New Patch Cycle is hurting the game

My wife has been enjoying that game. Glad to see her get her Zelda on.
wiggles toes

Did you get to play the lovely, mathematically impossible mess that was A4S?


Also, even though the writing was bad even before this release cycle change, it got MUCH WORSE with the new release cycle, like oh my god it is so bad. I’d rather wait more for mediocre writing than wait 2-4 months for unredeemable garbage writing.

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I’m surprised it hasn’t been mentioned.

But Blizzard ate another studio about a year ago. It shouldn’t be surprising that that’s going to result in faster cycles.

Personally, I want blizzard to put out major balancing patches every single week, which completely change the meta and make flavor of the week classes completely useless the next week and randomly turn arcane mages into the best tanks due to weird talent interactions and things like that.

I want it to be a roller coaster and don’t care who falls off.

I’d rather take the faster content cycles than the portioned disappointments from before if SL is anything to go by.

WoW will never again be vanilla or WotLK. It can’t that time is long gone.

A painful truth.

But it still can be a good game with lots to do and fresh new content frequently.

A menagerie of lies.

Companies never prioritize QA unless it hits their bottom line and 20 years of data demonstrates that it doesn’t affect the bottom line with WoW, but what does affect it is lack of content.

We all want the ideal, but Blizzard just wants your money.


Vanilla and Wotlk were also buggy messes at times, I was there.

Imagine having an MMO that doesn’t ask its players to no-life its content and instead provides excuses for players to logically take a break unless they find something they want to do to fill in that time.

Now imagine thinking that’s a bad thing.

DF is pretty good. Not WoTLK but still it’s good.