New Retail expansion OR Classic +

Enjoy your museum.

Classic+ will never happen.



If you don’t want the same people that made retail to delete all WoW lore to create classic+ then you actually hate warcraft.


Already has on private servers.

Turtle WoW exists.

Nobody cares about 100 losers playing on a server some grifters cobbled together.


He’s overlooking art and story on all things WoW. Not just one or the other.

Neither will fade away. Holly Longdale has already been overlooking both in general for a while now.

Same as WoW players don’t care for retail because it’s a cute collection game for geriatric old folks, Brizzle Load-y

WoW isn’t relevant to gaming anymore.

Classic gets attention because it was special, retail isn’t anymore special than Diablo Immortal.


Isn’t geriatric old folks the main playerbase of classic?

Someone just tried making a thread about it.


Absolutely not.



Do you believe that the over all population of WoW loves the new expansions more than they loved the classic ones? What sets these people apart? Can these two groups ever be consolidated together again? Where should future development begin?

Classic Andys are starting to remind me of vegans. It’s not enough to just enjoy something, it has to be a movement. And if you aren’t a part of that movement, there is something wrong, something negative about you. It’s annoying.


Classic + is never going to happen. But at least we only have 1 day left before Blizz burst everyones bubbles and these threads will go away for awhile.

It could be, probably 50-50 between retail and Classic.

But Classic doesn’t pretend to be anything else, there’s no ‘easy mode’, what you get is what you get it. Leveling ‘was’ the game, for the most part. Not everyone did endgame in early WoW.

Retail tries to reach every audience, but it is shallow. Leveling is only a minor inconvenience, then you’re thrown straight into endgame. I call it a lobby game because that’s really the focus at the top level.


i feel Retail is to fare gone Classic + is the last hope


In what would would they focus on classic to abandon retail?

Last hope for what? By modern standards, Classic is a bad MMO that would absolutely get trashed if it was trying to compete on its own against other modern MMOs


No more annoying than retail being paraded around as the best version of the game.

Especially with BfA and SL right behind DF.

It’s like people have short term memory loss.

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I haven’t seen anyone do this. I’ve seen plenty of Vanilla is the best ever bs.


Algorithms? What’s trending? Data collection? Is it cheaper to develop new games out of old content and still be profitable? Will a Retail player more or less consume anything given to them thereby making them the easiest to sell to? How can they attract customers that distain retail and still profit?

There’s no easy mode because Classic is easy mode in its entirety.


Eh, it’s harder than Retail.

When’s the last time you died in the open world? And not from falling, or PvP.

I bet you can’t remember, lol.

The community interaction is really what the older versions of the game are about, though.

True MMORPG, with flavored abilties, no auto-queues.