New Realm Connections are Underway

they did them already, quit necroing old posts.

Please read the entirety of the original post and realize their stated goal was not met. They were going to connect HYJAL (High pop) to PROUDMOORE (Full pop) because they considered Hyjal to be low enough to connect. Now look at how many servers are below Hyjal and weren’t connected either.

This post is still relevant as they haven’t given us an update here. The only update we got was an obscure tweet stating that the connections were finished with no explanation as to why they completely and utterly failed to meet their stated goal.

Looking at the balance and population of the Kirin Tor, Sentinels and Steamwheedle Cartel cluster, it seems like it would be a perfect match for the Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, The Venture Co, Ravenholdt, Twisting Nether cluster.

The Steamwheedle cluster is slightly Alliance heavy and the Maelstrom cluster is slightly Horde heavy. Both clusters are central time and they’re all RP realms and all those realms are located in the Chicago data center. Merging these clusters would make both those Low-pop clusters into Medium or High ones.

That’s just one example of many that could turn dead or dying realms into thriving, happy realms.


90% of the people I see are from Frostmourne and I’m Aman’thul

Please don’t merge realms that are already merged with others
My main Echo Isles has been merged with Draenor for a while, I am hoping we are not merged with anyone else

Just end the faction system, that will do wonders to solve population issues.


Hey Kaivax, is it possible for Stormreaver to get a merge soon? It has been low population for several years now and seems no attention is being made to it! D: Would love to see it merged with another lower population realm Like Arthas kill two birds with one shot there, and put a connected realm to around a 8k player base :smiley:


Kaivax, I skimmed the thread and saw that you almost connected Hyjal to other serves, then changed your mind. Makes me sad, because I’ve transferred 7 toons across two servers, to find a great guild in Hyjal. But the population imbalance here STINKS According to Wowrealmpopulationdata, Hyjal has 2007 active Alliance and 19324 active Horde.

But there is an easy solution. We are listed as a “Normal” server based in Los Angeles. So is Lightbringer. And their population data from the same source, says 15269 Alliance, and 1900 Horde with active accounts.

Combine the two and you get 17, 276 Alliance and 23,231 Horde.

Because what also stinks, is when I get pulled to an active Realm via party mechanism, I am reminded what WoW was like when I joined the week after the South Park Warcraft episode aired. And how much more fun the game is, when it’s filled with other player charactes, making the world alive.

I realize that there may be some corporate overlord, trying to suck the realm-transfer blood try from the player-base. Hopefully there is a Blizzard demigod willing to go to bat for making the player-base happy without trying to bleed their wallets dry.

Please look at Hyjal again. Lightbringer is an easy – and obvious – answer. Just like we are an answer for their Horde players on Lightbringer.

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I don’t know where to find it, but Blizzard has gone on record saying they don’t use Connected Realms to correct faction imbalances. They’re only looking at general population. Is it dumb? Maybe. But it’s definitely something they mentioned at some point.

If you’re holding your breath for a fix for faction imbalances, you’re gonna suffocate, because Blizzard sees it as a totally separate issue from realm population.

Hi, guys.

It’s time for another round of these

:green_heart: :star_struck:

Well, that’s kind of stupid, because gameplay experience is affected by seeing other player characters in the world, doing things. If I wanted to be in a world with 100% NPCs and/or enemy players, I could have stuck to Warcraft III.

Moreover, I don’t think making their players unhappy is a smart business model. Or part of their actual plan. So I doubt the veracity of that statement. (I don’t doubt you saying they said it, or that they said it – I just don’t think they meant it, even if they said it publicly)

Friendly reminder that it has been over 11 months since this post and the stated goal that was to be achieved after 2-3 months has still not been met.


It never will be. They want paid transactions vs fulfilled customers.


I was like 
 no way, then I looked at the views and realized it was the old thread lol

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Dear Kaurmine from the past, it’s future Kaurmine, get rekt, have fun spending hundreds of dollars transferring characters :rofl:

I want more connections. There is no reason to have dead servers.


I want more connections. There is no reason to have dead servers.

And people are usually playing on dead servers because they have friends there, and/or a guild they like.

So the choice Blizzard forces on them, by not merging low-faction-population servers together, is the person either has to choose between their:

  1. friends and/or the guild they like,
  2. a gaming experience where the world looks alive and active, not empty and dead.

Bad business model to force people to make that choice, because

  1. you and your friends might just quit, and start a new game not made by Blizzard, which is the last option. And the bitter taste between 1) and 2) options, makes 3) more likely for a lot of players imo.


The Venture Co, Maelstrom, Lightninghoof, Ravenholdt and Twisting Nether connection currently has 208 total characters online at 8:19 P.M. on a Friday night, the week of a new patch. That’s both factions combined.

This is an objective failure on Blizzard’s part. They promised to address this issue and arbitrarily decided to stop connections with no indication that they’ll start up again anytime soon.

208 total characters online a 5 realm cluster at prime time during the week of the first content patch in 7 months. You want to know what’s really bizarre? I don’t think this is even the most dead server cluster.

Yeah, it really is bizarre.

Blizzard has the means to make dead realms basically not exist, and yet they beat around the bush and constantly avoid using the system they built.

It makes 0 sense. Dead realms are dead realms. Do something about them. And no, making a bunch of realms with 36 people playing on them into a single barely-medium-pop realm isn’t doing something. Even “High” pop realms are questionable at this point. The thresholds changed and “Full” is closer to what “High” used to be.

They need to just buckle in and make a crapload of sweeping connections. Change server time zones by 1 hour if absolutely necessary. Just make it happen.


when is turalyon getting connected?

There’s more level 70 Alliance Warriors online my Medium population Classic TBC server than all of the Alliance across all levels on my 5 realm Modern WoW server cluster.