New Meta Racials with TBC

Blood Elfs were going to be added either way. They had beef with the alliance at this point and they have connections with Sylvannas and they give some diversity to the ugly horde races. Blizzards only mistake was not making the alliance better. Draenei racials were garbage and dwarf form got nerfed.

well, know that we know aoe silence is broken op, everyones going BE

The best rogue race is still undead, the best mage race is still undead, the best lock race is still undead, the best priest race is still undead, I think you guys are over estimating the BE racial. The only class in the game where itā€™s best to go BE is paladin.


Best pvp and pve lock and mage are gnomes and humans. Orc is pretty good too.

The rest are just role play flavor.

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Why bother min/maxxing at that level when 99% of the playerbase is absolute garbage at PvP in the game? Like cā€™mon man, thereā€™s nothing on the line here but your ego - itā€™s a 15 year old game, thereā€™s no glory in being a Gen 1 Gladiator in TBC.

Play the game how you want to play it and quit buying into clickbait YouTube/Twitch titles and weird elitist spergs who tryhard at that level.

If you want competitive Classic PvP - Blizzardā€™s version of Classic ainā€™t the place to be looking. Flat out.

My opinion is they are actually more fun.


because if you want to be good you have to pick the correct race. Any alliance warrior will be reminded of that every time they fight a mage. Sit through a 6 second frost nova when a gnome takes it right offā€¦ gets pretty old. Same how priests without fear ward suck.

Being good and using a racial arenā€™t the same thing my guy.

I know very good human warriors that consistently stomp mages.

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Agree with everything you said - minor correction though - Blind is still a poison through Cataclysm. So still excellent for dwarf pally in TBC to have stoneform.

Dwarf stone form is a great asset in threes - PMR is aids.

those same good human warriors would be twice as deadly as a gnome.

@Plops + others. I donā€™t mean any disrespect but your anecdotal evidence means next to nothing 15 years later. Tbc was great for its time but in tbc classic it will not be nearly the same. Things are super cookie cutter and mana is a huge issue both negatively for some classes and a race to fight against. As mentioned you HAVE to play specific classes to compete, which isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing, just the way the game is. The BIGGEST reason is players are monumentally better than tbc players. A resto Druid in a players hands today is going to be even nuttier than in tbc because everything is so streamlined easy in comparison. I keyboard turned and didnā€™t use a mouse (played on a laptop) and since Iā€™ve been rank one three times and glad 10+ seasons since wod. The specific racials themselves may not entirely determine the outcome but will definitely help. 90% of high end players will be horde.

Thereā€™s like 2% left in Azzy, the rest were in Outland, there wasnā€™t enough to form a faction. They had to change lore to shoehorn them in. If they wanted to fix ugly races could have added some cuter UD, Orc and troll models.

Adding BE ruined the game faction balance wise, made no sense lorewise and was laughable seeing 70% of the horde as elves. Either should have let everyone get elves or nobody.

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I really think that stone form does not remove blind in tbc. If it does, then it gets patched out at least by 2.4.3. Iā€™m pretty certain of this, short of just going to check patch notes and all that.

Changed in 2.3 was when it went to a physical ability, I thought the change was in Cata.

That must be when PMR took off since thereā€™s no way to get rid of it at that point.

IDK manā€¦I feel like there are just too many rogues and arms warriors w/ Stormherald in arenasā€¦I think Orc racial will still be pretty strong even with the nerf.

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orc is definitely the easiest

For sureā€¦but itā€™s also very strong. I feel like anyone denying that itā€™s strong is doing so because itā€™s easy and a passive/rng mechanic.

It depends what they do with pre-existing classic characters.

PvP servers arenā€™t completely horde dominated in classic and most of those people are warriors. If character copies are allowed or they just upgrade from classic i suspect a large number of people will continue with their mains like what actually happened in TBC.

But since you only pay a sub fee with no box cost i can see people making separate accounts just to reroll horde for TBC. Specifically for people on PvP servers.

Well pvp realms will be bad. Orcs have axe/rage/stun resistance which makes them the best at dps as melee, but their rage limits heals which might be a problem. With alliance tanks being better due to weapon specialization, draenei +1%hit, dwarf stoneform, alliance seal, and with dps being hunters, mages, and locks. I fear it might be gnome time, with a draenei shad priest for spell hit and mana.

WAR :: Gnome > Orc > Tauren > Undead

Gnome is by far the best choice for 2s and 3s, but you will have a better pool of players to play with on Horde. Orc is the best choice for 5s where you will be the kill target most of the time.
Gnome has a budget trinket in EA, but it has a 24-30% chance to fail due to dispel protection
Orc has stun resist and can remove/prevent Wound poison
Tauren can hit through pillars
Undead lets you chase druids vs LD

SHAM :: Orc

Stun resistance

HUNTER :: Orc > Dwarf

Orc has stun resistance
Dwarf is the only noteworthy alliance PvP option

ROGUE :: Undead > Human

Undead is absolutely the best option; it is more well rounded and fits into every comp
Human is slightly better for hyper aggressive double dps, but all the good mages, priests and warlocks will be Horde

PRIEST :: Undead > Dwarf
Mage :: Undead
Warlock :: Undead