New Mount: Hogrus, Swine of Good Fortune!

Buying it with wow tokens is still buying it with real money… Just someone else’s.

Not to mention the tokens are bought for roughly $20 and gives roughly $15 dollars value.


The difference is blizzard makes money from a sale… As well as your subscription cost.

A game using a subscription shouldnt really have an in game store.

A new mount once in a blue moon isn’t bad… But where are the gorgeous and unique mounts in game?

Fox mount could’ve been a Vulpera quest, pig mount could’ve been a lunar festival thing… But blizz can’t squeeze a few extra nickels outta us if they did that.


Blizzard gives you a way out of that as well. You can easily buy game time with gold if you are willing to put the time in.

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The auction house mount was an in game mount and blizzard still made money from the sale because people bought gold with real money. There really is no difference.


I see what you did there :rofl:

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This mount has the chinese government stamp of approval.


It still costs money, just some one elses.


Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered

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You know I see your argument about a game with a subscription shouldn’t have a store but where is this written ? It is pretty standard in businesses that you have base subscription prices and then have extra items.

Maybe you could tell me some games that charge a monthly fee and don’t have a store.

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Oh, dear. Even as someone who defends the shop by pointing out that you can buy it all up with gold, is this really the time for another one? We’ve had 3 store mounts in BFA alone and we just got into the second raid tier. Can you chill out a bit? Maybe space this out a bit more? /sigh


The difference is it was buyable without padding blizzards wallets with extra cash.

The store mount Wether bought with your cash or someone else’s (token) can only be obtained by real world money.

And in a subscription based game that’s a little ‘how ya goin’


Since a Pig now flies, can we have MoP and earlier flying model?


I have a maxed out bnet account already which is just sitting there with nothing to use it on - no ones money it being used for that pig.

And why do you care if blizzard makes money anyway ? It is a real odd thing to play a game and hope it fails.


Sweet looking mount. This shall be one of my new main mounts that I ride around in Azeroth!


Because this is the GD and that’s normal for here? Because it takes away from resources? Because it’s unique looking and not a drop that can be gotten in game? Or because Activision/Blizzard are evil? Pick one or two or all.


Oooh a new cash grab by Blizzard who saw this coming … everyone … at this point just say WoW is an Activision game and stop destroying the Blizzard name even further. Finish this sentence Blizz – You can take this mount and … it

Also feel free to suspend me cause at this point i do not care cause i call it as i see it and the truth no matter how much lipstick you put on a PIG is still a FAT greedy PIG

I really wish that Blizzard would pull a Destiny and get the HECK away from Activision.


Feels like all of the most beautiful mounts are either in store or costs millions of gold now.


If I don’t look at the mount, then it isn’t there, everything is fine, and thats ok.

Crying as I wait for the 2 allied races that I’ve been waiting for for 2 patches now


even more amusing you can’t fly in bfa new maps