High Elf Compromise Celebration Thread

This isn’t really a compromise. It’s the Alliance being handed an entire Horde race with all of our customization options plus their own unique ones…

Meanwhile Blood Elf players get absolutely nothing and just have to sit back and smile while their race is handed over to the opposing faction.

This isn’t a compromise. It’s straight up theft.


Awesome, so you can then tell me what horde race the nightborne are a sub race of. Oh thats right, it was night elves.


same goes to your void elves, a sub race of the blood elves. You’re very bad at using logic against people. The thing is you got the sub race of hordes most popular race, we got the sub race of the alliance second most popular race. Clearly a win for the alliance and a loss for the Horde.

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What about hair color? Will void elves have the same color option belves have?

You are aware that no alliance players asked for void elves and that people were extremely upset that they were made up for us instead of giving us any of our actual requests, yes?


I wanna say again I think this is a huge victory. I still think we have things to hope for, in terms of HE lore being added to compliment the new customization. Classes that are inherently HE that aren’t available on VEs at the moment but would have a valid request to do so if they add HE lore.

And for those that dislike the entropic embrace a toggle on / off.

That’s kind of where my mind is at with everything I think. But all in all very happy!


Congratulations to all the people who wanted it. I personally didn’t want or care about Helf options. But i’m glad other people are happy about it.


You get blue eyes. I hope you also get versions of the velf styles too.


Its hard to ask for a race that didn’t exist till it was shown alongside the allied races in a bfa trailer. Your actual request being a carbon copy of blood elves right but with just different eye colors? Just as how you’re wanting a carbon copy of tauren with just different antlers and tattoo’s?

I am just glad that at least half the high elf threads on the forums will now go away and we can get back to nagging blizzard for Vrykul and Ogres.


Void elves are high elves , you hijackers just want a distinct race showing your tooltip as High elf . It didn’t happen for the people who love wild hammer dwarves and they don’t rave about .

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Happy for those who are willing to settle.

I am not.

This compromise is unacceptable to me.

Still looking for Alliance playable Silver covenant High Elves.


Just wanted to tell you that you are the most ungrateful person I’ve probably ever seen. Good job.


I mean I’m happy for yall but… I don’t think high elf fans were a majority. In any sense of the word, really.

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At the end of the day the true High Elves are the Nightborne and they’re still Horde side. x,D

Nah the High elf mages joined the alliance a few years ago, remember? That was when mage became playable for Nightelves.

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The Night Elves of Suramar were Highborne elves also known as Quel’dorei before the dome went up.
Nightborne are still the true, original Quel’dorei.

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And the Shen’dralar, the Night Elf mages, are Highborne as well…

There is like 10 of them left, they barely count as an actual population.