New servers, block transfers

We need more new servers please, and block transfrers to them.

Even servers like Netherwind are now a horror show.

Blocking transfers on two or three fresh servers will keep the exploit boosted toons out.


Have you seen what happened to servers like Arcanite Reaper and Earthfury? The last thing we need right now are more dead servers.

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No, that is exactly what we need.

Layering will not be here forever. Every server is at least medium already.

We are caught by the sun’s gravity and being pulled into it. This project is going to burn if something drastic is not done.


You’re unironically starting to sound like a doomsayer.


It’s facts bro. Layering killed the whole point of these classic servers.


It was doomsaying before launch when everyone correctly predicted the outcome of layering, and then it came to pass. And now here we are.


Why the hell do we need new servers when there’s the latest fresh set of servers that are always “Medium” or “Low” population?

These threads get stupider by the day.


Arcanite Reaper is fine now and very populated

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Did you psychics predict what would happen if layering was removed and 200+ people were shoved into a single zone? What would happen to herb/ore gatherers, and questers?

It’s 3 weeks into Classic and every zone up to the level ~40 ones are still packed with more than 50 people (the /who is limited to 50…).

If we didn’t have this kind of b*tching clogging the forums, it would be replaced with players complaining about the inability to complete quests because of people “stealing” kills, or the inability to level up professions because of herb spawns being “stolen”.


imgur. com/a/lqlcfUo

EDIT: Didn’t crop the image correctly. Fixed now.

The data begs to differ. Your server has about 10-15% of the total population of most other servers.

Sure it’s fine now when everyone’s a lower level because the server recently started, but once the level spread gets worse it’ll become more apparent.

Yes, we did.

Which is why we asked for no layering and plenty of servers at launch.

Where have you been?


I never claimed to be psychic, I just claimed to know better than people like you, and I still claim that. MMO launches prior to this were always congested, that’s part of the fun, private server launches pulled it off just fine too. The game manages scarcity of resources much better than overabundance, and it requires no heavy handed fixes nor promises of ‘actions’ to correct.

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if they opened up proper no layering servers WITH the proper populaton cap ~which should be the same as 10+ year ago ~~
they would need to open up at least 100 of them. no joke, thy can’t thnk of that many names.

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Your misplaced belief that layering is evil has tainted your perspective oh why things are the way they are. New realms with no layering will still have similar issues.

None of the issues stemming from layering, of which there are plenty. It is not evil, it’s just broken and causes more problems than it solves. The game would be better without it.

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What people like you dont seem to understand is that the problems would be far worse without it. It would be different problems sure, but they would make this game literally unplayable. You think queues are bad now, if they hadnt done this, theyd be far, far worse. and if they had just opened 100+ servers, they’d have 50+ dead servers when the population drop off inevitably came. There is no perfect solution, and acting like the solution is obvious is just certifiably wrong.


My bigger issue is with population density, transfers, and community.

I’ve rerolled numerous times to fresh servers.

Without fail, it goes: great community, no density issues - transfers open up - community gets filled with idiots and 50 people are killing pirates outside of ratchet.

Even if, or better to say: of course, the low brows are just a given part of wow… density is going to go through the roof on every single server when layering is gone.

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Kid I know what MMO congestion is like, you don’t know what people like me understand, you don’t know people like me. I’ve spent more time in queues than you’ve spent playing games in this genre over the years. Don’t talk to me.


By Phase 6, layering, and any impact it could have, will be long forgotten

Oh, so you want to wait in 10+ hour queues in every server. got ya. Good to know i can safely ignore your opinion.