New Patch Cycle is hurting the game

I haven’t done Mythic raiding myself since my guild usually only does up to Heroic, so I don’t really know how hard it is first hand, it’s only what I’ve heard.

So it’s difficult, m+ has difficulty. Thank you for proving my point mr “I don’t do anything but it’s just what I heard”.

Good talk. Enjoy your 1 boss an expac, two if you suckle hard enough.

I’m having more fun in WoW than I’ve had since Legion.

Love DF.

Love the content releases, I’m overwhelmed with so much world content to do. Yes, please and THANK YOU BLIZZ!

Sure beats running out of content by week 5 of SL.

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As i said before, the hardest part in mythic raiding is gathering 20+ folks. The bosses will get killed by the group ability, and not by the bosses difficulty.

M+ get harder as you climb. I’ve done 25 jn the past, and its insane how much you need to know your class and the dungeon.

PvP us hard as hell if you dont know how to play properly and trade cds. Even a low rating as 1.8 gets hard.

Just dont get cocky. You just have 2k io, and not a single game in rated arena. Just chill

I only have 2k because I haven’t done any M+ runs since I got it. And why do I need to do arena when I’m not interested in PvP?

I wish they’d give us a boon (for alts) once the crowd moves on to the new patch content. The assaults are dead areas now…probably didn’t help that every other week Fyrakk didn’t even bother to spawn.

Cave is dead now too…I get why, but for alts it’s a bit moot.

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So your just doing easy content, and claiming that something you never did is hard? Ok.

“Game doesn’t have hard content because I don’t want to do it” - this guy

Is Blizzard in charge of the difficulty in PvP? No, they’re not, it’s the skilled players who make it challenging.

Also, if we’re going by that logic, then as FFXIV also has ranked PvP and it’s very difficult to climb to the top, then it also has a very challenging PvP mode.

Lol this is your defense? Really now?

Does Blizzard make the players, yes or no?

You’re trolling , right ? Or you’re new in the game ?

Ok, the difficulty in PvP is that you need to know what the other player/class can do, and what you can do to avoid getting killed.
Some things you can predict, others you can’t.
That being said, even if you face a similar comp, you wont be facing the same players, so you wont deal with the same difficulty

Mythic raiding is a 100% scripted fight. You can do it again and again untill you beat the boss. And the better your gear, the easier the fight

M+ is the same stuff, but the higher the key, the better you need to be in the game to avoid breaking the key

But this guy comment was that FFXIV only had 1 challenging thing in the entire game, discounting everything else that the game has, including PvP. If PvP doesn’t count in FFXIV, then it doesn’t count in WoW either.

Link me your FFXIV character.

So if it’s easy and requires no skill, why arn’t you rank 1? Why are talking about things you don’t do and have no experience in?

Are you going to give me the link to your FFXIV character or nah?

Why would I?

It’s fun watching you squirm around on an empty account talking about how easy wow is.

I know how easy ff14 (again outside ultimates) because that was my raiding game (group quit for endwalker).

What I don’t know is how you can complain about wows difficulty sitting where you are.

And there it is. You haven’t even played FFXIV, have you? You’re just here being a Blizzard shill, defending them even when they put out bugged garbage like a little good NPC because you take personal the things I say about the state of the game, as if you had made the game yourself.

The joke writes itself, kid. You kept saying “Oh, you haven’t played this content, so you don’t know anything about it!” but you haven’t even played XIV, and if you did, I bet you didn’t even clear any of the difficult content, which is why you won’t link your character. You can clearly see that I play WoW, so at least I have my own experience with the game, but your experience with XIV probaly comes from… this forum.

Keep on being a good shill, I’m sure Blizz will notice you some day and throw you a bone. Hah, just kidding, they’ll never know you even exist.


Sure have.

Ff14 shill is mad there game got called rightfully a joke. Shocker.

I’ll make you a deal. I’ll bookmark this page, set an alarm on my phone for 1 week. I’ll come back and if you have completed the highest key in the game, I’ll link you my ff14 character.

It’s so easy right?

Ahh no. It’s actually giving us more content and stuff to do. Honestly I don’t see the huge issue with that.

It’s been a week.