New Mount: Vulpine Familiar

aha! I have a solution for that: Moroes’ Famous Polish
Use: Polish the scuffs away, and everything else!(30 Min Cooldown)

Earn gold.
Purchase game token.
Convert game token to bnet balance.
Purchase mount.

Congrats, you’ve just earned this mount the exact same way you earn any other vendor mount.



The half of the player base that left during WoD is not.

Also - if you think the disdain for BFA hasn’t been palpable you don’t get out of your own bubble.

The reviews for BFA have not been kind, just about anywhere. Videos are all downvoted into oblivion, even the WoW subreddit is full of complaints everywhere.

Has there always been negativity … absolutely … but don’t act like all is well in WoW land.


That doesn’t make the sentiment wrong.

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Worgens can ride wolf mounts too you know, not all of them are Horde.

And which team has given the Alliance nothing but Horses this expansion?

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So? I personally don’t care, people are complaining about gameplay more. Alliance mounts are another complaint, and possibly a valid one, but that still doesn’t negate the fact that they’re seperate teams from gameplay.

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What mounts were the Kul’Tiran’s supposed to have? There are a lot of complaints, which are understandable (there are a lot of horses), but at the end of the day, these are humans. Humans ride horses and gryphons. Is there something else you think they should have gone with?

I am looking forward to getting my horse from Arathi cuz they are super cool looking, but that’s probably because I don’t have 20 of them haha.

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I never said it was only Horde? Vulpera aren’t even a confirmed allied race, let alone Horde. I will raise you the HMT i mentioned before…HMT hunter on a moose mount with a moose hunter pet and a moose battle pet!

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now that the art team only has to put in 1/3 of the effort now from not having to make tier sets for everyone each tier, blizz has to put them to some use.

( and the efforts we saw in uldir are laughably bad ).

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I hate Store Mounts but I love foxes. And the need for a Runesaber fox was too much, so I bought it. Hopefully the money this mount raises goes to the Art Team. They deserve it.


it looks like a deviantart sparkledog

i need it

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Its because of players like you that Blizzard is sucking hard, 'cause no matter how much they screw with wow, u’ll aways give them money for things that should be free in game.

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Obvious smoke screen on the heels of the HotS doomsday news.

A smoke screen that makes Blizzard money, of course.

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I’ll buy that argument if you can tell me specifically what raid, dungeon, quest, or content was scrapped in favor of this mount.


This is a beautiful mount. And I NEVER got the nightborne quest Fox to drop. I will treat myself to this eventually

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100% the best store mount ever

better than lolithien prowler IMO

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Iwantone. :fox_face:


That gold doesn’t come out of thin air, someone buys those tokens, it may not cost you anything but your time which IMO is more valuable than the gold you farm, but to each their own I guess

Yeah because the multi-billion dollar development studio that can afford literal bronze statues is clearly in the need of more resources and totally not trying to squeeze more money out of the few loyalists that remain.