New Retail expansion OR Classic +

Classic cata without lfr dragon soul and you watch the fire.

The best race wasn’t added until Battle for Azeroth, though. :dracthyr_uwu:

We agree on something. TBC was awful.

How delusional do you have to be


I don’t think you understand the difference in active population size between retail and classic if you’re genuinely wondering that.

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Then they will just close down WoW if that is the case.

Retail has exponentially more people playing than HC for example. More than classic

If retail has faded to obscurity than the other two are much worse. They can’t sustain WoW.

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Could say the same thing about over revamped classic lmao

You mean the creatures whose pelts make good fuzzy hats and coats? :thinking:

As opposed to the race that makes good roads?

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I’m a former classic only and hardcore guy. Been on retail since summer of 2022 and I’ll never go back to classic. The time sink and limited gratification for accomplishing things always kept me down while playing classic. I love all the different aspects of retail. So I hope retail gets a lot of the effort from the dev team for next year!!


It will, it’s where most of the revenue comes from.


They just finished adding people to the WoW team, and it’s now the biggest it’s ever been. How have people interpreted that as “fading away”? Compared to a Classic that has only a couple dozen devs probably, retail has something like 1000 people now.

The focus has been and always will be retail. Blizzard makes and continues Classic because there’s low overhead costs due to not really needing various positions like an art team or a large number of developers. To make an expansion would see them need to triple the Classic team size at least, on top of the fact that no one can agree on what a Classic+ should look like to begin with. Blizzard wouldn’t invest that heavily into an unknown.

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Retail has 50+ servers, all with a medium population or lower.

They won’t merge because they’re afraid of letting the playerbase know how low the numbers actually are.

Cross-realm exists to prevent people from seeing empty zones and cities.

Meanwhile, HC only has two realms, both are pretty packed.

Classic Wrath and Era, while I’m not playing those, already seem way more packed than retail servers.

You have to keep in mind they don’t have cross-realm on the older versions of the game.

I certainly think Retail has a lower population than is seen. They’ve done the most to keep the numbers obscure.

PvP queues are always getting longer, it was around 3 mins at launch, like 9-13 mins now, if it pops before I decide to log out.



Seems like your entire premise is based on faulty information.


Give him some credit he has a healthy amount of unsubstantiated assumptions doing some important lifting as well


High and full are lies.

Classic and HC I’ve had queues, never ever on Retail, not since Legion.


Now you are backtracking and just straight up admitting your entire point is making everything up.

I am sure you regularly log in to the high pop retail servers

I am sure only the retail servers lie. Not the hardcore ones using the same server tech.

Weird how that works.


Stop bursting his bubble, he feels safe in there!


I just hope they announce Classic + already, something for real Warcraft fans.

Retail is… retail.

Enjoy your cutesy doggo collection game about dragons discussing their feelings, lol.

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As opposed to seeing all of them at low? Didn’t think that through eh?

Queues when everybody playing is condensed in less realms? Say it ain’t so.