New Mount: Vulpine Familiar

Teapot to kettle, you’re still here too. I get notifications when I’m replied to, so I reply. Not that hard to figure out but alright you do you and also continue to do so. /shrug

…Also I’m “going off” at people blatantly insulting others for doing what they want, but you’d need to pay attention to that chain to understand it. :roll_eyes:

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Ohhh…so rage about rage is ok. But the original rage is bad and must be shunned with all the righteous anger and virtue signaling an internet post can muster!

Obvious hypocrisy is obvious.


Well, yes…but I’m not the one telling people they can’t post. Pointing out someone’s obvious contradiction in their position and telling them they have no right to actually say what’s on their mind are two different things.

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
-Evelyn Beatrice Hall

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… I never said people can’t post. But nice putting words into my mouth. Also at this point you’re on about nonsense and just making yourself look ridiculous. Going in circles, making up stuff to fit your narrative, that sorta thing. I shouldn’t be surprised. But uh yeah, you have your pretend “victory”. Least I have a fun fox mount and you only have your “ding” nonsense.

And no, I won’t defend people who say nonsense. I never said they can’t post though. But you have fun making stuff up ^^

In the end? I win and you/they can remain miserable.

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This one speaks th truth.

Not in so many words. But the whole trying to shame someone about stating their opinion is the new trying to shut someone up without actually saying it directly.

For someone who supposedly likes to keep their conversation on point and un-ranty…

Person who says this:

turns around and says this:

I’d say more, but you gave me the best closer:

Shame someone about stating their opinion? Again with making up nonsense. Yet shaming someone for buying something is perfectly fine in your book. If I said you were what is the problem with the game because you constantly argue for high elves, you’d defend that? I certainly hope not but outright insulting people for what they do is what you’re defending right now. But you keep thinking you have the “high” ground.

And finally, chopping up bits of what I say doesn’t make yourself look any stronger on this one, but you do you.

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I think Snowfox has been asking for this mount for some time now.

You were the one going on about the other poster sharing their opinion about the mount and their negative opinion. That’s not “making up nonsense.”

I didn’t say that.

What I did say is that they are entitled to share their opinion. You clearly have a problem with them sharing it, and it seems you prefer they not do so. If that’s not the case, perhaps you should frame your argument differently.

Obvious attempt at distraction play is obvious


No, I’m saying they have as much right to post here as you do. You think the mount is great and bought it. They think its a waste of time and it supports poor dev design choices and didn’t. Guess what? This thread and the forums are big enough for both of your opinions.

Clearly, it seems you think otherwise.

It does point out the internal inconsistencies in your own arguments. You claimed to not want “ding” nonsense, but turned around and did you own version; made some jab about “pretend victory” but then made your own “victory” comment.

That you can’t see the inherent contradiction in your argument shows your are not arguing from a sound position.

But, as you said:

Lol give that dev a bonus and a raise. That mount is making serious $$$ for bliz. Been seeing it everywhere… my wife loves hers.


I’m calling you out for nonsense because I never said that and you have yet to prove it. I’ve gone through every one of my posts too. Indeed I say people are throwing tantrums. That’s how I see it because they say those that buy it are “what’s wrong with the game.” Not once did I say people shouldn’t post. If you’re talking about my “Get over it or don’t”? STILL not what you’re trying to twist things into.

Apparently one side of the coin is just fine but the other isn’t–I don’t see you complaining about what they’re saying, yet you hone in on me for “shaming”. And you call me a hypocrite.

You can’t even defend or answer an example. Not surprised, and told ya.

Yet again I never said they couldn’t post but you seem insistent on making things up. I’m commenting about how I find their insulting to be unproductive and pointless. If you’re offended by that and call it “shaming”… I don’t know what to tell you. You can’t even defend a simple mirror example.

Literally by your “logic”, their angry comments on how we’re problems with the game are equivalent to telling us to not post. How you keep up with this flawed nonsense is beyond me.

With that, have a taste of your own medicine and I’ve made my point. You can continue to try and twist things all you want, but I’m done giving you the time of day to dig yourself a deeper hole.

I said “seems” for the second part. Or, are you referring to the "problem with them sharing their opinion? Because if you are actually fine with them sharing their opinion…you have a funny way of showing it!

You mean your red herring?

It’s not meant to be followed or taken seriously. This isn’t my first rodeo.

Ah, now we’re getting somewhere.

If their posts are “unproductive” and “pointless,” what would you have them do?

There’s implied action…but you claim I’m off base. So, in your own words…please share with us what exactly would be “productive” and “on point” for that poster, since their current words are neither (in your opinion).

But they haven’t actually said those words, otherwise I would have directed a similar comment their way. They simply opined that it was a waste of money and that the devs’ time could have been spent on better improvements to the game. You ---->SEEMED<---- (emphasis added to avoid confusion) to take personal offense to this.

So much for those non dings I guess.

You got that last part backward.

I’ll await your answer (I have a strong guess as to what you might feel would be more “productive” and “on point” for that poster…but you may surprise me).

I know right? The artist is on Twitter too and gave thankyous to all of the fans of her work. I hope we see more or similar models as mounts, companions, or tameable hunter pets.


Find me a fact that isn’t some garbage reddit post. Until then you’re still just blowing smoke.

I’m not a white knight. I just dislike people who parade garbage from reddit as if it were some sort of hard core journalistic investigation. And people who hold up YouTube Videos or Streamers off of Twitch as evidence are even further divorced from reality.

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Not letting me include the link, but just google blizzard earnings calls. Then go to the official website (the calls are archived). You can start with first quarter 2015 and work your way down. The pdf (non-summary) is the one you want.

You don’t have to be a journalist to follow gaming trends. A lot of this information was posted to mmo-champion as well at the time.

Fairly certain I didn’t quote a youtube video at all. I do agree its anecdotal evidence at best. That being said, if even your dedicated youtuber/twitch streamer fan-base (folks who have monetized playing your game) are highly critical (which is not in their financial best interest)…then maybe something is truly wrong.

Maybe not, but your acting like one.

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Also, you can link by using the </> button once you highlight it.

A lot of the reputable gaming articles publish news about actiblizz and wow. The stock falling hard after the diablow mobile announcement (and still falling) is making the rounds. You can also find stuff that they announce there (instead of here) about the game from time to time…a lot of the infamous holiday weekend news dumps for wod took place this way.

This is a point worth bringing up. When your major wow streamers start diversifying by playing other games most of the time instead of wow, and when they do play wow they can’t find much good to say about it, it’s not a good sign. As you said, not hard evidence…but it would be like people who made isney videos start hard diversifying their streams into other brands away from disney and started being meh about disney when they featured it.

You don’t want your “word of mouth” people to start badmouthing (or going “meh”) on your product…or dropping it altogether. Anyone who knows marketing will tell you that’s a bad sign.

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No way I am giving Blizz $25 for anything.

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RIGHT? Oh my word, I saw it in the shop, and I said, “Meriweather, you do NOT need or even want a blue mount. It clashes with our outfit, and it’s not very dwarfy, anyway.”

Then I saw one ingame.

I’m done. Take my money, Blizzard. Take all of it. I’ve probably got extra singles in the sofa. You can have those, too.


Sadly it does not. ;_;

This is the first cash shop mount I ever bought glad it was this one.


Been around 2 weeks now, still no regrets from buying this mount. All my alts ride it now! :slight_smile: