New Retail expansion OR Classic +

Likely referring to Season of Discovery, which is Classic+.


Oh so the new Retail expansion is gonna actually be Retail+ because it has new stuff then. I see where you guys are going.

Do you
not know that Season of Discovery exists? lol


Yeah, you’re going to enjoy destiny style expansions and more lame story telling. More cosmic build up! I wonder is this apart of the God’s master plan, also apart of the Titans master plan and the void lords and so and so forth. I guess in the end there is going to be an even bigger cosmic [insert generic cosmic foe here] to look forward to, all for full price of 50-100$ each! Everybody wins!

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So that is what Classic+? Again, you had no idea what it was you actually wanted so you’re just going to say anything they give you is Classic+ because it was a nebulous idea in your mind. I’m am almost 100% sure that at no time did you ever think to your self, “know what would be just wizard? If they gave us Cataclysm and added in extra stuff similar to the fated content and m+ affixes on retail! That would be swell!”

I happen to enjoy Destiny, so im not sure why you are under the impression that that is a bad thing. Buy you enjoy your 13 year old recycled content whos raid will be conquered in the first hour they come out!

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What a well aged comment kp

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It’s literally classic with new content we haven’t seen before, how hard is this to understand?


looks at the state of destiny hmmm, hows that working for Bungie?

No, we classic players want an MMO, not a multiplayer lobby with lazy writing and cosmic creep, want WoW to return to being an actual MMO, we want a social community back, want the world to feel alive, ya know escapism, want professions to feel like professions that work. If you don’t understand that, there is no saving this game.

Copying Bungie’s disastrous micro expansion loop with Destiny isn’t going to change the inevitable.

The dude that spoke on it literally said “classic
 some new things.” :wink:


The dude who announced it literally gave us a tongue in cheek classic plus joke when announcing this lmao


Well all I know is that my fun starts on November 30th, have fun waiting til the end of next year LMAO


When I heard that I laughed so hard, really? Fall of 2024 LOL? The war within a title they copied from Warframe? LFMAOFAOFMAO

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Uh, so you want the lazy writing of Vanilla, that had no cohesive plot at all, TBC, that had a plot that was all over the place with no central narritve and a final raid that just came out of nowhere with not lead up outside of a wq island, Wrath that managed to use the nostalgia for the villain of WC3 , a recycled vanilla raid that the added because the average player wasn’t able to do it in vanilla, a cosmic HP Lovecraft raid boss that had no connection to the rest of the plot, and a completely abandoned sub plot about Malyagos war on magic, and a 1 room raid, followed by more cosmic stuff with 1 raid being about ressurecting C’thune and the last raid being Deathwing going all old god corruption and a super awesome well written Jesus Thrall story, into Cataclysm- the expansion that caused Classic players to cry that they wanted to go back to Vanilla WoW cuz Cata ruined it! Is that the MMO youre talking about? The one that the social community revolved around Gearscore and LFR at the end?

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wow you are just

Sorry too busy deciding on my next character to play. Dont worry, you have a year to make your decision LOL

I’ll be too busy doing the next raid tier that comes out in 2 weeks, but have fun playing recycled decade old content and convincing yourself that its “plus”.

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Imagine paying full price for 3 mini expansions, oh wait
 you dont need to LOL

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Imagine paying a sub for decades old content that Blizzard convinced you was new.


Its the same sub you pay mate. Just doesnt require the extra $$$$. I’m sure WoW doesnt recycle anything for its new expansions. Oh what? MORE DWARVES. LMAO

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