New Player Friendly Guilds Check In Here!

Guild Name: Doushbade
Faction: Horde
Realm: Argent Dawn/The Scryers
Primary Focus: All the above/Learning the game in general.

This is a new guild ran by new players. There are a couple veterans that do play ocassionally to help out but the theme is mostly for a group of us new to the experience getting together and conquering Azeroth together for the first time.
<Ten Forward> is a heroic/social focused guild based Horde side on Hyjal. We're a small core group of friends who've been playing for many years together. We always enjoy adding like minded and friendly players to our group. Our focus is on clearing heroic content and spending time with friends. That means outside of raid we're found online during the weekends and weeknights playing together. We raid on Friday and Saturday between 7:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M. server time (PST).

We're currently in search of Healers and DPS. More importantly we want players who are looking for a long term home with a group of people who joke and socialize together. There is no elitism here and we're not looking for it. We play to avoid drama so if that's something you enjoy please look for it elsewhere. Neither will be tolerated here.

There are no foolish requirements to raid with this guild. We ask that gear be near the current needed threshold, and that you put some effort into your raid preparation. However, we're all more than willing to help those who need it and ask for it. Basically if you're respectful to your fellow raiders/guildies/friends that respect will be reciprocated.

If you're looking for a casual but capable group contact Grlm#11986
Guild Name: MUD
Primary Focus: (PvE, PvP, RP, etc.) PvE
Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Zeili, Pewsplatpew, Norrm, Slourn, Lokrith

About Us: We are laid back casual raiders. On Friday nights we invite our guild members to raid bosses that core has put on farm. The core raids with them. They get to learn mechanics, strats, and offered tips on rotation. Much of the core passes gear to those that need it. Saturdays the core does progression so we can try to add more bosses to Friday's Guild Group. Friday is a great place to learn to raid. We are flexible with the ilvl in this group. We help gear through Mythics, Heroics, and Warfronts. We offer suggestions and we are always eager to answer questions. We also do shenanigans such as Trivia, Trash Talk Thursday (which is kind of like a roast), and Lore Night with Loremaster Mal. We have a good time just being together. We would be happy to help a NEW or Returning player with getting back into the game and into raiding if they so desired.
Hello, looking for a good guild for someone that’s not so Confident And will to help with Dungeons, island and possibly raids down the road. Looking in greymane and tanaris
Battle tag. Chris#13617
Thanks for your time
Server - Dalaran
Faction - horde

The ancients misbehaving is a guild of folks who want to be a part of a social and casual guild. Our goal is to have fun in the game so we are looking for others who want to make friends in game. We raid Wed and Mon from 8:30 to 11:00 pm est. We have a normal progression raid group. We hope to add heroic raiding as we build up our raid team. We have folks who like to pvp, do mythic and mythic+ and old content for achievements. We are looking for folks just want to have fun getting bosses down, come regularly and ready to raid and leave any drama at the door. We are a diverse and inclusive guild. We want this guild to be a safe haven from the toxic environment that can be found on the internet and in trade chat. Weekly schedule Normal raid Wed/Mon 8:30-11:00 pm est 8/8 normal Heroic raid night to be decided 1/8 heroic Pvp with bgs Sat. 8:00 pm est If you are interested contact Jenkayah Battlemom#1568 and we can chat

I run two guilds. One for each faction so will be giving info for both.

Guild Name - Raidsense
Server - Proudmoore (Alliance) & Area 52 (Horde)
Content Focus - Entry Level Raiding, Mythic Raiding, Learning runs.
Contact - Balto#1148 (btag)

The alliance side runs Thursdays 8:30pm-11:30pm PST. These runs are normally normal mode, there is no requirement to join. Expectations are that you listen to instructions and just try your best. Questions are fine, having no clue what you’re doing with raiding is fine. We often have a few high end raiding experienced players tagging along to help things go a bit smoother. These runs allow players to try mechanics (such as orb running on Ghuun) and the like without fear of being kicked or yelled at for making a mistake. Truly a friendly learning environment.

Horde runs Saturday 8pm-11pm (or so) PST. These runs are similar to the Alliance side runs, though tend to be Heroic and Normal. Heroic has a bit more expectation, but the same concept applies. You’re welcome to try mechanics and the like without fear of being removed or yelled at. We do also run Mythic on Tues/Weds but this is intended more for experienced players, that being said, I am listing the guild because we are trying to create a nice blend of both experienced and inexperienced players together in the same community!

Cannot currently post links, but our website is just raidsense dot com if you’re interested in reading up more.

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new player checking in :slight_smile:

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Guild Name: Crazies Again
Faction: Horde!
Realm: Wyrmrest Accord
Primary Focus: PvE

Best Contacts for the guild:
Orcnbeans (Guild Leader)
BattleTag: Coldhart#1619
Varthiis (Officer)
BattleTag: JoetheToe#1911
Silexis (Officer)
BattleTag: Soluss#1870

What matters the most is meeting “good” people and forming friendships that will last…and a good sense of humor is a must!

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We have grown and are still looking to recruit new and returning players looking for a guild home.

Guild Name: Villages Heroes
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Greymane
Primary Focus: PvE / Myhic+ instances & Achievements
Secondary Focus: PvP & LFR
Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Zarzt

Hello Nolb

My main is Ally, but I got a Guild for banking mats on Horde side. Guild was built by RL friends to use as social hangout, the ones that haven’t left the game moved to the other servers, so it’s only me. If U’re still looking for a home, I’ll extend an invite to this one.

Looking for raiding/all around guild on Suramar. I raided back in MOP and WOD on my mage Glamdoria and just recently returned to WoW. Hoping to find a guild that will allow me to raid and maybe has some people that would want to level and do Dungeons

How “new-player friendly” are you guys? I am relatively new to WoW (I’ve played some of the demos back in the day but $15 was a lot back then to pay monthly) . So as of now I’m starting off with low level characters. What are you as a guild looking for from someone who is new? SnowFox#12720 is my battletag Incase you need it. I look forward to a reply!

We’re helpful with newer players…answer questions, help run stuff if you need it, can help with gear and bags and whatnot while you level. Almost all of our players have hit max level tho. We do have one or two who are running lower level alts.

Our only need for raid is monk heals. But you are welcome to play whatever class you like.

Feel free to add me and we can talk more.

BattleTag: Coldhart#1619

hello I am new to the game again, I played year ago on a eu server . played every day for almost 3 years . I had to leave because off issues . I just starting back play again this time on a us server. I am currently lvl13 still play on the starter pack . it been along time forgot a lot off the game. so I think it best I try and get wit a guild. I so don’t mess things up.

Starter accounts cannot join guilds.

so which pack go get

All you need to do is add a month of game time to the starter account to be able to play all xpacs except BfA up to level 110. No need to get BfA, which is the only xpac for sale separately, immediately.

ok I am doing it right now thanks