…No. That’s not even remotely the same thing.
Minotaur (Tauren) and Worgen (Werewolves) were the only two furry races I liked.
Because they have a ‘badass’ factor to them, the rest honestly just don’t.
They’re just cute, and just kinda there in the background lol.
Vulpera, Pandaren, and Dracthyr.
They Don’t Think It Be Like It Is, But It Do
Classic = Vanilla/Original
TBC = Vanilla + TBC
Wrath = Vanilla + TBC + Wrath
Anything else and its not classic as Cataclysm changes Vanilla.
It would make it Retail- <—minus as it would be retail without some expansions.
It is exactly the same thing. You are asking for new content to be developed and added to a completely separate version of a profitable popular version of the game. So You have WoW Retail with its story continuing on expac after expac and then Classic+ adding completely new content unrelated to what’s happening in retail in a completely different direction. Does Classic+ add new expansions to that version or is it just new content that once played it becomes the dead end street you currently have in Classic? If it’s the first, congrats you are asking for a new game to be developed and asking Blizzard to take a great risk in doing so.
Ah yes, you’re right. The Horde has no room for survivalist scavengers, and Orgrimmar didn’t need any help for its founding, nope.
Also, uh, Tauren are pretty furry, my guy. Dunno why they keep getting a pass when they literally had ‘milk’ jokes.
EDIT: I also have to kinda laugh at the notion of ‘Classic will save WoW’ when Classic is a glorified broken record that doesn’t advance past 2008.
They’re badass, they get a pass.
They can fight.
And I find it funny that the rest of the Horde doesn’t survive or scavenge enough to need a whole new dedicated race just for that?
Like, goblins aren’t great scavengers already?
Or orcs being already good survivalists from having lived in Durotar?
Trolls and Tauren, too? They already have lived the same life the Vulpera do.
Adding Vulpera does nothing to the Horde but give it a cute race, and I didn’t enjoy it that much, even from the lore perspective. They just seemed shoehorned in.
There’s nothing the Vulpera can do, that the Horde already couldn’t.
At least Mechagnomes saved Mekkatorque’s life when his heart gave out. They had superior tech that was used to help the Alliance. They had an artificial heart they had built from being robots.
Then why were Tauren included at all? Orcs are plenty good fighters. Why were Forsaken included? Trolls were already the edge-of-the-darkness kind of spellcaster and opportunist.
It’s okay for races to have overlap in terms of theming.
classic+ is bound to end up like retail as people over the years keep asking for ‘‘a lil qol here and there’’
that’s how vanilla turned into retail in the first place and it’s happening in classic right now with constant demands from the playerbase to add stuff like rdf and joyous journeys, or that world buff container in classic. Give it 20 years and all those little additions will snowball into retail 2.
I just feel the exact same theme the Vulpera use, was already originally the Tauren’s identity lol.
“We’re a band of nomads, the locals want us dead (centaur), and we’ve carved out this zone for ourselves (Mulgore), and we live off the land.”
And like i said neither of those is original races created by Blizzard. None of the races in the game are original creations.
Trolls - Tolkien
Orcs- Tolkien
Elves- Tolkien
Dwarves- Tolkien
Tauren/High Mountain- Greek Mythology
Worgen- Werewolf myths across several cultures.
Night Elves- D&D Drow
Void Elves- HP Lovecraft inspired Tolkien
Pandaren- Chinese myth
Dracthyr- D&D Dragonborn and Myths across several asian cultures
Draenei/Eradar- D&D Teiflings
Old Gods- HP Lovecraft
This is why Classic and any permutation of it is doomed to be a skipping record that does nothing but retread ground already covered.
Not at all. They’re desert survivalists, something the Horde literally didn’t have, and a strong ‘fighting-for-freedom’ mentality is pretty much all you need to be considered for Horde membership. Almost every race on the Horde save the Tauren and Trolls were fighting their way out from under oppression of some kind. The Orcs, from the Legion. Forsaken, from the Scourge. Goblins, from Gallywix. Vulpera, from the Sethrak.
There may as well be a form on the Horde application form asking how many chains of oppression you and yours have broken in the past six months.
I’m aware lol, honestly good luck finding something that’s high fantasy that wasn’t invented by Tolkien.
I just liked the ‘original’ races WoW had to offer more than the most recent ones, save for Dark Irons because we had a history with them in Vanilla. They’ve been established long before we could play them.
Basically, if it’s an established race that’s been in WoW for a long time, I already like it.
This was posted on a manari draenei monk alt.
Why is it always rooting for one or the other? I would love to see some good new classic stuff that would interest me and a really good 11.0. The sub pays for both, so what’s the issue?
yeah classic funds retail development
The race you are currently playing isnt one of the “original” races. It’s based off a race introduced in TBC that was shoehorned in to the game with massive lore changes because the Draenei were just the Lost Ones/Broken in lore, and the Eradar was a completely separate race that wasn’t related to the Broken. In Warcraft 3 Akama was a Lost One and not a Draenei. That was retconned in TBC with the Lost Ones being a tribe of the broken Draenei.
My team of medics is setting up early. When Classic+ isn’t announced we’re going to be working around the clock to medicate and heal the injured and angry classic andys that await.
TBC is also my favorite expansion.
I’m very aware of all of that. It was the first major retcon to WoW.
They kept Akama as a ‘broken’ which they then added as a middle ground between the Lost Ones and the Draenei.
I guess I didn’t mind because it was the counterpart race of the Orcs, they both came from Draenor.
By “original”, I guess I meant “non-allied”.
Legion was that good. I pity all who weren’t around for it, basically the last retail expansion I’d put in high praise. Lots of the systems that are standard/stale now were new then, like World Quests.
Argus was the best conclusion to any expansion, ever.
It’s a vague nebulous term with like 1000+ meanings.
Its classic with wanted changes. Good luck getting consensus on what those changes would be however.
See my classic+ would have retail qol. I like reagent tab. I’d have this wanted in classic+. and some other dude would go no…that is bad.
The race you’re playing wasn’t in TBC. It is basically an allied race they just made a skin color and added 14 years later to represent a race that wasn’t even playable in your favorite expansion.