Warrior completely gutted, no more Double Bladestorm, Battlefield Commander nerf, Storm of Destruction nerf, Bloodrage removed.
Will now be sitting in perma roots if your not gnome.
Why is blizzard acting like warrior is the most oppressive class in the game with way more nerfs than any other class?
As they should be
Generally curious how the week 3 conquest weapon is gong to work. Do we get to choose the stats? If playing a class that can DW or 2h, can you choose which you want? For Fury, do you get two 2handers? Casters, staff vs mainhand and offhand?
why remove tranq darts?!
i wonder how slow they’ll fall
could be the perfect peel for ret/warr when my boomy bro is being trained
double bladestorm was silly and boring im down for that change
With the way the new unhinged works I figured this was coming. The intervene change meant dropping a talent for double intervene anyways, so you drop storm and battlefield commander can now just flex between itself and disarm. Also the new second wind makes warrior very tanky I believe. You’ll never touch a mage in ur life again, but you’ll survive a bit longer. Also fury is gutted and dead with the base talent changes, can’t see it coming back next expac for awhile especially as it’s stat dependent. Arms will be a powerhouse support machine, ret/war stocks went up.
was reverted iirc
Whats with turn evil.
Feels like they specifically wanna make sure ret teams clap demo locks.
You think this is a hint?
We Death Knights want Necrotic Strike back!
Ah well damn lmao, ya went thru the new changes, rip warrior if we get a damp fest that is current beta.
We’re so back boys
anything to crush demos in all for
“I’ll fear the”
Axe tossed, axe tossed, shadow fury’d, coiled, feared, feared, feared
tyrant fades
Is wrench evil even worth? Considering you need to spend a base tree talent point on turn evil as is its a talent point and honor talent worth of commitment. Seems gimmicky.
I’m not sure why they thought DK CC was too much but Rogue/Mage/Druid/Warlock or even new Hunter is fine
Because Hunters now have access to Greater Purge in the general tree
I can see it being useful for hpal when they need to cast into a warlock with dog pet out: instantly turn evil the pet and free cast into shadowplay, for example. Should be useful for all specs into demo, too: turn evil the felguard to slow down damage and prevent the lock from peeling with axe toss.
Warrior got double bs when other classes got disgusting amounts of knockbacks and roots. Get rid of them too please.
Also gutt DH, no reason why they should have so many tools.
Maybe it’s the first step in reducing mobility across the board.
Having said that, it’s funny. People complain about mobility creep in the game, but don’t want the mobility touched for the toon they play.
The reduction needs to start somewhere.
Having said that, warriors still have plenty of ways to get back to their target after a root. Every class needs a weakness. Warriors were able to break fears, roots, etc… it was a bit too much.