Lore of vanilla and tbc is terrible to be honest. It only got redeemed in Wrath and likely only because of how liked the Lich King story is. And beside, I doubt story has much to do with how disliked retail apparently is. So Metzen or no, doesn’t make a difference.
These people are delusional. Lol. They think because they had a thought or a streamer said it, it’s gonna happen.
People arguing for no reason…
People said vanilla won’t happen, hardcore, certain changes in retail, class race combos opening up cause of lore or doesn’t make sense, it’s all happened or happening.
Honestly it’s pointless to say what Blizzard will and won’t do, in truth, if they see they can make money be it short term or long term, you bet it’s going to happen eventually.
Will Classic+ be a thing? I don’t know, but I do know if theirs a quick buck to be made they’ll do it.
I will not deny there is nostalgia for the Vanilla/Classic WoW experience, and it drew some players in. But over the almost 2 decades of this game Blizz has added so many requested QoL things shows that the vast majority of people didn’t particularly like some of the stuff in Classic. Sure people played it in 2004 but WoW was different enough than the juggernaut of the era Everquest that people drifted to it. Doesn’t mean the vanilla game was especially awesome, it just means it was better than the alternatives in 2004 and from there it grew into a game that more and more people picked up and played and they improved almost every aspect of the game over 2 decades. In classic you had to carry your mount in your painfully small bags. Several classes needed to carry and maintain several armor sets. Every had reagents clogging their premium bag space. Hunters had to carry stacks of ammo. Warlocks were out farming soul shards. Plate classes paid more for repairs than cloth classes did. None of that was particularly fun. Is 40 man raiding truly that much better than current raiding? Is it easier to get a 40 man group together every week, get people attuned, get resistance gear, world buffs etc? There is no way you can argue that it is.
Blizzard realized this in TBC and dropped 40 man raids in favor of 10 and 25 man content, then in Wrath they refined it more with hard modes in Ulduar which paved the way for Mythic raiding. In MoP they mixed up the old normal/heroic dungeon status quo with Challenge modes which paved the way for Mythic+. Regardless of what you say Blizzard and most players thinks the game got better over time. Did some systems suck, oh yes, was the story bad, yes…but what exactly was the story in Vanilla? There wasn’t one. There were quests that we disjointed and sent you all over the world. Certain chains had good stories (Onyxia chain), but overall there was no cohesive narrative at all. Even in TBC the story was all over the place. It was in Wrath that they actually nailed a somewhat cohesive expansion spanning story. I would even venture to say that the actual story in WoD, while at times narratively disconnected, was far and away from the no story at all in Vanilla.
That ain’t a quick buck though. It’s a lot of development required to make that a thing, on top of requiring more than the skeleton crew that is maintaining current classic. It’s not even in the same ball park.
And class/race combo? I’ll believe it when they expand on shaman, druid and paladin. You know, the classes that require more than just flipping a switch.
Ever since Pandaren Warlocks and they even stating they opening up the original classes, it’s sort of happening now. We got priest mage rogues, warlocks just recently.
Is classic+ a long term investment? From a lot of the arguments people want them to finish off quests and areas that were meant from original WoW, is it truely that hard to finish off things that already half way done?.
Like I said regardless, if they see a large revenue potential, you bet they’ll do it.
It’s gonna be just as unceremonious as when Warlock could be every race.
They can literally flip a switch and everyone will be those classes, idk what you’re hoping for.
Everyone will get their default paladin mount and enjoy it, same as the Druid forms. They’re not doing something special, otherwise it would mean they’d do it for Warlocks, but they didn’t did they?
They aren’t gonna make bespoke content for each race, too much work and would be wasted. Unique forms for Mechagnomes, Kul’Tirans, and Pandaren druids would be nice, but retail is all about easy wins for as little work as possible.
See, you just mentioned a class that just requires flipping a switch.
So you argue it’s not happening as the easier classes to expand are coming in first?, interesting argument.
Is warlock any different depending on race?
I 100% assure you, they’ll be implemented in the same way.
I find it funny you somehow think Blizzard is going to work harder for these class combos.
Especially since most of the work done on the most unpopular allied races is basically wasted, as no one will play those.
The allied races don’t even have customization options like the rest. Kul’Tirans have like six options, for everything.
They’d have to do that, before even thinking about touching new combos.
If I’m being honest, these new druid forms we’re getting in this 10.2 patch, ARE likely going to be the default forms for the new incoming druids, or all the new stuff druids will get for the next several years. Blizzard doesn’t like to ‘go back’ and add to previous things, they only seemingly go forward.
Until proven otherwise, I’ll still believe they will make them unique from the other races.
I’d REALLY hope so.
Some kind of Transformers Mechagnome Druid would be dream-material.
But, Blizzard has disappointed me so much lately, I can’t help but think they won’t.
I feel like if they threw it out with neutral mount/totem/druid forms, they would have done one of those already but no, they went with warlock that requires no additional work. A ton of people keep asking for void elves paladin. Wouldn’t they have done that first?
Paladins were actually kinda weird.
Dwarf Paladins had the standard human horses for the longest time.
Even when Draenei came along with their Elekks, Dwarves still rode Human chargers.
It wasn’t until BfA when they got their own golden rams, and Dark Iron Dwarves were added and got a Dark-Iron variant of that. Pretty long time to have the default horses.
If they do add these new combos, I imagine it’ll be done Cataclysm-style, and we’d have them all open from the start of a new expansion. So they’d be able to do all the work needed beforehand.
Rather than what DF did, and give us Warlocks halfway through the expansion, because it was easier to implement.
I like when asked what a person means by classic + the response is so vague that no one still knows what really is.meant.
His focus will be what makes them the most money so retail. Blizzard wants people buying expansions.
If they do do classic + where it has new content that is actually challenging that will become another form of retail. Then in 10 years people will scream for classic classic.
Microsoft’s primary interest in acquiring ABK, per Phil Spencer CEO of MS Gaming Division, was for the mobile game space potential. That’s King’s Candy Crush and possibly a port of Activision’s Call of Duty to phone apps. If they do anything to directly guide/interfere with Blizzard’s activities, it would be related to porting Overwatch to phones. The only thing WoW might get is a ride on Game Pass PC, but that’s a straight up revenue loss in exchange that maybe existing Game Pass PC subscribers would try WoW and love it so much they spend on MTX to make up -5$/mo… that seems pretty unlikely, so a losing proposition that probably won’t happen.
Microsoft’s other game studios certainly don’t have talent that corporate can apply and be productive to the WoW dev team. They likely wouldn’t anyway, since they’re busy with their own studio dev efforts. If MS has to intervene it will be at the CEO/CFO level to try and cut any fat (duplicate corporate jobs) and increase profits (eliminate positions altogether, capitalize on new mobile gaming revenue streams).
An idle team of devs would have been let go; they wouldn’t be retained and idling until a need to use them on WoW came up.
This seems a bit delusional. I certainly have no interest in any Classic variant and would love “for more retail” to be developed and be the focus of the dev team.
So I’m asking for more retail. I’m sure I’m not alone in that.
Classic and HC, and Classic + would be better for retaining subs.
Game takes longer and is more time-intensive overall. Just getting to 60 will likely take longer than a month if you play casually.
It’s not nearly as much as a solo experience as well, and having friends makes people stay longer. No auto-queue systems, cept Wrath.
Retail is about selling expansion boxes more than anything else.
Most of the money retail makes comes from tourists who buy it, play it for a month or two, and are gone before the first or second major patch.
A lot of people talking about Classic + but that’s just another timeline which has another implications compared to just launching previous expansions again.
I don’t play classic because I already did that content before but if they add new content that’ll change things and I’ll assume there could be a big impact for retail. I doubt Classic + is a thing.