New Retail expansion OR Classic +

Then you were in an empty shard.

I am not confident you know how servers, server clusters, shards work. You seem to be mixing up the two.

Its either ignorance or a way to intentionally manipulate your words to push an agenda.

What?! You carried on an entire conversation about how Classic/HC population was larger than retail.


anybody watch the mak’gora tournie?

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Oh I believe you, still doesn’t change the fact that blizzard is going to put more resources into retail and WoWs future, including classic is tied to retails success.

Yes some of it… it’s funny to see how Min/max people can be in Vanilla with one life to live… :rofl:

Because retail is a marketplace with people selling everything, literally raid carries and everything, in Trade Chat.

If people do actually play normally, I’d be surprised. I mean, there were more parses done for Classic raids than were logged on Retail.

Mike Ybarra, head of retail WoW, prides himself of selling carries.

I figured that’s what retail really is. Just a WoWtoken/gold marketplace for people to attempt to claw back some old cosmetics from the BMAH or buy KSH or AoTC or whatever.

It only pretends to be a game. Normal progression is basically done with.

So, I play Classic where everything is meant to be played through, instead of bought.

The version of WoW I play isn’t P2W. Retail is.

I don’t play games where someone that’s rich can immediately ruin things for everyone else. Retail is exactly that- rich people’s playground.

wasnt that something? they cut loose warriors and they were having a great go of it. its amazing how many gadgets are in vanilla.

Retail servers have been expanded several time in the past 2 decades to increase the population size on the servers allowing for more people to to log on and play concurrently and almost eliminating login congestion. On major patch days and expansion launches there is often queues that last from minutes to hours. Blizz also expands servers during these times to alleviate log on queues. They have posted about it several time over the years. The can expand and shrink them as needed, and not every server has the same number allotted for players. Just like their isn’t a set number of population on a server.

Much of that was removed in Cata… more of it bit by bit as new expansions came out. But yeah Vanilla has a ton of neat things you could obtain that were game changers. Probably the biggest difference in the two games we’re skill vs knowledge.

I felt like Retail becomes a very skill based game and vanilla was about knowing what to do and where… and it wasn’t very common to knowledge for most.

Why would you think MS would give money to ABK without strings attached (i.e., here’s money for this purpose, and this purpose only)? They want to extract money from ABK, and they if they send investment/development money to ABK it will be directed to the effort with the highest chance of producing a high return on investment; that’s not WoW. It’s Candy Crush, Call of Duty, and maybe/possibly Overwatch.

Because no one knows.

Classic + is different for everyone, thus, it can never exist.


This is a fair statement…

Yea! Classic didn’t have people on mages selling runs through… Oh wait.


Classic + is copium for “all of the things that make me feel fuzzy inside”


You’re fuzzy on the outside too…


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Mike is not head of retail WoW. He is the President of Blizzard.


And IF they did it, people would be upset for either adding or not adding things they think should or shouldn’t be in there.

“You should have added this thing! This is not Classic +”

“You shouldn’t have added that! That’s not Classic +”

Too late for that kind of Drama… TBC sorta started that hate train. Fortunately the majority of the classic folks don’t mind some quality “changes” or “things added”…

I suspect retail also has people bashing the game just because.

If they shifted focus from retail then I’m out.

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What’s the focus? I mean what’s the purpose of retail? Didn’t the game sorta end with the Death of the Lich King? Been Disney World ever since …

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And retail players coping all the time that the Dracthyr were a brilliant addition to the game, look great, and have awesome mogging options.

Lol, I’m not missing anything by quitting retail.

If you like poor implementation, retail is there. I don’t enjoy that, lol.

Hell, the peak WAS Wrath. Folks are enjoying that again.

WoW’s time in the sun has been over.

Just the slow fade into being forgotten, now. It’s not relevant to gaming as a whole and hasn’t been since like 2006-2016, when we ended with Legion.

Everything since then, hasn’t been as good, and likely won’t recover again.

Nothing lasts forever.