I bought mine with gold, which rains from the sky in SL. It cost 426k gold~. I love it and as soon as the broom no longer works it will be my default flying mount.
I hope they add more recolors for it. Would love a spectral one and a black one.
I bought mine with gold, which rains from the sky in SL. It cost 426k gold~. I love it and as soon as the broom no longer works it will be my default flying mount.
I hope they add more recolors for it. Would love a spectral one and a black one.
It is obtainable ingame. I bought mine with gold which I farmed while playing and also playing the AH, which is a pretty cool game feature on its own.
Well basically you could obtain this via fishing if you hurry before fish prices crash on your realms.
Convert tokens to Bnet balance =)
*rolls news paper No, Bad Blizzard, no!
Lol at people getting butthurt over a freaking company providing a product / service. If you don’t like it or don’t want it, DON’T BUY IT! Personally, I think this one is great and I bought it immediately and changed my xmog to match. uwu
Interesting that they look red on the forum picture even though they’re the black shades in game and in the armory.
Looks nice. Can’t help but laugh at all the whiners about it lol.
but that is why i am saying it didn’t felt free for me, for the Treant all you had to do was log in on the day it was being given and that is it.
but Sarge you had to finish the introduction of Heartstone Mercenary.
that is why i said it didn’t felt free to me, i mean sure i didn’t spent any money and so it is free.
but spending my time on Heartstone just felt like a payment to me.
my time is valuable to me.
he’s probably swapping the old school USD deposit to his bank account for something like a “gifted” 200 foot boat or something. Its a multi billion dollar corporation. Dodging tax and sneaking payments under the radar is the business model
Amazingly there isn’t a single YouTube video ranting about this mount. Guess all the nay sayer Youtubers and streamers have moved on.
This is what we get instead of new 5 mans lmao
Currently sitting at 7.7k downvotes on YouTube. Oof.
Hope everyone likes that art style. Thinking it’s a tell.
While it’s too cutesy a mount for me to care about it, I find pathetic the chorus of “er-mah-gerd” folks who are so dead set against the cash shop, when all of the mounts there are readily available to anyone who is willing to grind out the gold in-game, and buy them with it like they would from an in game vendor.
I’ve bought six shop mounts with a fraction of the gold I’ve hauled in during SL, and I play less than two hours a day usually.
The puritanical standards some gamers put on the company, as if it is a personal assault that the company should sell the products they develop, are absurd. To me it looks like the uproar over shop mounts is petty jabber from players that don’t want to put the time in, to earn them with in-game activity, and are envious that others actually earn enough IRL to not have to.
Cat mount is fine.
To me though, the style looks like an Asian mmo, not WoW.
Does anyone happen to know why this mount was NOT given to people with a 6 month sub? Normally when a new store mount comes out people with a 6 month sub get that mount for free… yet… this one was not given to people with a 6 month sub. Why…?
Now Blizz marketing is getting savvy! All the cat fanciers will flip for this mount.
Jibb is right, and if everyone quit it won’t change blizz behavior, it will END blizz… Not a good approch if you still love the game but still want to protest. ;). And also nothing is free in this game as jibb said in a reply. We pay montly. Protesting against greed is not a bad move.