New Retail expansion OR Classic +

I had already found it. You are an interesting person. Mostly wrong in stuff you say, but interesting none the less.

Like a WoW Veteran?
Cuz, uh, im like a real veteran
as in 1/505 PIR 82nd Airborne Div, 11B Airborne Infantry, 1993-98, got out medically after a horrible a parachute accident.

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I’m too young to be an IRL veteran, am only 29. Started playing WoW at like 11 years old, had a big brother who also played.

I actually wanted to serve, back in High School.

They turned me away because I have Epilepsy. Can’t hold a gun.

I would’ve served, if I could. I wanted to, it runs in my family.

I’m sorry about that, though. Hopefully they treat vets better.

I’m sticking to retail.

I’d consider playing in Classic if they added all the race/class combo’s and gave us retail graphics. Though it’s unlikely I’d stick around for long, as toxic as retail can be I feel like classic is worse.

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I was never a fan of WC3 or it’s story so I didn’t care about him

you guys arn’t getting classic + lol


The best part of this is that Retail gets less money going towards it once the Classic crowd is finished playing.

So, no Classic +, retail suffers too lolol, no matter what.

It’s a Lose-Lose situation.

Classic+ Will be Cata classic
/eat crow

The company you loved is gone.

Even if classic plus happens, which it won’t, people have already set their expectations way too high. I imagine it’ll be like shadowlands where streamers and people online were hyping it up as the best xpac ever than it released and it was pretty Garbo. That’s much worse than just releasing a bad expansion. So hopefully they put metzens talent to use and have him on the retail team. If I’m wrong I will drink water rung out of a sweaty gym sock.

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How much money do you think Classic is bringing in? A lot more people dabble in classic or HC and play retail at the same time than those who just pay $15 a month to play classic. You are delusional to think otherwise.

Dwarves, Elves, and Trolls go back even further than Tolkien into Norse myth. Elves were from Alfheim, Dwarves from Nidavellir/Svartalfheim, and trolls were a race that shared Midgard with humans. I think I read somewhere that Tolkien drew lots of inspiration from Norse and Celtic myths when writing LOTR.

It’s about a third of WoW players, so a good portion. There’s three different variants of Classic, all going right now. A good portion of retail players are also in there, waiting for the next retail patch.

Granted they don’t pay box sales, but a lot of them buy services like Character Transfers, Server Transfers, etc.

Once those Classic players are gone, less money goes towards retail.

Yeah, you’ve already said that. I get it, you like retail.

But once those players are done and finished with Classic, that’s less money going towards it regardless. Same subscription fee, only they won’t be paying nor playing any longer.

It’s not about liking retail. Its this weird mental gymnastics classic players do thinking that they are supporting development of retail by
buying server/character transfers and tokens? Like what? If Classic was so important to the development of retail and retail needed that cash from classic, don’t you think they’d charge a sub for classic since it doesn’t need as much development as retail? It would be printing money if classic was as popular as people seem to think.

The main reason why it’s all on one sub is because they are desparate to bring people into retail, not the other way around lol.

If you’ve paid any attention, Classic WoW would still be around even if Blizzard never wanted to bring it back. Nostalrius existed.

Classic WoW is/was going to come back no matter what, because there’s interest outside of Blizzard for it.

It’s popular, even though I’m talking to a brick wall that thinks otherwise.

It’ll continue to be popular until those people die off, which probably won’t be for another thirty or so years, lol.

Classic can’t be killed, sorry. It’ll continue to exist long after Blizzard supports it too, on some private servers somewhere.

They are more desperate to put players into retail than Classic. Largely because of the in-game store, and 12/month packages.

Blizzard only has Classic going so they can make money off of it, instead of having private servers allow people to play for free.

They saw those Nostalrius numbers, and got $$$ in their eyes. It’s silly to think Blizzard wouldn’t want money from their own game.

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Yep. Why the big blizzcon question of the day for classic is
do we get wrath era forever. Cata coming is getting clearer. they didn’t make up tons of t-shirts as a ruse lol.

That would cost bobby some % of his next yacth money. Greed won’t lose money on purpose for a feint marketing plan lol.

If yes to an era wrath server or two
they could see some money still come in. some want wrath forever, non pserver edition lol.

If no
they quit or there have been other options for years. A decent section of the official player base came from the “other options”. and they can go back to them like before.

I will carry over to cata so no biggy. I hear its pvp gets better. I shall see as I was in eve for the first run of this.

They brought classic back to prey on the nostalgia of players who were playing on private servers/wanted to experience vanilla because they knew they could monetize them. You just said people pay a normal sub of $15, and also buy things like character transfers, tokens, upgrade packages with mounts etc. That was all basically free money that you just forked over. They did not make classic servers to bring players to retail. I don’t know where that myth comes from. It was purely profit driven. They could double dip, people come play classic and pay the same sub as retail, and retail players continue to buy box sales, and all the shop services as well. Classic WoW release in 2019
in 2020 Shadowlands box sales sold sold over 3.7 million copies on its launch day , which outpaced 2018’s Battle for Azeroth which held the record for the franchise at the time. Where in that do you get that retail needs classic players???

We make the wow sub numbers look good. Ion claims us too on reports to Holly and the higher ups.

I check my tendies and log off in retail. and then play wrath full time.

If no classic, no sub for wow for me. For a quite a few people really. How many? I won’t pull up imaginary numbers.

I will bring up activision greed. they would care regardless. what’s $1 million in lost sub money with no classic folks paying?

Its $1 million. Greed says its never jsut $1 million. 10 execs are going dude
we split that up 10 ways and we got an extra 100K for x-mas.

Remember this is the corporation that shafted employees on bonuses
with profits made. those execs took all the pie and left none for the worker bees.

They’d miss even $500K in lost subs no classic run.

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What about people that genuinely think it’s the best version of WoW, so they play it?

Lol, it needs players, period. No one is playing WoW anymore. It’s almost 20 years old at this point, turning 19 this year. It’s old, it’s stale, and I might as well play the older version if I’m going to touch WoW at all.

DF didn’t sell well, already told you that.

Best part is, I don’t need Blizzard at all to play Classic WoW, because private servers exist.

There was just a $100,000k reward for Hardcore Classic duels to the death, it made over 300k views to WoW on Twitch.

Is nearly that amount of people watching anything retail-related? I don’t think so, lol.

Go to Twitch.TV, and tell me how many streams are playing Classic WoW, and how many are playing Retail. Count them, I’ll wait haha.

People still want zzztail? Yikes. WoW needs a full revamp.

You really honestly believe that people like you are in the majority in terms of classic/retail? That’s just wild to me. Shadowland sold 3.7 million copies a year after classic came out. By your rationale more a majority of those sales were because classic drew them in? Wow has been losing subs since MoP. I absolutely do not believe that the suits and accountants at Blizzard were like “hey let’s release classic to shore up our losses in retail and inflate sub numbers!”