New Retail expansion OR Classic +

I’m not expecting Classic+, whatever that is. If anything, I’m expecting Classic: Cataclysm and/or Classic: Wrath Hardcore. Personally, I don’t see the point in making Classic: Cataclysm since 99% of that content is still available in Retail.

A Wrath Hardcore would probably be way more interesting to see.

But it’s like a 99% chance we’re getting 11.0 announced. Retail is still chugging along despite the criticisms and I don’t see it stopping any time soon. The day they start merging the servers together… then we can start talking about the end of Retail WOW.

Based on having smaller numbers all around? Nah

I agree.

Most of the classic players are tourists who play it for a month or two, and are gone before the first or second major patch.

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After SL and BfA, I doubt it’s the Classic players buying these.

They’ve learned their lesson and moved on to the superior, left-behind vision of WoW.

The versions of WoW made by devs that could do their jobs well.

Especially if DF’s low sales are to be believed.

Notices the name of the op

Hey weren’t you that dude that was posting around before or you another dude?

Anyway, hard to say cause classic + was speculation.

Is that why there are barely any Classic servers/HC servers compared to retail and they were getting combined or something?

Is that why Classic had a ton of phasing when it first launched, before they removed it because it was no longer needed…due to a lot of people playing initially then quitting?

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It was retail tourists checking out Classic.

They were never going to stay, because it’s too hard and time intensive for them. No collections either, so they “wEnT bAcK tO rEtAiL”.

They got rid of the layering for the most part, except on HC because it’s still overly populated for only two servers.

Meanwhile, people are still playing retail on ghost-town realms, of which there are quite a few of, and people still exist on those realms because of cross-realm play. Blizzard won’t merge, for reasons. I guess they don’t want to spook those players.

A realm that empty wouldn’t function on Classic.

Nothing about classic is hard. Its the easiest version of WoW gameplay in its entire history.

Time intensive is just another word for tedious.

Wow…2 population servers. So much…

Lets ignore all the super packed retail servers. Cause if we didn’t your entire belief system would crumble.


Which ones?

I play on Illidan and Stormrage, and Bleeding Hollow.

None of those have been full for an extremely long time.

They are 100% less populated than Skull Rock Hardcore.

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Could you be more specific? I’m not typically on General forums much…

That considers server clusters and not the individual servers.

I specifically went to play on the most popular servers to scout for PvP folks. And even those are dead at times.

Plus, due to sharding, you can be in a “fully populated” area and still be placed in a shard with no one in it, making the area feel dead.

I took a screenshot, a while ago about two weeks after DF launch, I was in an empty Valdrakken.

Classic, I’ve never seen that. Always people around.

Uh, do you understand how population density works? There are LESS HC servers than retail servers. So of course, the 2 whole US HC server are going to seem more “packed” when compared to 241 retail servers. If retail dropped to 2 servers I can guarantee you both those servers would be overwhelmed with players.

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Retail, I doubt he would do Classic+

No and despite what some people here would like to believe, Retail will still be the focus.

Here are my predictions for tomorrow.

  • New Expansion obviously.

  • Cataclysm Classic

  • Season of [insert name here] (not the actual name btw) for Classic era. Whatever it entails tomorrow, may make some Classic+ andies happy or upset.

This is basically how I see Classic+ folks with this meme I made, They say that retail is in a bad spot, yet the very same people want Classic+ to be developed by probably the same people making retail right now.

The idea of Classic+ to my understanding is add new content to WoW classic era.

Other then that you have a bunch of ideas of what a Classic+ should be from the Classic+ folk.

Hate to break it to ya but its going to get a new expansion :^)

Hate to break it to ya but its probably going to be developed by more or less the same people working on retail :^)

Let that sink in for a moment…

for its time. Classic was hard because we were new and were bad at the game.

Fast forward to 2023, Bosses in Classic have less mechanics then a regular mythic/mythic+ dungeon bosses. During Classic in Molten core and BWL, tail end of TBC classic and at the start of Wrath with Naxx and Ulduar, I was struggling to retain any sort of interest due to how brain dead easy they are.

There are some ways to fix problems that don’t require an entirely separate game to fix though.

It’s gonna be pretty funny when they announce “classic +” and it’s basically season of mastery with some dungeon modifiers and literally nothing else.

I’m going to think back fondly to this thread and imagine a big red devil dude with a green monocle. Sitting on the ground clutching his knees to his chest, rocking back and forth and muttering to himself.

But most likely you’re just getting cata classic red boi


There was a classic hunter running around with a name similar to yours with similar special characters.

No biggie lol ya just looked like another poster is all :slight_smile:

I’m actually happy to read your comments… this is the feedback I wanted. Thank you for that…

For me it’s not about Classic + good/ Retail bad…

For me it’s about the quality of the game I’m playing. And by quality I don’t mean better pixels and graphics. That’s all superficial really… Some folks just liked the way the game came together back in vanilla-TBC-Wrath.

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That’s what I’m ultimately getting at.

There’s TONS of dead retail realms, people just don’t know it because of cross-realms.

I don’t doubt there are still more people on retail overall, as WoW doesn’t attract new players.

If I had to guess, it’d be anywhere from 60-40% to 70-30% on Retail to Classic, but there’s also three versions of Classic going on and only one version of Retail.

Still, like a third or more, if I had to guess.

When Classic was new and just game out, it went viral and I am 200% sure it eclipsed retail subs back in SL or whenever that was.

Lol I’d still play that Classic + version, you’re acting like it’s not something people would want to play.

Some of us want some ‘new’ content for the older variant of the game. That’s it, really.

It doesn’t even have to be truly original. It could be scaled-down lvl 60 Karazhan. Us Classic players would eat that up.

No more retail, forever. Period.

Not for us.

They don’t need to guide/interfere. I was strictly speaking in terms of budget allowed, that would let them hire a new team.

You realize the subs for Classic & Retail are the same subs, right? And you realize that if there were as few players in Retail as you imply there are there wouldn’t be 226 (241 is NA) US servers to choose from?