New Patch Cycle is hurting the game

And don’t you be surprised when you suddenly find yourself on vacation in Jamaica rather than posting on the forums because you called peoole stupid.

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I’ve found so many typos lol.

It happens. They’re human. But it did make me suspect. It doesn’t inspire much faith when they misspell “Bloodtotem” as “Bloototem” :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, every live service game on the planet drops with bugs/known issues, it’s irrelevant.

I’d rather have more content + bugs than drought + bugs.

But it does make me laugh for a minute though!


I did guffaw. Usually their quest dialogue does make me laugh out loud. So I continue to not be disappointed! :wink:

Lotta folks complaining about them really ramping up the silliness with chromie and they have really ramped it up it’s true. But watching and listening to her and morchie interact got a hearty cackle

I reported Karokta mount journal that mention it drop from Karoktra, previously it was Kairoktra and it was changed to another typo. :rofl: It’s not a big issue but I spent the first day of 10.1 looking for a different rare until I checked wowhead. There’s threads about this kind of typos in the forums and reports in PTR. Its a minor issue but its part of the rush of this kind of cycles. I feel more frustated about world events overall, because there’s so much latency and this looks like fun content and good rewards that aren’t full RNG, the whole use old assets works so good for this patch.

Fully functional content, fanboy.

I’d rather have 3-4 fully functional raids and and 8+ dungeons then 1 boss.

Could you imagine if vault had the first four on lfr and only raz? For the whole expansion lol.

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When has FFXIV gotten nothing more than 1 boss?

The only thing that offers any challenge is the ultimates that they are suppose to make 2 of but somehow can’t even keep up with that all in the name of “giving players a break” wink wink

“But muh erp, game doesn’t need content” sure thing bud that’s why you are over here shilling.

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You talk as if WoW was full of challenges, but the only challenge is Mythic Raiding. Everything else is easy.

Stares at gladiator mounts

The hardest part of mythic raiding is recruiting 25+ guys to raid with.

I love talking with ff14 shills. It’s the other side of the coin. Wow player’s are mostly negative and ff14 players slurp up yoshi-p’s diarrhea like he and the game are god.

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Do you have an actual argument or just insults? Can you tell me about all of these supposed challenges that exist in WoW or will you continue to blindly defend this buggy mess that they released as if nothing was wrong with it like a little good blizzard fanboy?

You could you know… go higher than ksm and pvp maybe? Mythic raid is there for you too if you desire.

I know ff14 shills are content with mediocrity and fall for yoshi’s fake tears asking for money, but come on.

So, no examples then? As I thought. Going higher and higher in M+ is just artificial difficulty and gear checks.

You’re here, calling me a FFXIV shill and you’re shilling your hardest for WoW and it’s mediocre and buggy content as if we had been blessed by the gods themselves with this amazing, well tested and totally not dead within a couple of weeks content.

I gave you 3 examples (the entire wow endgame), that you don’t do.

It’s ok, we both know you won’t do any of them though. Doing this won’t make yoshi-p like you, you know that right? He will never know who you are.

God, it’s like speaking to a child. M+ is artificial difficulty, nothing more. And PvP? Seriously? LMAO. That’s like telling people to go play Call of Duty if they want a challenging game.

And I said before. Mythic raiding is the only challenging content in this game, nothing else is, and yet, you keep pretending that there’s nothing but challenge in every corner of this game.

My man, mythic raiding is a joke.