New Race for the Alliance: HALF ELVES!

I see. So what you are really doing is defending bad writing, or as it is known among writers … a plot hole. All right. Carry on. You like the idea? Great. I don’t, and if they do put it in I’m certain not to make one for my own reasons.

There. Compromise.

here’s arator.
he’s sporting a belf avatar atm, but thats because the devs havent made a half elf model yet

arator has been in the honor hold inn in outlands, hellfire peninsula, since the burning crusade.

Uhm ok.

Elves and humans and other races being able to breed is a standard in fantasy. Why wouldn’t this hold true in wow?

Also the size of most of the weapons alone shows a significant lack of reality.

Same with fighting giant monstrosities.

Suspend your disbelief. Your just being obtuse.

half elves work for alliance bcos they fall into their modus operandi of human something, provided the other half is human, short human, shorter human, fat human, cursed human, shorter human with mech appendages.

and alliance is about to get access to african and asian humans too. i think it’d be really cool if we could get access to those also for half elves. so we’d have the first african and asian elves in the game!

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I was initially dismissive of the idea of half elves until I did some thinking.

This would be really cool if it wasn’t just half high/blood elves, and it influenced the racials you get.

Like, Imagine picking a half elf and getting two or three set racials for half elves, then picking your specific elven half. Like Half night elf for more agile, stealthy racials or half high elf for more magic focused racials. Each choice having somewhat different customization options and sizes as well but use the same base model.

I feel if done that way it could be really cool, but just half high elves would be really lame.


The 2nd ed D&D Dark Sun setting had the Muls. They were half-dwarves.

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Well, thank god this is World of Warcraft, and not reality.


not so lame if we could also access the new african and asian human skins/hair/faces. i could make tuvoc’s sister *he’s a star trek vulcan from star trek voyager, or t’pol, from star trek enterprise. in other words, half elves with shorter ears and eyebrows could cross genres, visually.

caucasian versions could have unique hair colors to differentiate them from other elves. like maybe they like gnome pink. hehe

examples (dunno who painted the pic, i just colored the hair and eyes and face paint)

frostfencer teal
kalec blue
gnome pink


I respect that! I just think we can’t really compare the two because they are both totally different types of Elf / genres as far as who they would appeal to is what I was saying I guess, mostly out of my love for my Void Elves :grimacing:

Would be a nice addition and nice nod to the books.


Orges > Half elves.

Why not both.


Blizzard wants to pretend those books don’t exist.

I feel, we have too many of playable elves. Nightborne Elves, Night Elves, Blood Elves, and Void Elves. Why not try something of a different race like Orgers which they been around since WCI.

I disagree. Also, Arator Windrunner is an in game half elf.

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Ogres would be Horde, Half Elves would be Alliance. How about Mok’nathal in place of Ogres? That way both factions get a cool new half breed race that beckon back to the RTS days of Warcraft


Why not Both. Half Elves for Alliance. Ogres for Horde. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah this works.

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I actually wouldn’t mind Ogres and Moknathal.