New Mount: Vulpine Familiar

i have no clue on this Mount yet for $30 it Like 6.1 again. and Yet i think there is a Bug with the Meat wagon with the mount count before i got the Mount i was at 290 Mounts and got the MW and its still 290 not 291

Not on a high pop realm most of the players are from that said realm.

to some games are a more dedicated hobby.

As any hobbyist knows…they cost money. Lots of money. I did painted table top miniatures. expensive AF. I was into cars and modifying them a few years. Very expensive AF.

In the grand scheme a hobbyist who pays 25 for this mount is doing pretty damn good cost wise. I’ve had some expensive hobbies. Many have.

$25 ain’t crap really after you have re-worked a car motor top to bottom. 25 ain’t even buying new vacuum lines you will replace stock crap to go a long with your new parts lol.

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I got it not only to have a flying fox (and that just defines the perfect mount to me)

But also to encourage blizz to add vulpera as a player race, foxes are money blizzard~ go on and pick it up!


If you have a paladin or warlock, log into that char and see if the mount count changes.

Foxes are so overrated lol. They aren’t even that cute with their weird cross eyed pupils. Truly a weak animal, unfit to be ridden by a powerful warrior!

I’m so torn… I like it, but do I want to spend more money in the shop?

Me: “New flying fox mount? Phffft. Probably way too cutesy for me to bother with.”

sees jump and pounce animation

starts throwing money at the screen


Doubt it. New store items come out frequently.

This mount will make a worthy big brother to battle pet Shadow, the tiny rune-forehead fox that tends to morph colors during pet battles.

Shadow has been one of my favorite battle pets since I bought her during the red cross promotion over a year ago. Now I guess I gotta pay up and get her big brother, sigh.

To be honest I wish I’d never bought any store mounts before … I really don’t use them much at all … just a waste of cash … but I’m sure it brings enjoyment to some

The fact that it can fly and we not allowed to fly in current fashion. This is wrong on many levels. This game is just getting worse and worse. How can a company sale a mount that can fly, when they against flying in first place. Insulting and degrading to its customers come to my mind.

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Really because I am on a high pop realm and 9 out 9 people I see have a * next to their name

…and the cancellation of HoTS esports. Have to do something to try and distract from the “everything has been this bad since vanilla except it really hasn’t” narrative.

I sense someone will be along before long to handwave away all the real numbers and throw out a tinfoil hat insult.

…nevemind those real numbers showing the game is not in great shape currently (you know, the almighty METRIC!)…also, let’s handwave away their current quarterly reports.

Those are just conspiracy theories cooked up in general discussion to scare the children of Goldshire…

Whoa, he’s one of the devs…and jumped in here to criticize the game and the cash shop?! That’s pretty bold!

It would be a repetition of the party line that’s been going around:

The game’s been this bad since vanilla, according to everyone.

Don’t let your lying eyes deceive you when you look at the actual numbers you can track showing the decline since wod.

First sentence is what you’d hear from people these days, most CMs, blues and people of note currently toeing the actiblizz line on the state of the game.

Yep, those sub numbers they released are a rumor…totally made up. Een the time when they said they were going to stop reporting them (because they had gotten so bad).

You know it’s gotten to a particularly bad point when the white knights are going to gaslight you about the sub numbers EVER EXISTING!

Wait…you just said this about the sub numbers “being down”:

Obviously inconsistent statements are obviously inconsistent.


Poster confuses sharding with real population increase. Smoke and mirrors from the devs achieve their purpose for some.

Someone gets it.

No, that’s not how words work.

You’re telling me you CAN’T get the sense of the poster’s feel towards the game from their posts?

Hmm…you seem to be replying in the opposite fairly well without being in the same room with them.

How odd!

Because nothing in your posts thus far sounds like “fake self righteous fury.”

…like people sharing their opinions in the forums, for example?

…plus they couldn’t bother doing a flying mount for the CE for two releases now?!

The Vulpera did have Fox tails hanging from their caravans, so who knows.

You have a lot to say that is repetitive and confusing, and you quoted me with some left field nutty stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with what I was discussing.

0/10 didn’t read.

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Wow, look there, a Canadian gnome. Now I’ve seen it all.

/moo :cow:

It’d be nice if you could comprehend context. It’s on him not to buy it which is what I was obviously saying. My goodness.

Shop has been in for years. Get over it or don’t. But at least I’m not sitting here angry about what others do with their money. Almost feel bad for people who are focusing on it this much that they feel the need to whine…But then again I don’t.

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Oh so you have sub numbers? Plz link by all means. and tell us how the sky is falling and everything is dying. The point being of that post you quoted was that according those on GD the game has been in constant downward spiral and every other mmo is a WoW killer, and yet here we are still on the 7th expac.


Yes, it covers the same ground…that’s called a “theme.” For the second: only if you’re not reading. For the third, clearly you did.


Clearly you aren’t otherwise you wouldn’t STILL be here, going off on someone sharing their opinion, claiming it’s their rage driving them…

Projecting much?

That was rhetorical.

You mean the ones they released quarterly through wod, showing the decline, and their current metrics and stock prices…which have been all over the gamer and business news of late?

Those are on the actiblizz site. You could also, you know…read the news. It’s been a big item recently.