Alleria wants Quel’thalas to join the Alliance again

No they didn’t
They used Fel Crystals as power sources but they didnt “snort” it

Fel elves are another thing entirely


This stuff is hilarious. Sometimes I think Blizzard is intentionally stirring the pot. :rofl: :popcorn:

The Forsaken are just a group of Former lordearon undead. Most of the undead are mindless or under the Lich King’s control(for now anyway) and with Sylvanas gone have no way to create new Forsaken.

Pretty sure only a certain percentage of the Maghar joined the Horde. Quite a percentage were either killed by the Draenei or joined them.

And the Horde High elves more accurately reflect who the High elves are in World of Warcraft, and aren’t restricted by the lore implications that surround choosing a void High elf.

A void High elf forces the player to accept the implication of being infused by the void, which restricts them from choosing pure light classes like Paladins, or access to the Sunwell like other High elves.


I liked when Umbric got all self-righteous about the classism of the goblins and then proceeded to murder working class gobbos indiscriminately.

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Hopefully they add in Paladin when races get classes added to them again sometime :slight_smile:

No she doesn’t troll because she knows she can’t go near it without destroying it.

Someone did the numbers, based on a few pieces of data from the games, and there were a bare minimum of about 1400 High Elves (official High Elves) left after everything was said and done.

Given that you need less than half of that to repopulate a species the High Elves absolutely could make a recovery. In fact they have a good solid padding for a recovery. They could even survive a small disease outbreak and as long as half of them remained they’d still have good prospects for a recovery.

Not that they could have done it yet, given how little time has passed, but let’s not pretend like they’re just going to go extinct and it’s “impossible” for any other end result. There’s more than enough to recover if they try.

(Note that 1400 is the bare minimum based on there being 2000 elves that went with Kael’thas and that being about 15% of the thalassian elves at the time. It was stated that his army numbered in the “thousands.” If he had, say, 10,000 Blood Elves with him, however, the number of High Elves similarly rises to about 7,000; all but certain to recover.)

Perhaps, although I do doubt it as that class would really conflict with the void-nature of the race itself. I don’t think that will be tampered with to simply cater to cosmetic themes.

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Not if we get lore or story that has the SC swear allegiance to Alleria, and take on the name VE. Who knows. For now I’m glad BEs for blue eyes, and VEs got the diversity range opened up to them. And I am hopeful on undead range of skins for BEs in return.

Also no to the idea of Quel’thalas on Alliance.

Even if that is the case, I think the problem lies with the nature of being a void elf in general. Other races with the paladin class are not inherently connected to the void in the way void elves are, and I can’t really see a Void elf Holy paladin with entropic embrace running around.

Priests are a funny subject, because their entire class revolves around balancing both the light, and the dark, but Paladins revolve exclusively around the use of light. Because of the nature of Void elves, I doubt we’ll ever see them get paladins, as this was likely the logic behind why they didn’t get them originally.

Unless it comes like DHs or DKs where you take the skin options offered with the class. Which it very well could if lore is added for HEs joining VE ranks. And the Alliance is on equal footing for Paladin that got introduced for Horde in BC yet Horde still have more shamans than Alliance the Horde class introduces to Alliance in BC. They could use 2 more Paladins even.

Blood Elves are so far from what they were in BC that they’re basically High Elves again in all but name. Having them on both sides works fine, especially since canonically there’s peace.

Actually it was Kael’thas who was taught how to tap other magics by Illidan that sent Rommath to teach the Belfs how to do it not Lortheron.

Also the Void Elves were banished because when Alleria with her void energy nearly blew up the Sunwell when she got near it.

They were banished to protect the Sunwell and the greater good of Quel’thalas.

You missed the joke. The reaction between her and the Sunwell was not good. Potentially explosive, in fact.

The joke was that if she rejoined, she’d be near the Sunwell again, and a large-scale explosion with massive casualties would be the outcome.

But now that I had to explain the joke, it isn’t funny and you probably still don’t get it/care that a joke was made.

Edit; I guess joke isn’t an accurate term, “missed the humour” is better.

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to bad she cant really control that power up she got and IT wants to blow up the sunwell

That sounds even more unlikely as I don’t believe they would create a paladin class with unique customizations for only 1 race in the game. DKs and DHs were designed as hero classes from their inception, which is not something I see them doing with older classes.

Plus I think it has more to do with what they’re capable of after transforming into a void elf that matters most. Blood elves could also be Paladins after all, but that clearly didn’t transfer over to void elves either. It would seem the nature of becoming a void elf, and connecting yourself, and mind innately to the void prevents Void elves from becoming paladins.

Hell, it protects the greater good of the world given what Alleria’s presence alone was at risk of doing (and she’s more void disciplined than most velfs).

The Velf crusade to take back Silvermoon is nothing short of dangerous to everyone.

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Doesn’t Alleria also want to exterminate all Orcs as well as any Horde affiliate? Or am I misremembering things?

I hope something like this happens, as it will force all the remaining High elves to act in defense of the Sunwell, and protect it from the void elves.

I doubt Auric Sunchaser, and the many other High elves who come to visit the well would be okay with the idea of letting their fount of light fall to the hands of the void.