New Patch Cycle is hurting the game

10.0.7 Release dat was 21 March 2023 .
10.1 Release date was 2nd May 2023
10.1.5 Release date was July 11, 2023

All this content is great but it feels like the rush from Devs to deliver it in a 2 month cycle left a lot of typos, latency issues…etc.

Recently, We had ZC rares and mini events that didn’t last enough compared to Forbiden Reach content (I know there’s a season raid,m+, pvp but the world content should last longer, provide better engagement).

Time Rifts have a great system of rewards but it seems like Devs didn’t do any kind of stress test and now it’s a lag fest, similar to some other world events since DF pre patch.

Maybe, Keep these patches more in the oven before a release…I don’t want the SL treatment, but gameplay should be deliver in a better state…Even M+ broke twice during recent patches.

We don’t even have any Devs / CM posting about time rift issues but we already have a new patch announced on the PTR.


The quality def needs some work, but I’m gonna guess they are sacrificing that to keep the pace of content the way it is.

Blizzard: “Okay, here ya go”
Players: “NO NOT THAT FAST!!!”

from Imgflip Meme Generator


Players: Hit dat sweet spot blizz!
Blizz: Been tryin 20 years, ain’t hit it yet.


Agree sounds like that but when you face the same issue again and again in the same expansion…looks like a pattern.

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If everything they release is going to be a buggy mess, I would prefer that they slow themselves down.


Blizzard is trying to do what CBU3 does with FFXIV, but without any of the testing and quality assurance.


It seems like that was more a factor of them over-locking the loot on rares. It made people visit the zone less, which made rares harder to kill, which made less people bother with them, and so on and so forth until the zone just died.

Hopefully they learned from that.


What do you think about Fyrakk assault? I tried like 2 times and no more…its really boring compared to Time Rifts now, the only problem is the latency for the last one.

I did it a few times, it was mildly interesting. There have been worse world events, but definitely better.

To be honest I haven’t really played a whole lot since 10.1, as Tears of the Kingdom still has a chokehold on me for the time being.

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It’s alright and a quick way to gear up, but whenever i tried using keys on things, they most of the time, don’t work. It made me thought the event were broken in some points.

I get there’s some sort of limit, but i think instead of just not working, it should go… “Oh no! Fyrakk somehow elemental shield this chest you’re trying to unlock! but it will go away in just <how many hours left in the day>.”

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Don’t blame Blizzard. This is orders from the Activision goonies at the top who want bonuses so they try to pad quarterly earnings reports with all the players who come back for frequent patches that were rushed.

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It’s almost like the focus of 10.0.7 was the Forbidden Reach whereas the focus of 10.1 is Season 2…

It’s almost like this content just launched two days ago to live servers where the population is insanely higher than the Public Test Realms…

Keep comparing apples to cars, but don’t be surprised when you get called stupid for said comparisons.

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No no no no. Wait a miniute you might be on to… NO!

Frequent patches while yes they have created imbalances and the Meta has become more noticeable but look at WoD. Content drought for ages.

WoW will never again be vanilla or WotLK. It can’t that time is long gone. But it still can be a good game with lots to do and fresh new content frequently.

I would much rather have too much medicore content I can’t complete then have 1 really nice thing I will tire of and move on to other games.


It would have died out even if they didnt lock the rares.
The zone just sucked in general.
I was noticing the decline before it happened. And i was part of that decline myself.

But im also hoping that they learnt from their mistakes in that zone and take note of what worked in 10.0 and what works in 10.1.5 now.

This is exceptionally funny coming from a guy who’s portrait character has a checkered cube for a head.

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Blizzard, why would you do this?

I guess on the plus side, they are only proving my point. I will admit that this got a pretty good chuckle out of me though.

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You know there’s stress test and Devs can use bots to simulate the population, we’d the same issue several times.

1 actual boss an expansion? And a couple lfr bosses?

I think blizzard can keep up with that.


This team drops the ball but are we willing to forgive it For earlier releases? I don’t like it but I think so far the playerbase is forgiving