New Mount Available: Sunwarmed Furline

rabble rabble rabble

Blizzard is evil game is dying all because of a cat mount that was made way before any of this other stuff happened.

Cute mount by the way.

This. Cat. Is. AWESOME! Take my money! :money_with_wings::laughing:

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Maybe add mounts into the game that you actually have to work for instead of adding them to the shop.

My god you guys are a disappointment.


I just wish it had some lore.

Give us some lore, Blizz! Where did these cuties come from?! Are they natives to Azeroth’s deserts? The southern jungles like Krasarang Wilds? A new realm entirely…? :eyes:


Thanks for this awesome adorable Kitty! Already riding around on this beauty and getting all the attention, be it positive or negative :wink:

Just wanted to say I love this mount and will be buying today

Why? Just why? Why push a new mount with lack of Shadowlands content?

The new car smell will last a month. People will stop riding this cat in a month.

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can you make the mount blink? its bothering me

I understand that things like this are most likely long term marketing efforts. But all of Blizzard is in a bad place right now. This is bad timing. You would create a lot more player good will if you just gave it to players for just logging in.

Instead of just putting up something for a cash shop money grab you could have made this a reward for playing in game content. Then you may have had a lot more people logging in to actually play WoW.

Create a world that’s fun to run around in. Fill it full of quests and world content that give rewards like this mount.

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All this mount needs is the grin from the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland XD!

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We quite literally just got a mount for free like 2 weeks ago.


The fact this whole post feels like you just shilled for Blizzard proves that this game is far better off with out this store mount, this is not time to reveal a store mount with a drought of content. But you go ahead, spend your 25 doll hairs on this cat, maybe it’ll do some good in maybe getting some content for a change, if it doesn’t take 2 years that is.

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If you like the new mount I’m giving one away this weekend only! I am covering the coast of the mount out of my own pocket.

PS> there is a separate option if you’ve already bought it or there is another mount you would rather have


Really cute mount, but it sure does seem a tad out of place in game whos developers have used excuses like “Class Fantasy” and “Class Silhouette” and other BS shallow justifications for transmog restrictions and 2-hand Enhancement Shaman and whatnot.

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No where near as cute as you are with those red specs ya green beef hunk


it’s going to be a long road before we get something actually new that isn’t a mount.
at this point they are just scratching to maintain the pay check.

2 weeks?? i though it was a month ago?..

People talking about how the last 2 store mounts are “hints for the new expansion”. I think it’s probably the same thing that happened with the fox and the ardenweald drake, the models were already made and they released early cuz some people go nuts for flashy new stuff. I think it’s a really cute mount and I liked the bird mount design a lot too but I bought one store mount and resolved never to do it again and I don’t buy 6 month bribery mounts on general principle.

Blizzard…read the room. You had to know it was a bad time for this crap, which doesn’t bode well for the future. If you actually didn’t…well, that doesn’t bode well either.

The developers we have now are so disconnected with the players its not even funny. Really sad and depressing to be honest. :electric_plug:

#Connected Developers Please.