New Paladin Races Megathread

That would be a fun story to craft. The relationship between the goblin, cartel and the Light.

Excuse me I need to go write a new toon…

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Yeah, they were Highborne. I guess their devotion to Azshara was so intense they were able to use paladin abilities. Wait, does that mean there are Naga Paladins?

Elune is the reason NE have priests so more like lunar palies?
And conviction is the reason one can use the light apparently from the DK horsemen lore so probably naga palies and priests.

i agree that void elf palas make sence end should be aded soon. I think Lannusterien explains ut very well y we should have velf palas next:

Nothing about it makes sense. Every time this discussion comes up, it’s always “Void elf paladins make a lot of sense”, “Void elf paladins would fix the faction imbalance”, “Blizzard would make so much race change money”, etc. which is all idealistic garbage. And the idea that void elves encompassing high elves would translate to them getting paladins doesn’t hold water, either, because 1) that hasn’t been properly conveyed in the story 2) the existing high elf paladins in the Alliance can probably be counted on one hand, and 3) void elves are still the main race and are still thematically incompatible with paladins.

They purposely withheld not having void elves launch with paladins because they knew how contradictory it was and haven’t budged on the issue since then, even after giving the race most of the tools to RP the one elven race in the game that has no identity whatsoever beyond its association with the Alliance. It is almost impossible to give them the class now without either a hackneyed plot development, reskinning the class in its entirety just for them, or just plopping it down with no fanfare whatsoever. All of these will lead to complaints, but for different reasons.

Yeah blizz half ended SL with light void dont matter spew along with holy DKs and LF dks at this point they could do shadow palies like priests which btw are void users. :man_facepalming: :man_shrugging: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I bet I don’t live to see the day that Blizz makes unique totems, druid forms, pally mounts, Evoker visages, and gives Demon Hunters to all races. That’s some high expectations out of this company.

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It wouldn’t be just for them. Reskinning the class would be necessary for a few races to get paladins.

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Blizz needs to do this, but as I’ve said in other threads, if it’s not raid or mythic+ it’s too much effort for this current Dev team.

The Knights of the Silver Hand had a massive recruitment run. As for races that logically would explode, scream in constant pain or just plain hate the Light because of perceived beliefs that it caused the end of their world. Much like that giant sword or the fact we never fixed the whole Scourge thing. Who cares?

Tuskarr Paladins. Forget the Light, all powers are mustache and soup derived!

What they should do since Blizzard said they want to remove class race limitations is make class unlocks for specific races something like the allied races.

Bring out specific combo’s over time and require you to have exalted with that races city to get the quest to unlock the class for that race.

Could have cool things like a group of Eredar that were not wiped out at the end of Legion or something and are willing to join the Alliance. So if you have Exalted with Exodar you can pick up the quest that allows you to start the quest upon completion of the quest you unlock Warlock for Draenai along with red/fel touched draenei skin.

Kinda like the undead night elf, Blood Elf, and Void elf thing.

Would make things pretty interesting and add a reason as to WHY there is suddenly this race/class combo and it would give more content.

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That’s certainly an option, but as I’ve detailed it isn’t vital. Each combo for paladins can be added retroactively without impacting the lore because it’s a class that each race really should have gotten from their introduction minus a couple very specific instances were it’s harder to believe (vulpera for example)

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Druids FIRST!

I’d like to think lunar/ elune based NE Paladin would be a good path to go.


Goblin: Supply side paladin. If gather we all the light in one place, the trickle down will cause everyone to be a little brighter. I’ll take on the responsibility of gathering (and benefitting) from all the light to make sure everyone gets a little bit of it.

Don’t want it just for them.

A void class skin would just be one among many, and available to everyone.

Specifically the velves, Forsaken, worgen, Orcs and maghar are particularly well setup for their use.

Other skin options could be an Elune skin for nelves/worgen, a fire skin for Dark Irons, tide priest skin for Kul’tirans, skins for tauren to better represent An’she, loa options for darkspear/Zandalari, even some cosmetic changes for racial identity with blood elves. (changing the judgement hammer into a ransuer for instance).

With it as a skin folk would be free to choose their personal characters story as well even if you’re say a human or a goblin.

And let’s be honest, blizzard adding classes so far has been to add the class in question to all races without it so everyone will get paladin at the same time. Class skins could, as far as the lore is concerned, add paladin without breaking lore to those races where something else makes sense.


Unfortunately I don’t know how viable that is now. As of Shadowlands Elune’s Arcane presence has mostly been erased and she’s now been shrunk down in presence and hierarchy to simply being an entity of Life. Arcane glyph though would work and I’'d use it for my NElf.

Well we still saw how much power elune had and shadowlands cannot change that. If tauren and Zandalari get their “holy” influence from An’she and rezan respectively then it’s still possible for Elune warriors


It should be a Hippopotamus. Then again, ALL the Kul’tiran mounts should have been hippos. Give the Swole Water Humans the Swole Water Horses!