New players have to grind far to much!

As a person who’s at the end of expansion trying to gear alts , there’s a big gap between zm gear and season 4 minimum for m plus. …. They need to lift the 262 restriction that will fix it all


I mean “free dlc if you log in during a months long window and $10(I think) otherwise” is a lot better than $15 a month just to access the game regardless of whether content is being released or not.

Some people probably just don’t get the concept of levelling up and gearing up in MMOs. As you say games like CoD or Heroes or Overwatch you pick it up, have a blast and then put it down and you’re done. Having a blast is the content. When they start the game and log on everything they need to play is already there.

These players don’t want to have to do quests. They want a ready made toon, like in those games, where they just pick it up and immediately be able to do the end content that people that grinded are doing, whether that’s raids, pvp or m+. They don’t want to have to “build” their toons up and experience the content in an MMO. So when they have to in WoW they complain about how long it takes. As you say it may be a case of playing the wrong type of game.


As someone who went on a break at the start of the expansion and only came back in June with no max level characters, it’s really not that bad if you know where to go and what to do.

You do realize that nowhere in the comments from the person you quoted did they say that they wanted to skip, right? They even specifically said

I feel like people in this thread do not read and simply make up things just to argue with people.

My main gripe’s always been that the game isn’t exactly tripping over itself to make sure this is true for most players.

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Having done it a few times, here is what you need to do just to actually be “caught up” besides just leveling and gearing up:

  1. Complete your covenant campaign.
  2. Complete the Zereth Mortis campaign.
  3. Reach Revered with the Enlightened.
  4. Do Torghast a few times to forge your first legendary.
  5. Do it a few more times for the Unity legendary.
  6. Convert some pieces to tier pieces for the set bonus.

Calling this absurd is an understatement. The last time WoW was this hostile to alts was early Legion and they literally patched the hurdles out of the game for that reason. Thankfully, it seems Dragonflight is getting rid of endless “systems” which are just pointless hamster wheels between the players and the actual game. I just did all those on my paladin and I’m burnt out. I would rather have gone straight into doing content rather than those bothers. You know how many times I had to skip on doing content with guildies because I was still playing catch up doing all those things? It sucked. And I’m still not entirely caught up because I still need to hit revered with the Enlightened if I want to forge my unity legendary.

Tell him to play classc wrath, he will enjoy more.


I can see new or returning players becoming confused because there’s 3 main campaigns you have to complete.

Then they go and give you a 265 legendary belt for finishing the ZM campaign and you don’t know that the belt is trash and you have to do something else to upgrade your Unity legendary to max level.

Case in point,

Wait, what?

Maybe 20 years ago.

I just mean that you have to get Revered with the Enlightened to buy the Memory of Unity so that you can craft Unity at max level.

It’s not only new players.

It is alts too.

This mage has done at least some of the content in the whole expansion.

I would not take an alt thru that mess again.

I am now locking all my characters at level 47. I will use them for RP.

From vanilla WoW to Catalysm I didn’t mind playing alts.

The legendaries were only involved in questlines or as drops, and you did not have to grind content to give them extra powerups.

You also did not need to level a specific faction in order to progress.

You also did not have to grind content in order to get better gear. You did dungeons, then you did raids. At some point it turned into you did dungeons, then heroics, then raids with less or more amount of players and then raids with less or more amount of players and with or without added difficulty.

Early on, WoW had a start and a stop, there was no need to grind endlessely to continue to try and becoming the best (Except that it was hard to gear an entire raid group of 40 people, but that was somewhat rectified in BC). You reached what you could and wanted and you stopped. Now you will be left with a feeling that you can always be better. You can grind Mythic+ at lowest level and continue to get gear piece upgrades - which is just silly.

So as one might be able to surmise, the issue that lead to the kinds of decisions we see now, came to be early on. Blizzard was told that WoW should be relevant to a player’s life 24/7, there should be nothing but WoW in their life, and therefor, Blizzard designed their game entirely around a person who would play WoW 24/7. It is not designed around hardcore raider or casual, it is designed for those who only play WoW and nothing else.

And this ultimatively makes for an extremely grindy game.

Early WoW did have a problem with attunements - but those would be far easier to make account-wide, than whatever blizzard has now.

Why would you do this on an alt when you can just do dungeons and raids and use cosmic flux for everything you just listed?

Or have your main just send you cosmic flux?

Remind me how to use cosmic flux to get the unity belt on an alt without doing the ZM campaign, or how to get any legendary made without soul cinders/ash?

You use the Unity memory, which is BOA as all memories have been for all of SL, to craft Unity in any slot?

You buy the bag of soul ash/cinders from the vendor in ZM with cosmic flux to craft the legendary?

Ah, yeah, I never bothered getting the rep up that high because I haven’t been pushing high enough content to need it. I completely forgot about memories being BoA, since I don’t run two of the same class.

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I haven’t been away for that long (like your co-worker), but the last time I played was BfA and came back today and still feel overwhelmed.

So now I’m back to camping world bosses for mounts again lol

So your friend is an entitled millennial or whatever the next group is?

Poor me, i have to work for something!