New Mount Available: Sunwarmed Furline

Yeah, guess my break is gonna be another extended one. It’s not really about this mount. It’s about the obvious disconnect. This just shows how far gone they are.


October 12, marks the global release of Hearthstone’s new Mercenaries mode and release of Sarge…17 days…but if you back it up to when the this mount came out it was two weeks…

Can you at least make the cat blink every once in awhile. Make the cat feel more alive maybe?

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None of mounts blink…I ck out a few of them when this was brought up and none blink I can find.

I mean if they made the cat blink it would feel less creepy. I know the Devs have the tools and time.

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Must own this mount, so adorable! I’ll have to use tokens, though, since I keep a tight rein on my finances. Practicing in game, the financial literacy I use IRL, I’ll be waiting until it goes on sale. Actually hoping for a pack of kitties, like the pack of puppies I got in January.

Can people stop this stupid “1 content patch in a year” nonsense? After 15 months it’ll be 2 content patches, or, if you selectively manipulate, it will be 8 months with 2 content patches from 9.1 to 9.2

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No, because it’s not stupid. It’s a valid complaint to have.


it’s a Caracal (type of cat).
not a housecat at all.

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Looks more like a Maine C.


Yeah the ears on the mount look like Maine C but the face doesn’t…its not blockly enough …Maine C faces are somewhat square …very bold and sticks out …

Lol the mod straight up removed his post and probably suspend him.
Good riddance.

Why not make it obtainable ingame without someone spending extra moneys on top of sub fees and expansion packs

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Why should people that don’t want to pay up 25 dollars be allowed to get these detailed and unique mounts? If you’re only willing to pay a monthly subscription, you should be happy they ever bother to add any sort of mounts, since there’s so many already that they could simply decide to add no more for free at all.

oh i was thinking it was the Treant Mount she was speaking about.

i mean the Heartstone one is free but you had to play Heartstone mercenary to get it so it didn’t felt free for me.

Lmao yikes


Sorry Bobby not this time
not again
never again


Hearthstone is free to player base if you have a paying sub…so how is Sarge not free too you …you only spend about 15 mins in the game and boom you have Sarge…

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Nice looking mount Blizzard. May pick it up when it goes on sale.

They should make and sell different color variants. I’d buy a grey one to match my old cat.

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