New Realm Connections are Underway

Yes, please update us! Whether or not more are planned is going to have a major impact on the plans of a lot of people I know, so it would be nice to at least have a definitive answer.


Was there ever a follow up to this? The blue post states:

Were these notices ever posted? I wasn’t playing back in July and only been back a few months. My realm is pretty dead and I don’t think it’s been “connected” with any new realms to my knowledge. I think it’s still just Uther/Runetotem.

I just found this thread and it got me a bit excited that maybe more merges were coming but I can’t tell if this is still happening or already completed or what?

Soo uh…If blizzard is reading this, can you um…please make it more obvious which realms are connected? For example…Arathor/Drenden is connected to a bunch of other realms and even for a veteran player like myself I find it frustrating not knowing at the character selection screen which realms are with mine. Maybe there should be a tooltip of some sort added when you select your realm that shows this information…just a thought!


Unfortunately, Uther/Runetotem is one of the low pop realms that did not get new connections this time around.

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Well that explains a lot. Thanks for the info. Has there been any info about something happening in the future? There are hardly any guilds recruiting on the realm. It’s sort of depressing.

A huge chunk of dead servers did not get new connections. Blizz forgot about us all :frowning:


This right here, fills me with a special kind of existential dread. I feel for the poor souls that get merged with them and Quel’thalas

This never happened.

Can you please make this happen now, Blizzard? Those Low population (and some “Medium” ones) appear to be virtually as dead as they were before Shadowlands launched.

13 realms are labeled “New Players.”
67 realms are labeled “Low.”


Which is really just 2 realms (one east coast and 1 west coast)…

Outside of china, only 1 server per locale usually gets the “new player” label and it has nothing to do with actual server population.

The realm listings take the whole server into account including anything connected to it, once a realm connection happens you have to look at it as a single server because in effect it is.

Its important to note that the server list at least loosely lists the realms based on the average population within the region, there will always be servers listed as low just by virtue of them being underpopulated when compared to the regional average.

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Perhaps, but consider Bloodhoof-Duskwood and Feathermoon-Scarlet Crusade. All they’ve got is each other, and all four are listed as Low.

I know, I posted the numbers as is because I wasn’t going to spend 30 minutes going through lists to see which realms were connected where.

The point still stands; Blizzard didn’t do what they said they were going to do, and apparently they’ve finished the connections:

It would be great to get a statement as to why they abruptly stopped the connections before they completed their stated goal.


Maybe they need new plans. They need to be told that it is time for new plans.

The absolute stunning change that I’ve seen, is on Silver Hand server. That server has been High pop since before my nephew had me make a character there over ten years ago. Then this summer, it dropped to Medium, and right now, right after an expansion launch, it’s now Low. What happened?

Maelstrom cluster (5 realms) currently has about 600 people online (Horde and Alliance combined) six days into an expansion at 10:00 P.M. on a Sunday.

It’s so incredibly disappointing that realms like these that have been dead for years will continue to be dead mere weeks into a new expansion.

Maybe it has something to do with the increased capacity they engineered into servers the other day? Or maybe people are realizing that after years of begging for proper connections, they’re never going to happen, so they stopped playing or transferred off?

Well none are connected to area 52 my friends that were playing stopped already, so my characters stay here. I usually play late so the queue times aren’t a huge deal for me anyway.

Still wondering where the statement regarding the seemingly arbitrary stoppage of the realm connections is. The goal was stated plainly in the OP; the goal was very obviously not met.

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Have you played recently? Have you seen some of the horrendous lag in popular zones of Shadowlands? I’m thinking they may have broke something along the way… silence is also par for the course with Blizzard.

Yes, but only in Battlegrounds.

No, I refuse to purchase Shadowlands until the issue of dead, low population realms is actually addressed. I don’t think Blizzard purposely lies like a lot of people do. However, this thread is currently misinformation as the post still says:

while the Twitter reply says:

I don’t think it’s too much to ask for an update here.


Just a little over 3 years ago I left Maelstrom because the server appeared VERY inactive and the potential for doing anything outside of Mythic+. I wish things seemed more positive for that Server group but without being merged with Emerald Dream fully, things seem unlikely

Still waiting for an update on what I consider an extremely important topic. We were told that every low-population realm in every region would be connected to a substantially larger population of players over a period of 2-3 months. That post was made in July, they did not do what they said they were going to do.

I think we deserve a 30 second explanation as to why they abruptly stopped those connections before meeting their goal.

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