New pet, not

He really is, he stays in his little area

I worry about the neighborhood kitties who wonder around though, one of these days…

They’ll be fiiiiiiiiiine


Omg what a cutie!

Also opossums and gators are also cuties

What a wholesome thread


They eat a lot of ticks! Super beneficial animal to have living near you


Opossums are adorable


100% this - we have a family of Opossums that live behind our house, they have been great for controlling the insects - we let them do their thing and they leave us alone. We also have bats, also great for killing mosquitos - I kinda want to get one of the little bat houses for them.

As for the nope rope in the original post - I don’t care what they eat, I have a severe fear/hatred of snakes so I would be having someone relocate that to someone elses neck of the woods. :grimacing:

We had 21 wild turkeys this winter come take up residence in the parc by our house. Around 1pm every day they’d stroll up to our deck and wait for food :joy: they were adorable. They do some noise really close to a “mew” when they gobble seeds


We have bats there are several bat houses that came with the house we bought in the woody area, I assume the little buggers are keeping the insects away.


Be really careful it is a Yellow Anaconda and can get to 30 feet in length!

Gonna go with the others and say rat snake. Let him do his thing and you won’t have to worry about actually nasty critters visiting.

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I remember when I was a kid in Maine I came home from school and saw a snake sunning in the driveway. This being Maine, I knew none of our snakes were venomous. I grabbed a pair of gardening gloves and picked it up. We live in town but on the edge of it, so there’s a woody area behind the house. I took it there. The snake didn’t seem terribly perturbed about being picked up and it just slithered away when I set it down in the woods.

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He slithered away into the bushes, I was fertilizing the palms when I saw him so I guess I disturbed his sunny nap.



I happen to agree. The young ones in the house were adorable. I didn’t touch them barehanded. I was afraid they wouldn’t be accepted back into their family.

I then find out that they are pretty much on their own at 4 months. Mama says go away.

Aw he’s cute, I think I had a baby one slither across my shoe in the yard one time…

Ironically what I named one of my two green Corehounds. The other one was George…Weasley of course…

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I love our neighborhood gater Fred. He eats rats and frogs and stuff in the marsh. He just sits on that little stream bank on the edge of the marsh when it’s sunny and warms himself.
He never bothers anyone. He must a good access to food

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The neighborhood did call the wildlife ppl and if Fred ever causes any problems and becomes a nuisance we can call and they will come and relocate him.

Where the ladies wear no pants

That is in no way a yellow anaconda. I think the king or rat snake IDs are more likely to be on the money.

I’m Australian so I won’t be much help IDing that…

That and basically all of ours are downright deadly :stuck_out_tongue: xD

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