New Race for the Alliance: HALF ELVES!

Lann you’ve gone from well attired to rags! What happened?

I’m in HIllsbrad right now questing with the Forsaken, doing archeology too, I felt it gave me a Elf on the road look, a magister type who is trying to fit in with the life style of the Eastern Kingdoms outside of Quel’thalas! Mostly I feel like its my archeology outfit even though I only leveled up 7 points so far


Preach it dude. Silver Covenant should have been playable YEARS ago. I don’t understand Blizzard’s need to be obstinate about this. Not going to lie, it pisses me off A LOT. Certainly Silver Covenant should have been made playable when Alleria came back and yet we got a 5 minute bread crumb quest with a shoehorned “race” that amount to a couple of dozen individuals that are just pretty art assets, then they don’t even appear in the expansion ABOUT N’Zoth and company. It makes you wonder wtf is going on over at Blizzard where the Alliance is concerned.

I don’t know about all this…but how did you make the writing that small?

YES, this.


And the Mag’har and Regular Orcs are the same as well. Don’t forget the Dwarves and Darkiron Dwarves

No, they have physical differences. Said physical differences may be minor but they are there on top of the political and philosophical differences. Major points such as views on devouring magics, allegiances, views on using Fel Magics, ect.

What even is this argument???

First off–

I never said that, don’t twist my words into what you want them to be, pal.

My point is that they are wrong and wrong is wrong is wrong no matter how you slice it. I have given you two examples on them being wrong before and making corrections when wrong. They are human, they make mistakes, and Ion is NOT a lore guy.

At no point have I said that they “don’t know the basic world building things” as you so eloquently put it. My statement was straight forward. On the matter of Ion’s comment, he is wrong. End of comment.

As for…

There are ENTIRE ORGANIZATIONS dedicated to doing just that, making sure that history is handled accurately. There is a major difference between some random joe, like yourself, saying something off highhandedly and being wrong to a degree VS those involved with archiving and maintaining said historical pieces coming out and making a such a claim.

He was wrong.

Eh, that’s fair.

<small> at the start and </small> at the end, you can also use <big> and </big> to make text bigger :slight_smile:

Also, secret pro tip, you can stack the smalls. So if you do like 3 smalls at the start and end of the text you want to shrink it will get smaller and smaller for each one.

Oh no!I’m Shrinking!Haaaaaaalp!
^ done by doing the following
<small>Oh no!<small>I'm Shrinking!<small>Haaaaaaalp!</small></small></small>


nothing really of substance here(typical with pro posts), but i will address this part

the mag’har orcs are a snapshot of who the orcs used to be, more clannish and uncorrupted. the point of divergence was the orcs in our timeline drank mannoroths blood. if you dont know the distinction between darkiron dwarves and bronzebeards by simply looking at them, well thats not surprising

there are no cultural or physical differences between blood elves(high elves) and alliance high elves beyond political

their eye color can be affected by the ambient magic of their environment or the magic they have an affinity with. and when the sunwell was restored that tiny green glint began the process of fading away(confirmed by metzen and afrasiabi in an ask cdev). and we know it can change because canon wise priests/paladins were the first to be purified by the sunwell and have begun to manifest golden eyeys because they are closer to the light. and likewise the potential is there for blood elves who use arcane magic to the level of the magisters to manifest blue eyes because the sunwell is also arcane as much as it is holy

its probably why they created void elves. they plan on giving the blood elves more colors in shadowlands to reflect where they should and will be in the future after 9 years of being bombarded by arcane/holy magic 24/7

at this moment in time the only difference is political, and that ofc is not enough of a distinction :relaxed:

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“Is Felsted dead?” is a small precise bit of data, like that the Battle of Gettysburg took place July 1-3 1863. It’s easy to mess that up, can put the wrong month, or get the year wrong. With a lore tidbit like that, if someone is involved in stuff that doesn’t get out to us, that can influence memory (If they discussed killing that character off but decided not to that can confuse things for someone in on that discussion)

On the other hand “blood elves are our high elves” is not a discrete fact, it’s more of a guideline. You don’t need to be up to date on all the books and expansions and so on. Blood Elves are the same elves as the elves in WC2, it’s easier to remember that fact. And it’s more a worldbuilding concept than trivia, like “Our orcs are different” “Factions matter” “Old gods don’t like the undead” and so on.

Or is that too complicated for you?


i wonder if the pandaren example will be cited next


No, they are two sociopolitical groups of the same race.


I was surprised we werent’ accused of being bad people again.


(Statement): Physical differences are not widely developed at this time, since the only distinguishing feature we have probably isn’t an entirely accurate one in lore; eye color. Alleria had green eyes during the Second War, just as an example.

(Continuation): On the matter of culture, we do see a distinct difference between the playable Blood Elves of Quel’Thalas, and the largest known hub of High Elves: those of Dalaran. Quel’Thalas is very much a dictatorial meritocracy, complete with arcane constructs programed to spread propaganda, literal thought-police, and segments of the population that prove to be too intractable being exiled, ‘for the safety of the greater populace.’ That last premise tends to be a questionable one as well; Alleria herself was no threat to the Sunwell until she got into literal spitting distance of it. Exiling the Void Elves from Quel’Thalas as a threat to the Sunwell was nonsense. Just keeping them away from Quel’danas would’ve been sufficient. We can also see a certain degree of disdain for those whom lack ambition and ability, such as when Astalor Bloodsworn cruelly dismissed his apprentice as being good for nothing other than basket weaving.

(Continuation 2): To contrast the above, Dalaran has a culture which seems to place an emphasis on personal freedoms, and in which no individual is harshly judged for their ambition and ability, or rather, lack thereof. There are many High Elven civilians working mundane jobs, just as there are many whom are members of the Kirin Tor. The Silver Covenant formed as a paramilitary sharing the same political views, but no High Elves are forcefully drafted into it or anything.

(Conclusion): On a cultural level the values and privileges enjoyed by these two groups is almost as far apart as you can get on the spectrum. Its the physical level where the two have no meaningful difference, though any set of customization through hairstyles, skin colors, and so forth, could easily address that issue, as could a simple change of stance to make the silhouette different.

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how dare we speak our opinion as paying customers too!


(Suggestion): Respectfully and with thought for the fact that the person on the other end of the screen is a living human being who, like you, has their own interests?

(Commentary): Not saying you don’t do that as is, just saying that seems to be the way to go in general. Logically speaking, there is no reason not to add High Elves that doesn’t amount to, “Because we don’t want to.”

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study/practice of shadow magic is banned in quel’thalas and dalaran as well. its an offense that leads to expulsion

Well, that cuts both ways…since the reverse of that is also true.


(Statement): The only practice I am aware of that is banned in Dalaran is Necromancy. Shadow Magic is not a banned practice in Quel’Thalas at all though. The Thought-Police among the Magisters use it in the infamous Bazaar scene. We’ve nothing to suggest Shadow Magic is banned. Void Magic seems to be something different, something more potent, and the reasoning behind it’s banning is fairly authoritative. “This traitor used it, we should have nothing to do with it.” It seems almost borderline spiteful, and willfully ignorant.

(Commentary): Everything about the Void Elf story rubs me in the wrong way, but that last part especially bothers me. Of all people, Rommath strikes me as the least likely to be willfully ignorant just to hold a grudge…

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levia laurence got expelled from dalaran for it

umbric and his followers literally got banned for it. the scene you are citing is a moment stuck in time prior to the restoration of the sunwell

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(Statement): I was not aware of this! Thank you!

(Statement): Umbric and his followers were banned for using Void Magic, not Shadow Magic. The reason for the ban was supposedly the danger it posed to the Sunwell, though again, all that needed to be done was to ban them from going to Quel’danas.


shadow magic is pretty much void magic

(Statement): They stem from the same source, though Shadow Magic seems to be a safer, or watered down version of Void Magic.

(Commentary): I wonder if the ban on the study of Shadow Magic in the Kirin Tor was a recent thing? I recalled that Archmage Ur actually studied it as a member of the Kirin Tor, and was known for it as if it was considered acceptable. Of course I imagine there’s a difference between academic and practical study.

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shadow = void. just google the magic cosmology chart, look at shadows spot on the chart and youll see shadow(void) as well. its even stated in chronicles

Pure Light and Shadow dwell in a realm outside the borders of reality, but shades of their presence are found in the physical universe. Light manifests as holy magic, while Shadow (also referred to as “the Void”) appears as shadow magic. ( Chronicle Volume 1 , page 10)

yes, ofc. so they studied it found it to be corrupting and banned it. same thing with quel’thalas once the sunwell was restored with alleria flat out proving rommath right