guys need to do something asap about Earthfury. This realm is completely and 100% dead. 2 messages in world chat in the last hour. Haven’t seen a single person since I switched my character. Let more realms than 2 transfer to Earthfury, or merge it with another low pop, but something needs to change.

If that’s not gonna happen I need to just start all over on a different realm because Earthfury isn’t gonna work in its current state


Blame your stubborn friends for not switching. Thats all it really comes down to. Blizzard did their part.


blizzard has messed up every step of the way, and all my friends did transfer


yeah its dead here I hate it. Honestly open up paid transfers so I can get out of here.


Well, if you want to torpedo transfers to Earthfury and scare players away, this is how to do it…


I see no scenario where opening up 1 or 2 of the other Full realms with queues to be able to transfer to earthfury is a bad thing. Less queue, less dead.


It’s a good idea to make an alt and start checking populations before transferring in the future.


im scrambling right now. I need to know if I should reroll on a decent server and start from the beginning. I’ll be a week behind and I wanted to be on par with other players during pvp updates and honor roll outs.

guess im gonna just keep lvling and pray to god some day the realm isn’t dead somehow, or they let me leave the 30 other people on the realm

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Friends & I also just did this. 8 of us total, as Skeram’s Q times were a bit much.
Would just stick with it. If anything else, blizz will either merge or open up another window for high-pop transfers.


well clearly your concern is valid. some advice. declaring shiz dead is not the way to get ur buddies there. only lower thought patterns would expect a free xfer to new server to be “lit” at first.



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Yeah this server feels dead. Switched from Herod as some friends were angry about about que times. Well we switched and now I feel like a survivor in a barren wasteland trying to find other survivors.


I think earthfury would feel a lot better if they turned layering off on it. Wouldn’t feel great, but I don’t see the point in layering a dead realm into smaller more dead layers. It’s not herod, we aren’t fighting over mobs


They really need to open all high pop servers to the new servers so they actually fill up. Our guild is split between Skeram & Sulfuras. We would all transfer to Earthfury but they only let Skeram go and not Sulfuras so we’re all staying put for now.


Why not wait more than a day for players to transfer over, before freaking out about a brand new realm? This isn’t launch day, or the holiday weekend when everyone was home. People have lives outside of logging in and waiting in a queue for Classic WoW. I expect things will get better for all the transfer realms over the weekend, when people have more time.


You’re probably right. However, if a week or so goes by and its still dead I will feel like Will Smith in I am Legend.


It’s been 2 days already so we can cut the wait at least a day stuff. The realm is just getting worse. People are starting to just completely start over on a different realm, and no ones coming over anymore. At the very least layering needs to be removed, there’s absolutely no reason for it on a realm with a couple hundred people.


Was me in Redridge last night. Minus the virus infected crazies ofc & my “dog” is actually an owl.

Earthfury was locked until recently, y’all need to calm down. Give it a week or two.