So when is DH and Mage mobility/toolkit getting nerfed then?
According to this place, warrior is the only class that “deserves” and “needs” weaknesses.
All I know is this is good news for my spriest.
Now I can actually get off my big damage void torrent while the warrior is sitting in my root LOL.
Now… if only there was a way for my spriest to deal with assassin rogues. That’s the most lopsided fight in the entire game for spriests.
They kind of had to imo. They nerfed high winds way too much and now I might actually take it but we’ll see
Lmao homie they tripleed every melees mobility.
WW and DH literally got their mobillity tripled. The essentially made Windwalkers immune to slows and roots when they have CDs too so
Time to play vanilla warrior in TWW, never being able to touch mage, while every other class gets to play the current expansion.
So that means I’m supposed to shed a tear for warriors struggling to break root now? How would you feel if your toon could not do anything for 15 seconds when being attacked other than use your one big defensive cooldown? Yea, that’s how I feel playing my spriest when an assassin rogue attacks.
Sorry if I feel no pity for a warrior that has to sit in a root for a few seconds but be able to get back on his target numerous ways after the root ends.
Like everybody else has to do now.
Warriors uptime is insane right now. This is a MUCH needed nerf.
So it goes from 1300 dmg to 6500 for the cost of a PVP talent and is still 33% weaker then frost/arcanes shield? (aka pops instantly)
Blizz pls this is terrible. I like the creativity though but this aint it. Maybe having blazing barrier erupt in health % dmg on popping it instead.
even if you increased the damage by 5,000% it would still be bad and only be a minor sting before its popped.
oh no I took 50k dmg every 25 seconds from the mage shield on a 9 mil pool. Heeeelp
I don’t even think it affects magic attacks either tbh. I was dueling on beta last week and my shield didnt last more then a couple globals it felt like
Maybe nerf sin rogue instead then LMAO.
Nice logic bro, struggling against sin rogues as sp = nerf warrior.
Sorry to tell ya but nerfing warrior means your still going to get plowed by sin and dh.
Yea, I know all about playing a spec that has nearly zero chance versus one of the more popular specs. I already discussed the spriest versus assassin rogue issue. My other toon is an enhancement shaman who also has very little chance versus an MM hunter outside arena where there are no pillars to hide behind.
Most of the time I already have nearly half my health chunked off before I see the hunter and have no option but to run away, but I’m quickly snared and chased down by him spamming rapid fire while moving. If I’m lucky, the hunter is stupid and gets caught in a static field totem.
Still dont see what that has to do with warrior. Why are you allowed to keep the root DF has given you and why are other classes allowed to keep their DF tools but warrior loses their DF root and 2nd bladestorm. Literally will be playing a class stuck in 3 expansions behind while every other class gets to eat good by playing the current exp.
Finally, ret can be viable again.
Because that root will break super fast anyhow.
Not being able to break the root right away gives classes a chance to get off a spell.
Heck, you can still spell reflect when in that root. So if you see a big bad void torrent coming from a spriest, hit that spell refelct button for the win?
I wish an assassin rogue’s silence would break as easily as my root does.
As for fighting those pesky mages? Guess what? You should die to them as painfully as I die to assassin rogues on my spriest. Looks like you have a counter. Get used to it LOL.
At least you can see the mage coming a mile away and try to deal with it. I don’t have that luxury getting whacked by some invisible tard.
starsure go br
As a frost dk main i actually hate this.
I know its a buff to our 1 min go which is the only time we kill anything but it still hurts the spec and seems like an unnecessary change.
Especially as someone who doesnt have friends to play rated arena, i play solo shuffle, bgs and world pvp.
In these environments, asphyxiate has been really useful either to create pressure inbetween our big go or to peel defensively.
Its also more likely someone breaks blind in your set up and the enemy gains distance on remorseless winter stun, then asphyxiate can be used as backup stun.
Just seems unreasonable and might be to target Unholy Dks who have a lot more CC.
Really hope this change is reverted.
Sounds like free, uninterrupted chaos bolts on the way down
Nah, it will be used as yet another micro cc to interrupt chaos bolts
I don’t see how it hurts the spec at all?
because warrior, and mage
are the master of all
they both
don’t need healers
have too much cc
have incredibly high mobility
and have massive dps output
that’s why
not always
remember they have in invis too