I’m not in the “Horde Favoritism” camp myself, however, from interviews alone I can say there is clearly writer preference at play, not just here but in every major expansion.
They have now, on record, confirmed that anything that doesn’t fit with the current narrative they’re telling just gets pushed into a corner and forgotten about until they need it for a new plot point.
Once they find some little story angle they’re interested in they latch on to that story and disregard everything else until they get bored with that angle and decide to find a new one. Right now the writing team is latched on to the “Horde at Odds with Itself” story angle, and all the other possibilities are irrelevant.
We could hear about how the Nightborne & High Mountain feel about having joined a faction that seems to be falling a part at the seams, how the Keldorei are coping with losing their home, how Stormwind is handling being a makeshift refugee center for the remnants of an elven race, and how the Worgen are handling losing TWO homes to the same nemesis, but those aren’t of interest to the Tunnel Vision’d writing team.
-Seeing Nagrand
-Hearing the Nagrand music
-Saurfang pointing out that as beautiful as it may be on the surface, Outland is a broken, unnatural world with no future.
I’m anticipating this whole thing ending with some major Old God shenanigans, like we’re all in a dream-state where we are hallucinating this whole thing, and Sylvanas, the Champion of Death, is the only one who can stop it.
So N’zoth is placing her as the central villain of the dream/nightmare and trying to kill her through us, while she is doing everything to survive until she can save us all.
I hate that this sounds like exactly the sort of dingbat plotwork that I could see being cooked up as brilliant innovation in the Blizz writing room. Somebody binge watched the Dallas series, saw that infamous “All a dream” scene and went “THAT’S BLOODY BRILLIANT!”
I mean, I wasn’t not aware of this. It also was very obviously the one direction Blizz was going to go with them from the beginning. This is my shocked face over my intuition reading the vanilla manual 12 years ago being right.
Well, sorta. I did hope for the other obvious angle. That Blizz was setting up the Forsaken for a redemptive arc in a new and accepting home. But Cata made it obvious that wasn’t happening. So still, 8 years of unsurprise here.
Hopefully going forward you guys can be the Horde you always imagined the Horde should be in spite of all the writing on the wall from day one. I mean, where else can you possibly go but up from here?
There was a time I was happy with this kind of cinematic. It’s cool, looks great. Can we not just do SoO2? Like, can sylvannas have any justification or any grand scheme for us to see.
This is how Game of Thrones is melting down, YOU DON’T WANNA DO THAT THIS WEEK.
That Rise of Azshara cinematic was awesome. Though Azshara looks a little bulkier than I remember…and more masculine. Glad to see she’s been hitting the weights though.
Great looking cinematic, but oooohhhh boy Sylvanas sending assasins after Thrall is disappointing. I’m kind of numb to it now at this point, she’s already dead (no pun intended).
The real question is when do we get a Tyrande cinematic? Or the Azshara raid squad? Really just give me the elves.